Never Loved (2)

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Jughead tapped his foot curiously waiting for the blonde to open the door. Finally it opened and it revealed her in a beautiful red dress, fitting on her body perfectly and showing all her curves. He would be drooling over her if she didn't giggled to bring him back to reality.

"You look so beautiful" He finally let out some words and handed her the bouquet he bought for her. She was surprised. Nobody have ever gifted her in the start of a date. Every guy just wanted the night be over as soon as possible to get in her pants. She brushed off her thoughts and took the flowers.

"Thankyou Jug. You're so sweet." She smelled them and placed the bouquet on the side table.

"Shall we?" He handed her his hand and she smilingly took it.

He guided her to his car which he kind of stole when he found his dad passed out on couch and found car's key on table. He took her to pop's and then to a hill top where the whole Riverdale was visible. He played some slow music on his phone and offered her a dance. She gladly accepted it and they both danced in the light of moon. They were standing feet away each other but slowly they were coming close. So close, that she could feel his mint breath on her face. His eyes met her and flickered to her lips. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in. Thier lips connected in milli-second. Jughead sighted in the kiss and pulled her more closer to him as possible. He was getting the feeling, Feeling of Love. He grabbed her waist and pulled even more close. She slowly pulled away and rested her head against his.

"Wow" She said and it wasn't a lie. It was truth that escaped from her lips. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Do you enjoy it?"

"I did. It was the best date ever" She exclaimed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and looked down.

She lifted his head and have him a small kiss on lips,"Of course I will"



"So how was date with that weirdo?" Veronica asked while taking sip of her wine.

"Um good. I just became his girlfriend" Betty said and burst out in laughter.

"He's so idiot. Im mean how can he seriously belive I like him." She laughed and two of her friends giggled.

"Your doing good job Cooper."

Reggie came from behind and kissed Betty.

"Reggie! She has a boyfriend" Veronica said and they all laughed at someone who some where else was cherishing the moment he spent with Betty.

He have loved since past 7years and he couldn't believed when she asked him out. After the date, he was back home wondering what his beautiful girlfriend doing. He decided to call her to at least say goodbye.

The phone buzzed and Betty picked up to see who was calling her.

"GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! It's Jughead." She said and everyone nodded.

She put the phone on speaker and placed the phone in centre.


"Betty hey"

"Jug i never said how amazing our date was. Thank you for it."

She said and hold her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh.

"I'm so glad you liked it. Also um i was wondering if i can come tomorrow to pick you up for school"

"Of course Juggie you can. Remember you're my boyfriend now."

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