Come Back(2)

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"Jug! Where are you?"

Betty yelled as she woke up and tried to find her missing husband. She walked in her daughter's bedroom and saw a note on the table. She frowned and looked into it.

My love you are going to hate me for this but I had no other choice to leave you guys. I have realised that I am not good enough and I won't be able to take care of our baby. I love you and Juilet so much. And I'm sorry for this. I hope you will remember me always.

Love, Juggie"

The letter fell out of her hands and she broke down on her knees. She brought her knees to her chest and cried loudly. Her shaking hand took out her phone from her pocket and dialled his number. No answer. Again she called, but this time it was blocked. Her eyes widen and she threw her phone on the wall. It shattered into pieces and the loud noice that woke Juilet up. Betty wiped her tears and took her in her hands. She hugged her and moved her back and forth.

"P-Please Come B-Back Juggie. P-Please" She cried and new tears were forming in her eyes, replacing the old ones. He wasn't coming back and it broke her from inside.


5 years Later

Today was Jughead's and Betty's anniversary. The day when the two young souls got married. After 5 years, Betty is still the same. Still in love with him. After he left, she tried 1 whole year to find him, talk to him but there was no clue he left behind him. Slowly she lost hope and continued her life. She even tried to move on but her heart was still connected to the beanie wearing boy. She was single mother, taking care of Juilet alone. Her mother sometimes helped her but mostly time it was her and Juilet only. Juilet was 5 years old and attending her kindergarten school. She was the sweetest child ever. Recently she was getting cuts on her arms and sometimes come home with wounds and bruises. It was worrying Betty. She wanted to know what was happening to her.


She moved her head from her book to her mother.

"Yes mom?"

Betty slightly smiled at her and took her in her laps.

"Baby if I ask you something, will you tell me honestly?"

Juilet nodded and put her head on Betty's chest.

"Baby, Did someone hurt you in school?"

Betty felt Juilet getting tensed and small tears coming on her eyes. Betty wiped them with her hand and cared her cheek.

"You can tell know that!''

"S-Some bad boys h-hurt me. T-They say I d-dont have a d-daddy. Where i-is my daddy, m-mom?" Her daughter asked.

Betty eyes widen and she hugged her daughter. She let her cry in her arms and calm down. She slowly fall asleep and Betty tucked her in her bed. Betty came to the couch and immediately started crying. How can she tell her daughter that his own father left years ago. How she was supposed to tell her. She sobbed in her arms and fall asleep on the couch. 10min later, bell rang and it woke Betty up. "Who would be here?" Betty mumbled looking at the time. She put on her slippers and opened the door. The door opened and the figure she saw in front of her made her froze. Her eyes widen and her heart beat was fast.

"J-Jughead?" Finally she was able to let some words. He smiled at her and took a step towards her. But she took a step back, backing away from him. His eyes soften and he looked hurt. He stumbled as he entered the house and Betty closed the food behind him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly. Her hurt was replaced by anger.

He took her hands in his his and looked in her eyes.

"I'm so s-sorry Betty. I'm so sorry. I was stupid to leave you. And juilet! How is she?" He said smiling brightly.

Betty looked at him strangely. She took out her hands from his grip and backed away from him.

"She's fine. Actually she's not. She's getting bullied in her school because students make fun of her not having a DAD!" She yelled and wiped the tear coming from her eyes.

Jughead looked guilty and hurt. He started crying and fell on his knee, hugging Betty's waist.

"I'm sorry. Im so so sorry. I wasn't here with you. With our daughter. She is getting hurt just because of me. I knew it, I would be a pathetic dad to her. That's why I left before and now...All i-is happening t-to her just because of me. I-I shouldn't h-have listened t-to him, h-he made me leave the town. I-I...what was wrong with me? Please Betty. I still love you. I never stopped loving you. P-Please forgive m-me!

Jughead cried against Betty's waist and hugged her tightly. Betty tried to resist but couldn't help and moved her hands to his hairs and hold him. "Whom he was talking about?" "Why was here now? Why not earlier?" All these questions were running in her mind, she wanted to ask but she noticed it wasn't good time. He didn't seemed good to her. She brought him to the couch and both fall asleep in each other arms.

Betty woke up early and noticed she was wrapped up in muscular arms. Last night memories came and she moved her head to meet her husband's closed eyes. His eyes had dark bags. His hair were still soft like before. He had some facial hair now. His head was on her chest and arms around her waist. She missed being this close to him. She was surly mad at him but couldn't help her to touch him and hold him. She missed him so damn much. She moved her hands through his hairs and slowly he opened his eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

Betty giggled at his question.

"No you're not!"

He smiled little and snuggled more closer to her.

"You know I'm still mad at you"

"I know. And I'm sorry for what I did. I want you to know that it, I hated myself in these past years for leaving you. I let my dad control my mind and leave you guys. I'm sorry baby?" He said tearing up again.

"You met your dad? When?"

"When we brought Juilet first time here. Next day I went to meet him and he said something like I should leave you. I will never be a good dad to Juilet and never be good enough for you. I let me get heavy on me Betty. I belived him and that was my stupid mistake. I'm sorry. Im so so sorry." He said.

I kissed his head then his cheek.

"Why didn't you told me? We could have talked about it!"

"I dont know. I should have talked you. I have made so many mistakes."

"Yes yo------"

"Mom?" Betty got cut off by the voice. They both turned their head to meet Juilet holding her panda stuff toy. Jughead got tears in his eyes by just looking at her.

"Who is he!" The little girl asked.

Betty smiled at her then Jughead.

"Thats your Dad!"

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