The bet (1)

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Jughead P.O.V

“Jughead Jones isn't it?” I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see my best friend Fangs, Sweet pea and Toni. I smiled at them and raised my beer glass in air.

Hey guys” I greeted them. Fangs and Sweet pea sat beside me while Toni went to the other side of Bar.

Are you ready for tomorrow Jones?” Toni asked and poured beer in two glasses and handed to the gentelmens beside me.

I'm exited though. I have heard northside girls are very sexy.” I winked at her and smirked.

Jones you have nearly dated all girls in Southside. Give us some chance man.” Sweetpea said and we all laughed. I patted his back and stood up.

Alright good luck then bro. See you tomorrow guys.” I said and waved them goodbye.

Southside high was shutting down. Me along with my friends are transferring to Riverdale high and technically tomorrow is out first day. I said back there I was exited but I was nervous also. I mean who won't? Starting a new school? But I wasn't scared cause my gang is with me.

Next day, I woke up and got ready. I heard my bell and opened the door to reveal Toni.

Jones come on.. We are gonna be late.” She said and dragged me out of the trailer.

I was driving my moterbike with serpents following me. We entered the hallway of the school with a great entery and I could fell girls eyes on me. Well I was handsome so my charm also worked here. Good job Jughead!!

I scanned every person but my eyes stayed on one person more than a second. She was beautiful. She was stunning. Her golden hair, her emerald eyes we're so beautiful. She was standing with an another girl with pearls. She was beautiful but not as her. She was goddess. I felt myself long staring so I pretended I was looking behind her not her.

The day ended and I couldn't even get her number. Me and my friends planned to eat and pops so I also left early.

We are laughing, eating when the pops door opened and she came. My eyes went to meet her. She turned to meet my eyes and blushed a little. I also smiled and looked down at my food. When I looked up, I saw Sweet pea staring at me.

What?” I asked.

You like her?.” He asked.

No I don't.” I defended

Oh man you do. I can see in your eyes.” he said and laughed.

No I don't sweet pea. I can prove it also.” I said and instantly regret it. Why I said something like that!

Really? You wanna prove it. How about a bet?”

A bet?” I asked.

A bet in which you have to make her your girlfriend for 3 months and break up with her. I will give you 150 dollars for that. Do we have a deal Jughead?

I thought for a moment. Do I really like her? Then I thought about the money? What should I do?

You have a deal.”

That's for this part!! 🙂

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