Saving Her(2)

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"What do you mean they have her?"

Panic rushed all over his body. Thoughts of her getting hurt by his enemies was frustrating him. He moved his hands through his hairs and paced in the bar.

"Jones you have a call." Sweetpea came running to him and handed him the phone.


"Jones it's been long since we talked. How are you doing mate?"

"Cut the crap Malachi! What do you want?"

"Me! Oh no! I have something that you must want. Can it be a blonde princess."

He could sense his smirk in his voice. His eyes widen and he was getting scared for her being trapped in multiple gang members.

"Wha--How? DONT TOUCH HER YOU BASTARD!!!" He yelled through the phone.

"We actually found her on the street of South Side, she was searing for Whyte Wyrm but fortunately we found her first. She tried to escape and called you multiple times but you made our work easy. You didn't picked up." He laughed through the phone.

"You want her? You know what I need in return!!! Until next time Jones"


The phone fell on the ground and Jughead broke in tears. He kicked in air and screamed. He was regretting not picking up her phone. He was upset with her but that didn't mean he stopped loving her. He was still deeply in love with her. Toni wrapped her arms around him and let him sob in her arms.

"We need plan" He said wiping his tears and standing up.


Jughead P.O.V

"Okay everyone listen carefully see those two guards in front we need to distract them. Toni and Fangs will distract them and me and the rest of serpents will go inside. After we are back we need the car ready to run away."

They nodded and we hide behind the bushes.

Toni and Fangs tried to ask them a random address and thats when we entered the building.

It was a tree floor building so we se separated into groups and begin to search for Betty.

I was in ground floor. I checked the rooms and they were empty. Until I heard a scream.

"B-Betty" I mumbled.

I begin to follow the voice and the screaming were not stopping. I tried to look inside the room and it broke my heart. She was chained on the chair, only in her under garments and Penny was attacking her with belt. She hit her and Betty screamed in pain. I couldn't hold it anymore and ran inside.

Some ghoulies grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me on my knees.

"What do we have here?" Penny said moving towars me.

She looked back at Betty then at me.

"Came to save her?" She laughed and kneeled down to reach my level.

I looked at Betty and she was barley opening her eyes.

"WHAT YOU DID TO HER?!!!!" I yelled and tried to escape from the grip but they punched me in face and hold my hands behind my back.


She tried her full energy to look up and our eyes met. She looked broken but most in pain. Her eyes were screaming in pain. Her hands were trembling and tears were steaming down her face.

"Leave her please. Take me instead of her." I pleased her. She laughed and grabbed her knife.

"Serpent King is hurt and giving up his life to us." She laughed and walked towards Betty. She placed the knife on her neck and smirked at me.

"I need Bar Jones. Half of the south side. Thats what I want! And you have no other option to not give me." She said and brought knife more closer to her neck.


"You need to say in favor of the deal Jones otherwise Betty is gonna die" She smirked.

All hope was dead but suddenly I heard the gun shot and it hit Penny, right in her leg. She fell on the ground and Serpents burst through the door. I fought back from the grip and knocked out the two guys holding me. I ran towards Betty and unchained her.

"Betty hey I'm here" I said. She cried in my arms and hugged me tight.

"I'm scared J-Jug" She sobbed in my shirt.

"I know i know but I'm here now. You're safe." I said cupping her cheeks and lifting her up. I carried her to the car and middle of it, she was passed out. I told Fangs to take the car to hospital where we admitted Betty in.

I was in waiting room from past 5 hours, that when Doctor came.


"That's me! How's she?" I asked.

"She's fine. Wounds will take time to otherwise she's fine. Take care of her." He said and walked away.

I knocked on her door and entered the room. She was peacefully sleeping with machines connected to her. I sat on chair next to the bed and grabbed her hand. Her eyes flickered open and looked around. Her eyes fell on me and she stared tearing up. I stood up from my seat and cupped her cheeks.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her hand and silently cried.

"I'm sorry. I came t-to find y-you and thats w-when they......" She couldn't say it completely and let out a sob. I kissed her head and took her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry..i should have answered your calls. I acted like a jerk and never listened your explanation."

"I love you. And I'm sorry"

I kissed her on lips and rubbed her hands with my thumb.

"I love you too"


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