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Anti sat there staring at nothing as he tried to work through his thoughts. He didn't know what was going on. He could remember things like... He knew what his name was. He knew Dark and that he could trust him. He knew he wasn't supposed to be a child. He knew his real age and some of the things from his past but... He couldn't really work through it all. He didn't understand what had happened. He felt scared and he never liked being scared. 

"Are you ok, Sam?" Anti shook his head as he curled up slightly in the back seat. He could hear Dark sigh softly as he turned the windshield wipers on. "Ok. I'm sorry. We'll be there soon."

"W-Where?" Dark smiled as Anti's voice chirped up. It was light and quite. Anti always had a higher voice. Many had often mistaken him for a girl when they all were younger. Dark was just happy that Anti was talking somewhat. They honestly didn't know if he could.

"I'm taking you to Jack." Anti flinched as he shook his head. "I know. I'm sorry, but I can't take care of you this time Sam. Not with Google and the others. I'm already raising a child and it's hard enough keeping him safe when my husband is like a child himself. Yan is a handful on his own and that's with Wilford's help. I'm sorry. I just can't this time, Sam."

"J-Jack... hurt." Dark sighed sadly as he shook his head.

"Jack won't hurt you, Sam. Not when you're like this." Anti's eyes narrowed as he glanced himself over. He huffed and crossed his arms with a glare.

"Child." Dark chuckled softly as Anti glared out of the window.

"Yes, Sam... You are are a child. I'm sorry about that. Really I am. You know I would help you if I could. I would take you home and take care of you until the spell wears off but... With Yancy's arrival and googles experiments... It's just not safe there. There are too many people. Sam, you wouldn't be happy there, trust me on this."

"No Jack. Jack no Anti." Dark deflated as he glanced back to see Anti staring at his hand. "No like Anti. He... H-He d-d-doesn't like m-me."

"Do you want some ice cream, Sam?" Anti's eyes lit up as Dark turn onto an exit. "Ok, ok... I'll get you some. Cotton Candy right?" Anti nodded as he kicked his feet slightly with a smile. "Oh geez. I'm going to get you all hyped up on sugar." Anti giggled excitedly as Dark smiled back at him.

"Jack, hurry up!" Jackie yelled out happily as he slid down the stair railing. "Marvin said he can spell up some taco's!"

"And why couldn't we just make them ourselves?" Jack chuckled as he walked out of his recording room to see three of his ego's happily bustling about the living room. Jackie laughed as he pointed at Marvin who was standing there with bright pink eyes. 

"Because he makes it a show." Marvins bright sakura pink hair rustled with a wind that whipped around him. Sparks of light, pink and white, glittered about as the room melted into a thing of awes. Jack smiled softly as Marvin blinked and the room exploded into a glitter bomb. When the glitter slowly fell it vanished onto the floor and table. A tray of taco's appeared out of nowhere in the glitter like some weird yet fucking amazing sleight of hand and Marvin bowed to the applause he was given. "TACOS!" Jackie yelled out excitedly grabbing two very fast and nearly toppling over JJ.

"Ok, guys... thank you, Marvin." Marvin nodded as he went and sat down in a chair summoning his own taco with a smile. "Eat up, guys... but make sure you save some for me, you sillies!" Jack laughed as Jackie tried to agree but nearly choked on his food. "Slow down Ja-..." The group paused a bit at the sudden knock on their door and Jack frowned. "It's ok. Probably no one. I'll go see."

"Be careful Jack." Jack nodded as he slowly started for the door. "Just because he hasn't attacked in a while doesn't mean he's just gone." 

"He wouldn't have knocked, Jackie." Jackie tensed as he stuffed his face with another taco. Jack took a deep breath as he slowly opened the front door only to freeze up bad. "Dark?" Dark whipped around with a slight smile as he held his hand back behind him. Jack's eyes narrowed as he spotted the small legs and he frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"There's been a problem... w-with... With Anti." 

"What's the glitch done now?" Jack called back as he started back for the living room. Dark just sighed as he slowly inched in only to freeze as the desperate tug on his hand. His eyes met with Anti's and he frowned.

"I'm sorry, Sam. We don't have any other options. You can't care for yourself." Anti tried to book it only for Dark to pick him up making the poor kid go rigid. "I'm sorry. But please... please just trust me?" Anti frowned as he buried himself into the other demon who carefully carried in himself after Jack.

"So who was i-..." Jackie jumped up summoning fire the moment he spotted Dark walking in, only to tense with confusion at the child he had in his arms. "Who... Why do you have a kid?"

"He said something happened with Anti." Jack mumbled slightly under his breath making the whole room quiet with nerves. "So... Are you gonna tell us what the glitch did or..."

"Anti didn't do anything. He was just there to help scare Mark. Our intentions weren't to hurt anyone." Jackie scoffed as he Dark frowned and held Anti tighter. Anti noticed right away that Marvin was staring at him. He didn't like it. It made him uncomfortable. "Whether you believe me or not is none of my concern. My only concern is the well being of the child in my arms right now."

"Then why bring here?" Dark growled to himself as he tried to work through his thoughts. Marvin frowned as he inched closer in his chair. He could sense it. He always could sense it. He knew he could sense Dark two but he's a very strong mage. He knew exactly what he was sensing. He was sensing Anti. The child glanced over at him for just a millisecond but it was enough for Marvin to latch on. He saw it play through his mind as if it was happening to him and he gasped. The room went silent as Marvin jumped up suddenly without any clear reason.

"Marv... You ok?" Mavin gulped him anxiety as he looked up at Dark with a knowing look.

"Look... I didn't have a choice. I can't care for him. I would if I could... but I can't... and he's your responsibility, Jack. I had to bring him here." Jack frowned as he glanced from Marvin to Dark to the child. 

"Last time I checked Jack doesn't have any child ego's. So... He's not..."

"Jackie, shut up." Jackie flinched at Marvin's voice as the magician just glared the child down. "What were you and Will even thinking?"

"He was bored. The plan was harmless."

"Harmless?" Marvin's fingers sparked with pink light making Anti whimper and hold Dark tighter. "This is your fault. You figure out a way to help him. He isn't Jack's problem. Jack denied him."

"You can't deny a piece of you." Dark carefully set Anti on the ground struggling to get him to detach from his shirt and jacket. "Come one, small fry. You have to be strong. Show them you're strong." Anti seemed to go rigid again as he froze up in his spot. Dark just sighed sadly as he looked over at a very confused and concern Jack. "Jack, I had no choice. I'm in charge of ALL of Mark's egos. That includes my family, Wilford and Yan. Plus Mark just got a new ego Yancy... I just can't care for him like he needs. He needs you. Whether you want him or not, HE IS STILL YOUR EGO!" Dark's aura flared out making Anti glitch slightly catching everyone's eyes. Jackie was instantly on edge again but Jack just broke at the silent tears he saw falling from Anti's eyes.

"When you said there was a problem with Anti..."

"I meant something happened to Anti."

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