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"Daddy?" Anti whimpered slightly as he fussed slowly waking up to find himself in Chase's bed. He frowned as pushed himself and looked around to find himself alone. He didn't understand. The last thing he remembered was saying goodbye to Jack. Why was he in bed? "Daddy?" He called out again getting nervous over not remembering. Whenever he lost time Dark always told him he had an episode. One he couldn't remember... He didn't want to find out it happened again. "DADDY!" He cried out quickly scrambling to his feet as he clutched his cat close to him "Dad?" He quickly made his way down the steps only to freeze up at the familiar voice that filled the air. His eyes lit up as he smiled brightly with excitement. 

"ROBBIE!" Anti squealed as he jumped over the couch launching himself into his brother who caught him with this confused look in his eyes. "Robbie!" Anti giggled as the zombie held him up by one ankle only to smile slimly at how giddy the young boy looked.

"The host enjoys seeing brothers happily reunited." Host smiled as Anti twisted himself and crawled till he was on Robbie's shoulders laughing. Chase was stunned over the interaction. He glanced over to see the shock in the other two's eyes as Anti just giggled loudly.

"Robbie!" Robbie laughed as he carefully picked Anti up and gently set him down on the couch.

"It's nice to see you too, brother." Chase's eyes shot wide as Robbie just smiled at the little one. "I've missed you. It's been three months already."

"Wait... Robbie." The zombie frowned as he looked over to see his other three brothers just staring at him. "Your voice."

"The host informs everyone that Anti's actually been helping Robbie with his communication." Anti flinched at the sudden rage in Chase's eyes.

"WHAT?!" Robbie frowned as he ran his hand through Anti's hair while sitting down between him and his fiance. "Why in the hell would you be spending time with that glitch?!"

"Because he understands me!" Chase faltered as Robbie glared over at him. "Anti is patient and understands what I struggle with. Not being able to get your words out while everyone moves on because they just can't wait... Anti never rushed me. He helped me. And you guys are assholes for never trying."

"What do you mean?" Robbie sighed as Anti hid himself in his arm. Chase didn't really know how to make it all. His eyes were on Anti all while listening to Robbie talk.

"Anti took his time with me. He helped me to be able to get m-my w-words out and when I s-struggle, he's patent. It's because he understands. He knows what it's like. Yet you all refused to do the same for him." Marvin and Jackie both flinched as Chase just frowned trying to take it all in. "The... T-The fact that... that I have a b-bet-tter relationship-p with him..." Robbie frowned as he shook his head. "Robbie is very sad." Anti whined as he glared over at Robbie making the zombie laugh. Chase only crashed as he worked through his thoughts. Things just... they added up to easily... even if Chase refused to accept it.

"How..." Chase choked slightly as he groaned in annoyance at himself. Just ask the damn question. "How is he?" The room went silent as Chase glanced around at everyone sadly. "Anti... I mean. He lives at the manor with all the Ipliers right? You and Host too?" Chase frowned as he started to feel uncomfortable under all the stares. "I'm just... I don't care about him. I just want to make sure that demon isn't causing Mark any trouble. He's caused Jack enough as it is." Anti frowned as he looked away and just sat there on the couch with a slight pout.

"Honestly, Anti hasn't been any trouble at all." Anti nudged Robbie making him frown and sigh. "Much trouble... He has his moments as any of the others do. Anti struggles himself. If anyone would understand... I thought it would've been you Chase." Chase's eyes flashed as he glanced over to see how upset Anti was. "He helps where he can. He's like... Dark's back up enforcer."

"The Host feels inclined to mention that Mark and Anti actually do get along." 

"Mark no like Anti." Anti grumbled catching everyone's attention. Especially Chase's who frowned as he glanced away in thought. "No one like Anti."

"The host feels he must reiterate... many people at the manor like Anti. Mark, Dark, Wilford, Yan, Host, Robbie, Google, Bing..."

"Ok we get it." Chase mumbled only for The host to ignore him.

"Dr. Iplier, Amy, the puppies, Bim Trimmer..."

"Author?" The host froze glancing over at Robbie who just shook his head. "They don't need a list." Robbie laughed as he snuggled close to Anti seeing as the small demon was upset. "I do want to say this though... Regardless of what you think Chase... Anti is my brother." Marvin and Jackie glanced at each other before both nodding in agreement making Robbie smile. Chase didn't notice. He was to lost in thought. That's how it went for several hours. They'd all chat and catch up on how things were going. Robbie brought up his and the host's wedding which everyone agreed to go to and... Chase he just mainly kept to himself after all that. As the Robbie and Host were leaving the zombie gave Anti a big hug and smiled. "S-Send... Send Yan?" Anti's eyes went wide as Robbie nodded. "You want Yan?"

"Yes, please." Chase's eyes darkened as Robbie laughed.

"Ok. I'll send Yan your way." Host frowned as he tapped his fiance's shoulder.

"The host must comment that the septic egos might not be so welcoming with Darks family as they were with the Host." Robbie just smiled as he shot Chase this look that made the father actually shiver. He was so used to the happy smiley nice zombie and yet... Robbie was actually pretty intimidating.

"They won't have a choice." Robbie brushed his hands through Anti's hair making the younger giggle as he nodded. "Take care... Bro... Brother." Anti nodded as he waved goodbye letting the two walk out without another word said.

"That was... interesting." Chase mumbled as he looked back to see Jackie and Marvin nodding in agreement.

"I'm gonna get supper started." Marvin called as Chase just sighed. "I'm thinking chicken nuggets. Something easy considering before?" 

"Yeah." Chase gently nudged Anti away from the door and back towards the living room with a sad smile. "I think that would be best. Thank's Marv."

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