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"As much as I hate to admit it..." Henrik frowned as he stared at the boy on the medical bed. "...everything you just told me..." Jack's eyes narrowed as Henrik sighed. "...sounds all to similar to Chase." Jack's eyes went wide as Henrik deflated a bit. " You know how easy it is to make that man snap. His drive-by?" Jack nodded as he glanced over at Anti with sad eyes. "I never actually took it into consideration that Anti might suffer from things similar if not the same as Chase. I just... As a father myself I can't just ignore what he did, Jack."

"If the boys were that frightened don't you think Grayson and Trey would have had an issue?" Henrik's eyes softened as Jack just smiled softly. "Sure you're the only one of us that knew who he was instantly but... Hen, those boys were all over him. They knew. I knew they knew. The moment they walked in there complete focus was on Sam. If Sam had hurt them... Trey wouldn't have been so protective."

"Why do you keep calling him Sam? Please tell me that is not what..." Jack looked away making Henrik flare with concern. "Jack, do you understand what having Chase call Anti by that name could do?"

"Yes. Yes, I do." Jack just sat there with a sad smile as he shrugged. "And that's precisely what happened, Hen. Chase has been the one caring for Sam since his arrival."

"Ironic considering he came to kill him." Jack froze as Henrik frowned. "I'm sorry. I should have informed you of his reason for coming but as his doctor..."

"It's alright. I figured. I told you all Anti was back and then suddenly Chase just shows up. It was obvious." Jack listened to the machines beeping in the background making his anxiety slowly rise. "Henrik? What's wrong with him? Is he going to be ok?"

"Honestly Jack. I don't know." Henrik slumped slightly in his seat, eyes glowing blue, as he clasped his hands tightly. "His energy is there. It's not as strong as it was when he was bigger but... it's still there. But his body is fighting something. His lungs... Jack, Anti's lungs aren't as strong as they should have been either."

"What do we do?" Henrik just sighed as he shot his host a very sad look.

"Right now, nothing. You just leave him to me. I'll run some tests and see if I can figure this all out." Jack nodded as he slowly pushed himself up.

"Thank you, Henrik." Jack smiled as he walked over and brushed Anti's green hair back with a soft him. "You just rest Sam. Get better so we can get you back home, ok?"

"I'll do whatever I can, Jack." Henrik placed a steady hand on Jack's back as he nodded. "If I can help him... I will. For now, you and JJ should go home. You've already been here all of last night. There's no point staying for another."

"No. If I'm staying, Henrik. I'm not leaving him like this."' Jack's eyes were filled with tears as Henrik led him to the door. "I don't mind sleeping in a hospital, if it means I'm here for him."

"Please, Jack? You're only going to get yourself sick worrying like that. I've got him now. Please, go home and rest. It's already getting late again." Jack frowned as he just shook his head. 

"I'm staying here, Henrik. I'll be in the lobby. If anything happens you come and get me immediately." 

"Whatever you say, Jack. Just please rest... even if it's out there." Jack smiled as he left leaving Henrik there with Anti. Henrik's eyes narrowed as they went blue again. He slowly made his way over to the boy brushing his hand through Anti's hair only to cringe watching his form shift like he was under an x-ray.

Henrik has many powers to help with him being the doctor. One of which his how he can 'see' the issues each patient has. He has varying x-ray like visions where he can see things like muscles and or skeletal systems. If he focuses well enough he can see specific parts like an organ or bone without needing a computer or anything. Right now he was trying to get an overview of everything going on in Anti's body. By touching Anti he's helping to ground his focus making his power target him.

"You're lungs are worrying me. I'll have to check them out as I run my tests. Hopefully, you'll remain asleep. I'd rather not have to deal with you if I don't have to." Henrik snapped his fingers summoning a small needle as he quickly cleaned a spot on Anti's arm to draw some blood. "Jack did tell me what happened to you." Henrik frowned as he watched the needle penetrate the vein before letting his power fade out and sigh. "Spelled to be a kid again... sounds like something Wilford would do." Henrik filled the vial and stepped back with a near glare. "Let's just figure out what's going on with you, shall we?" 

"Hey, JJ." Jack slowly stumbled his way into the lobby finding his silent ego leaned back as if he was sleeping. JJ cracked an eye open frowning slightly at the way Jack just shook his head. "He's still unconscious. Henrik did say though that something seemed off about his lungs."

'Marvin does have really bad asthma, Jack.'  Jack deflated as he sat down beside the other. 'Could Anti have asthma too?' 

"He just said they weren't as strong as they should have been. That and his body was fighting something but he didn't know what. I'm worried, JJ." JJ frowned as he shifted over to hold his host in a soft hug. Jack just sat there with tears falling as he laughed at himself. "Look at me. I'm breaking down over my demon. This never would have happened if Dark and Will hadn't hit him by mistake. I never would have gotten to know him."

'He'll get better, Jack. This is Anti, we're talking about. Besides...' JJ smiled brightly as he wiped some of Jack's tears away. 'Henrik's one of the best. He'll figure out what is going on.'

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