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"JACK!" Henrik literally came sliding into the lobby, papers flying over making Jack tense up. The doctor's eyes met with his before glancing over at JJ and frowning.  "Jack, what's wrong? Why are you here?" Henrik straightened himself out slightly before calmly walking over, even if his nerves were going crazy at that moment. "Are you hurt? Or is it Jameson? Why is James here?"


"Sorry." Henrik smiled softly as he held his hands up. "I didn't actually read the patient files they sent over. The moment I heard it was you I sort of..."

"Came running?" Jack laughed making Henrik frown.

"My host came to the hospital asking specifically for me. Yes, Jack... I came running." Henrik's eyes narrowed as his eyes met with Anti's limp form in Jack's arms and his eyes went wide. "What the hell is he doing here?"


"Why is he even like that? What did you think I wouldn't be able to tell? I'm your doctor, Jack. I can sense him. It's one of my gifts." Jack's eyes darkened as Henrik literally glared at them. "Why is he here?"

"He's sick, Henrik." Henrik's eyes shot wide as Jack's face filled with desperation. "He's hardly breathing. He hasn't gained consciousness since this all happened. Henrik..."

"He's a demon, Jack. He can't get sick. It's physically impossible. He's faking it..."

"HENRIK VONSHCNEEPLESTIEN!" Henrik flinched as Jack's eyes set on his with stern expression. Even JJ felt Jack's presence as the two of ego's quickly cowered under it. "Sam is my demon and he is ill. We don't know why or how but he is AND HE NEEDS HELP!"

"I told you I won't treat him, Jack. Not after everything..."

"You WILL treat him, Henrik." Henrik froze up as Jack growled holding Anti closer. "You will treat him because I told you to do so."

"You've never forced your authority before." Jack's eyes darkened as Henrik glanced over at JJ with confusion. "Why now? You didn't even force it to stop Anti's attacks. Why are you doing it to help him?"

"Henrik, please. He's barely breathing." Henrik tensed as he carefully looked Anti over with a frown. His eyes started glowing blue as he brushed his finger over Anti's cheek and jumped. "Henrik?"

"We need to get him into a room now." Jack's eyes filled with horror as Henrik instantly started to page someone else. "JJ I'm sorry but..."

'Don't worry. I know. I'll be out here if you need me.' Henrik nodded as he quickly led Jack off for a very long night. The next morning wasn't that much better... at least for Chase anyway.

"Hurry, hurry." Chase's voice was hoarse and quiet as he grabbed his sons bags, passing it over with a forced smile. "Your mother should be here soon..." Chases head snapped up at the sound of a knock and his face fell slightly. "Speak and you shall receive. Let's go."

"Chase?" Stacy's eyes went wide the moment Chase opened the door revealing his tired and sickly looking state. "Oh, Ace..." Chase just smiled as he let the boys pass by. 

"Thank you for picking them up. I know it's early but..."

"You asked me too. You wouldn't have if it wasn't serious." Chase nodded as his eyes fell to the floor. "How is he?"

"I don't know. Jack took him to the hospital last night." Stacy's eyes went wide as she turned to see Tray holding back some tears. "He hasn't called or anything yet."

"I'm sure he's ok. He's strong. He'll get through this. I'm sure of it." Chase just nodded making Stacy sigh with concern. "Ace..." Stacy smiled softly as she pulled Chase in for a hug shocking the other. "It's ok, Ace. Just breathe. Before you even realize it Sam will be home and bounding off the walls like before." 

"I hope so." Chase smiled as tears slowly started falling from his eyes. "He's a good kid, Stace."

"Looks like we have another kid after all." Chase's face flushed something horrible as Stacy whispered in his ear with a soft laugh. "Keep me posted ok? I want to know how he is... and I'm sure the boys would too."

"Y-Yeah, o-o-ok." Chase just stood there frozen as he watched Stacy and the boys slowly walk out. "Ok... Just breathe." Chase slowly let the door close behind him noticing far to quickly just how empty the house was right then. With Jack and JJ at the hospital with Sam, and Marvin and Jackie out trying to keep themselves busy, Chase was all alone. His eyes instantly went towards the kitchen, lips cracked and dry, as his fingers twitched, wanting to feel that cool glass in his hand. "I need a drink."

"I just need a drink." Chase laughed sadly as he opened the fridge to see his usual bear pushed to the far corner. "At least they didn't throw it out." His fingers wrapped around the thin neck of the glass bottle as he sighed. He pressed the top to the counter quickly slapping his hand down popping the cap with a thin smile. "Just a drink to help relax." His eyes met with the discarded bottle cap and he frowned. "I should do something. Shouldn't I?" He picked the cap up with a narrowed looked twirling it around his fingers before rolling his eyes. He quickly whipped his hand out, eyes glowing yellow, as he tossed the cap and watching it hit the wall, falling perfectly into the trash bin. "Score!" 

"I should get back into trick shots." Chase sighed as he made his way beneath the sink taking out a sponge and spray bottle. "They always did make me happier." Chase shook his head and groaned as he pushed up, taking another sip of his beer. "Forget it, Chase. Trick shots don't pay the bills."

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