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"Do you know what infuriates me, Anti?" Henrik mumbled as he pressed his stethoscope to Anti's wrist checking his blood pressure. "If you had the same disorders as Chase at any moment you could have sought out assistance." Henrik dropped his arms as he just stared at Anti's sleeping features with a frown. "You could have asked for help, instead of targeting us all."

"Sure it wasn't until Chase did that... horrible driveby, did he ask for assistance himself... He did ask for it. You did not." Henrik carefully set the stethoscope around his shoulders as he moved away to write everything down. "Your heart isn't beating strongly enough, probably a reaction to you not getting sufficient enough oxygen. Your lungs aren't filling like the should be. That could be due to a number of things, from simply not having the strength to an issue with your diaphragm. I will have to look into that." 

"My main concern right now though is your blood." Henrik didn't really know why he was talking to Anti at all as the other was not conscious, but he couldn't deny that it did help to ease his nerves a little it. He sat down on his stool sliding, with a spin, over to a microscope he had as he sighed. He gently dripped a small bit of dark red liquid onto a slide as he glanced through the lense. "I had it ran through and the results were all inconclusive. The darn machines couldn't even accurately tell me your species." Henrik's eyes narrowed as he pulled away with a very dark look in his eyes. "Of course, that's simply because your blood... it's not normal." He picked up a small stack of papers and huffed as he went over it all. "You're blood is too closely resembled to Jack. If anything it should be like ours with a few different genetic anomalies due to being demonic. It's not though... You have some abnormalities but... Your missing quite a few."

"It would explain why you're getting sick. If your blood doesn't have those key genetic anomalies you could be without your..." Henrik's face paled seeing Anti start to glitch in the bed. He bit his lip as he watched the glitches take over completely. "Well... Now isn't that something. Your glitching doesn't even look right. What did that spell do to you? Henrik pressed his fingers gently into the crook of Anti's neck as his eyes flashed a bright blue. His head snapped up as he watched the glitching tare through the smaller obviously damaging Anti's body. Sure it fixed it's self as Anti's body was made to glitch but the way it did so only proved Henrik's suspicions correctly. "Damn it."

"I should've known. The spell was meant for Mark, obviously, it would affect a demon differently." Henrik growled as he stomped over to counter snatching his phone as he stood there fuming. "Pick the fuck up." Henrik growled as listened to the dial tone.


"Dark, what the fuck?" Henrik viciously spat through the phone as he watched Anti slowly stop glitching. "That spell you did messed with Anti's genetic code. I need to speak with you. I..."

"The host wanted to stop Henrik to inform him that it is not Darkiplier he was in fact talking to." Henrik's eyes shot wide as he sighed in frustration. "The host also wanted to ask how Henrik was doing."

"I'm fine, Host, but I really need to talk to Dark. Anti does live at the manor with you all. It's imperative that I talk with him." Host just chuckled through the phone making Henrik pierce his lip. "Host, please?"

"The host will not bother his brother as he is busy. However, the host will say that his fiance wishes to see you again during his trip. The host has made all their plans to fit perfectly."

"Wait you're coming for a visit?" Henrik's eyes filled with pain as he gripped the phone a bit tighter. "He's... He's actually coming for a visit?"

"The host assures the doctor that his fiance is more than excited to see them all again... should the doctor make time that is." Henrik nodded as he let out a soft breath. "Let him know I look forward to it. It's been a while since I've seen him. Wait no!" Henrik groaned as he ran a hand through his hair. "Host, I need Dark, ple..." The sound of someone whimpering caught Henrik's attention as he quickly clicked the call of and tossed his cell to his counter. "Anti?"

"Damn it all." Henrik frowned as he watched Anti slowly open his eyes. The demon glanced around quickly as he tensed up. He started to sit up only to whine and grip his head. "I wouldn't, Anti." Anti froze up eyes wide as he finally noticed Henrik standing there with this cold glare. "Just lay back down and rest. You shouldn't push yourself. Your still not getting enough oxygen." Anti flinched as Henrik started to get closer. "In all honestly I'll probably have to get you a breathing mask. Your lungs are just not working as well as they ought to. It's probably safe to say you have the same breathing issues Marvin does." 

"I should test you for asthma but I don't want to stress your body out right now." Henrik stopped as he stared at the smaller with a narrowed look. Anti was sitting there avoiding his gaze at all cost. The beeping in the background speeding up as his heart raced. Anti flinched with nearly every sound of the machines. He was shaking as his fingered and face twitched with anxious energy. "Anti?" Henrik's eyes darkened as Anti made no reaction to him. The smaller literally sat there frozen eyes darting about the machines as he curled away at the sounds. "Anti. Look at me." When Anti didn't respond he marched over grabbing his wrist in an attempt to get him to focus on him... It worked. Anti's focus was immediately on the doctor...

As he snapped and lashed out.

"Shit!" Henrik yelled out as he was slammed back into the wall. Anti sat there screaming as he glitched sporadically. Henrik's eyes were wide in shock seeing the tears falling from the demon's eyes. Things went flying as about as Anti curled up into himself. "Oh, don't scare the demon. Got it." Henrik rushed up grabbing a syringe from the fridge before running back over to the bed. He dodged all flying medical equipment before finally grabbing the back of Anti's neck as softly as he could, injecting the contents of the syringe into his bloodstream. Anti's eyes snapped up to his as Henrik smiled sadly seeing the pure terror in the smaller. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." 

"I should've realized the boy Jack had spoken to me about, was you. I'm sorry." Anti just fell weakly against the doctor's chest unable to push away as he started to get weaker. Everything crashed to the ground as his powers died down to a suppressed state. "It's ok. I just gave you a sedative to calm you down. You'll be ok. I promise, Anti. You'll be ok."

"H-Hen-n..." Henrik's heart literally dropped as Anti gripped his shirt weakly shaking with tears still falling. "S-scar-red... sc-sca... scared."

"It's ok. I'll call Jack back in if you want. He's just outside." Anti's eyes dipped as he slowly started to go lax in Henrik's arms. "Anti? Do you want Jack?"

"D-Dad." Henrik froze as Anti started to tip over leaving the doctor to have to lay him back. "D-Dad?"

"I'll go get Jack, Anti. You just rest, please?"

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