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"Ace, Dear, you're adding way too much sugar." Chase just laughed as he looked over at his fiance before dumping the entire cup into the batter making Stacy groan in playful annoyance. "You're going to give them all a sugar high."

"If I don't have at least this much you know he's not going to like it." Chase teased as he began to stir it all up. "Can you pass the chips please?"

"He's just lucky it's his birthday then." Chase beamed with a nod as Stacy tossed the back of chocolate chips which he caught with hand. He poured it all in without a single hesitation. "Forget sugar high, you're going to send them into a sugar coma. Please tell me..."

"These are just for him, Dear. I promise. No way in hell am I gonna kill them via sweets... nope. Just him." 

"You're incorrigible." Stacy laughed as Chase rolled his eyes.

"Yet you love me all the same." He responded quickly not missing for one second the nod she gave in return. Stacy eyed the bowl with this look as she hopped up on the counter beside him.

"Is he even going to eat all of that?"

"All of this? Oh, no. No, there will be a lot of leftovers. I even doubled the recipe just so that I made sure of it. He'll never be able to eat it all today. Trust me, Babe. Having leftovers is going to make him happy." The look he got from his fiance made him laugh so loudly he was sure everyone could hear it. "Give me a break, Stace! Last year he wasn't even here! He ran off to be with his friends before we even woke up in the morning. That means this is the first birthday I can spoil his ass! I'M GOING TO SPOIL HIM RIGHT!" Chase declared boldly as he began to stir the batter with newfound vigor.

"You're going to spoil him to death!" Stace shot back teasingly as Chase gasped and stuck his tongue out playfully. "Did you at least get the cake?" Chase groaned softly as he nodded towards the freezer letting Stacy go to check it out. "Why is it so... light?"

"It's an ice cream cake." Stacy shot him a confused look only making Chase laugh. "Dear, what's his favorite flavor of ice cream?"

"Cot-... Oh." Stacy giggled as she nodded as he shut the freezer door. "He's going to go crazy! Are you sure giving him this much sugar is a good thing?"

"He'll burn it off with the kids. I brought out some nerf toys from the attic." Chase gently started pouring in batter onto a pan listening to it sizzle as he waited. "All jokes aside... do you think he's going to like it? I know last year he said it wasn't anything personal but..."

"Dear, you know how he is. He didn't think he was able to handle it all yet when it came around last year."

"I know. I understand that. I just..." Chase sighed as he gently pushed his hat up to wipe his face. "I want everything to be perfect... or at least good enough, you know? We've all been through a lot, especially him. Last year, I couldn't do anything for him and I just felt bad. It's not his fault. As you said he wasn't ready. I just..."

"Ace, everything is ok. If he had a problem with any of it, he would have said something. If not to the boys and me, then definitely to you."

"Yeah. Yeah. I-I know. I just need to breathe. My head's getting to me is all."

"Just breathe, hun. We can breathe together." Chase laughed at that as Stacy leaned his head against hers. They've definitely gotten better relationship-wise. After everything that happened, Stacy has learned to help Chase with his issues, and Chase as learned to be open and honest. The two consistently go to counseling not just to make sure their marriage, or well future-re-marriage, remains stable, but also to help them better understand how to cope and help each other. Often times when Chase is struggling, Stacy and him will just stop and go through a grounding method if possible. They work together and Chase couldn't be happier. Well, there was one way... but that'll only happen if he can get these darn pancakes finished in time!

"Can you call the boys down, while I finish this? I still have to get the gifts!" Stacy laughed as she ran off to do just that leaving Chase to smile as he took one final deep breath, plating the pancakes as he went.

"Boys!" Stacy yelled up the stairs knowing full well at least one of them would hear her. "It's time to eat! Games down and join the party!"

"COMING MOM!" A very loud voice called out which just like all the times before, never fell to make her smile every time she heard it. The door burst open as feet pattered down the hall with giggles. The sound of glitching caught her attention, and just as Trey came sliding down the stair's railing with Gray close behind, Anti glitched in right beside her in a fit of laughter. "I beat all of you."

"That's not fair, you can glitch!" Gray whined as Anti just rolled his eyes.

"All's fair in a bet with no rules." Trey responded having known exactly what the demon was going to say. They've been through this before, it was only a matter of time before Anti got the youngest with the same trick.

"Yep, maybe you should have said no glitching then. Oh, wait... You can't. Not today anyway. I WIN!" Anti yelled softly, as to not hurt his own ears, before glitching out again and popping up in a chair at the table. The boys just laughed as they followed suit and took their own seats as well. 

"Alright alright." Stacy smiled as he shook her head fondly. "Let's calm down now that we're here. You all can play after we eat."

"Speaking of food." Chase sang out as he walked out holding two large platters in his hand. Both with large stacks of pancakes. "Breakfast for dinner. Don't judge. It was my decision." Anti's eyes shot wide as Chase literally place one whole platter in front of him.

"Sam, do be careful, your father is trying to kill you." Anti paused slightly giving to other to adult this look as Chase groaned with a smirk.

"No, I'm not. Your mother is just being overprotective." Chase fired back making Stacy gasp with a laugh.

"Overprotective! You're trying to give my son a sugar overdose!" 

"Your son?! He likes me more for GIVING him the sugar." The two of them playfully bickered back and forth in their silly argument as Anti happily watched while eating his diabetes in food form. Stacy wasn't kidding. They were nothing but sugar. But Chase was right... Anti was in heaven over it. The boys all laughed as Trey shot the demon this look who rolled his eyes in understanding. The parents weren't about to stop unless he proved one of them right.

"Mom, Dad... knock it off and eat. You know Trey's my favorite." Anti teased sassily as the two-parents blanched in shock. Trey just groaned as he hid his head in his hands.

"TREYS NOT EVEN AN OPTION!" They both yelled making Anti burst out into laughter. He was practically doubled over in a fit of humor that made both parents smile. They shared a look before Chase turned back to his own food, a fond sparkle in his eyes. To think, two years ago this never would have happened. Now... Now not only did he have his family back but... he also had anti now too. If it wasn't for everything that happened he wouldn't have ever gotten the amazing son he had now. He thought the two had had alone was good enough for him but... Now with Anti added to the list. His family finally felt complete. If only the dog would stop trying to mess with them all. "Calm down, Margo!" The little dog yipped about jumping up at the demon's leg, who wasted no time in petting her to calm down. When Chase had gone back to get all his things to move, Margo wasn't all that happy he had left her with a friend for so long but... She seemed to calm down once she met Anti, who also took quite the liking to her instantly. Chase just sighed happily as he looked over at his son, who was smiling away as he practically devoured his sugar cakes. "Happy birthday, Sam." Anti paused his gaze meeting Chase's for a bit as he smiled.

"Thank you, Dad."

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