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"Sam?" Chase called out as he made the small ego lunch. The others all decided to go grocery shopping before the kids get dropped off. Chase had been feeling a bit off all morning and he didn't quite know why. Well, he did but... Anti had been off this morning. He wasn't as energetic and didn't eat much of his breakfast. He had the kid lay down for a bit but that was several hours ago. "Sam?" Chase slowly pushed through to find Anti cuddled up with his cat plush shivering slightly under his soft pastel green comforter. He felt his forehead and frowned feeling how feverish he was. His mind couldn't help but think of his Sammy. He knew Anti had to be ok but... Even still, when you lose a child to sickness, it isn't easily forgotten. 

"Sam." Anti whimpered slightly as he hugged his cat tighter. He was shivering bad and that only made Chase more worried. "Hold on. I'm gonna go get a thermometer."

"Cha... Ch... Chase?" Anti whined as he rolled over a bit to see the door closing. Anti sighed as he snuggled in closer under the blankets to get warm. He wasn't really able to. He didn't understand what was happening. He felt so tired. He was uncomfortable and cold. He didn't like it. He opened his eyes to see Chase there again and he gave a weak smile. "Chase."

"Hey, there, kiddo. I need to check your temperature so... If you can just be still for a bit." Anti hummed slightly as he felt the cool metal touch his forehead. "Well... Darn it. 100*F... You have a fever, Bud."

"I feel... icky." Chase chuckled softly as he smoothed out Anti's blanket. "My head hurts."

"Pressure?" Anti frowned as he shrugged and started to cough. "It's probably just a cold but I'll keep an eye on you temp just to make sure it doesn't spike." Chase was tense with worry as Anti whimpered slightly pressing himself against his pillow. "I'm gonna get you some water and maybe a cold cloth. You just stay and rest ok. No need to get up today."

"But... But you said... You said I... I-I..."

"I know what I said. 'Kids shouldn't waste the day in bed'. I know but... Some days it's ok." Chase smiled thinly as Anti frowned. "Some day's kids have to stay in bed. Especially, if they're sick."

"I no... I no sick. I can't... b-be. I don't... I don't get sick." Chase's eyes flashed as Anti coughed more with a pained groan. "I feel very icky."

"It's ok, Sam. You stay resting and I'll see if Jack has any child's Tylenol around." Chase slowly let the door close behind him again as he leaned against it defeatedly. After Sammy... He just couldn't handle it when others got sick. He wigged out once when Jack had a cough. It wasn't even bad but it sent him spiraling. He quickly ran to the kitchen hoping to find some above the fridge where they keep a bowl of just random small lost and found things. He found keys, a locket, small pocket knife labeled 'ASE', which actually made Chase falter a bit, and his old chapstick, which he tossed away, but no meds. Makes sense... He just hoped he didn't have to go in there.

Regardless, he pushed through Henrik's old room only to frown seeing it practically empty. It was more a medical storage room now than an actual bedroom since Hen had his own place. Chase let out a deep breath as he made his way through everything. There was a lot still here. Gauze, wrapping, and bandages... Peroxide, Alcohol, and Iodine... Pain meds and vitamins galore but none for kids that he could see. 

"Shit." Chase groaned as he sifted through the meds one more time only to stop as he noticed his hands were shaking. It was kind of hard not to notice when the bottles sounded like maracas when he held them. Chase tried to swallow his nerves as he dropped the bottles back into the drawer and just stood there doing his breathing exercises. "It's ok. It's ok. He just has a fever. Trey and Gray have had them before and there fine. He'll be fine too. Fuck." 

Chase whined as he left the room and walked straight into his. He pulled a bag out from under his bed. He fumbled about until he pulled a pill bottle out and fell onto the floor sitting as he shook out a couple of pills, popping them in his mouth dry as he tried to breathe again. He let the bottle drop out of his hand currently holding his hair, and back into his bag as he let his eyes slip shut. He felt himself slowly relax as he just sat there. 

"It's ok. He's ok. He's just a little sick. He'll be better in no time." Chase nodded to himself as he let his hand drop to his lap. He let out one last deep breath before glancing over and paling at the sight of a box on his dresser. "Seriously?" 

"How did I forget I had this?" Chase mumbled in frustration as he got up and grabbed the child Tylenol he had just sitting there. He rolled his eyes as he pulled the bottle out of the box. "Still full... and good. That's perfect."

"Sam, I've got the... Sam?" Chase tensed with worry as he walked in to find Anti not in his bed. "Sam, where did you..." There was a small cough catching the adult's attention and he melted at the sight of Anti all curled up in his pillow and blanket pile cuddling all the stuffies JJ and Jackie accumulated over the month for him. Those two must be enjoying having a kid in the house because every time they go out they have to bring something back. "Sam? I have medicine."

"I no..." Anti coughed again making Chase sigh as he walked over and joined the sickly boy in his pile. "I'm not sick."

"You have a fever and coughing. You should still take som. How are you feeling?" Anti frowned as he shook his head. 

"Really really icky." Chase nodded as he poured some medicine into the small-cap. He handed it to Anti with a soft smile.

"It should help you feel better, Kiddo. Please take it." Anti wined but listened. He was used to Dark giving the other Ipliers meds when they got sick. He was the one that took care of all of them. Sometime he would ask Anti to help if someone was sick and he had to help another one. Anti knew that meds helped people. He just didn't understand he would need some. Anti's never been sick before. Or at least he never thought he'd been sick before. He down the whole cap gaging at the taste as he passed it back to Chase who smiled more. "Here you go, Kid. Should help with that too." Anti glanced over to see Chace handing him a bottle with red stuff and he frowned. "Fruit punch. You have to stay hydrated. I figured the punch would help drown the taste of the meds." 

"Thanks, Dad." 

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