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"So what happened?" Anti stared at his cup trying really hard not to cringe under Trey's gaze. He wasn't glaring or anything. He just didn't really like eye contact. Even if he was a lot better with things like vocalizing and being around... well, no he still couldn't stand crowds. This was hell on his nerves. Anti sipped his cola with a frown as his eyes darted up for just a second to see Trey looking at him sadly. "How did you end up with those thugs?"

"Mom was fighting with dad again so I thought I would take them to the park." Anti's frown only grew as Trey sighed sadly. "They had guns what was I supposed to do. I couldn't let them hurt my siblings."

"So they wanted you?" Trey nodded as he looked over to see his brother eating a hotdog with a small smile. "Why?"

"I know someone they want. Plus the guy was right. If he had us then everyone would be so concerned about us that they would be to scatterbrained to notice someone else get taken." Anti gripped his cup tightly as he glanced up just enough to stare at Trey's plate of chicken. 

"Do you know who wanted you?" Trey sadly shook his head as he quickly pulled a napkin out of his sister's hand only to frown as she started to cough.

"You ok, Sammy. It's ok." Sammy coughed as she teared up a bit making Anti worried. The eldest son just smiled as he noticed the concern. "She's sick. It has been for a while. The doctors don't know why so... they can't help her."

"She'll get better." Anti offered a small smile as he brushed one of her tears away. "We Sam's are strong. We hold the septiceye's in us after all." Anti gestured towards his eyes making Sam laugh. She had bright beautiful green eyes. Not green like Anti's who were blue and green but still unique as all ego's and their kids tend to have blue eyes. "Chase got himself his own little Septic eye Sam." Sammy giggled as Anti tickled her softly. "You know, kid. My name's Sam too." Trey's eyes went wide as Anti let his hand glitch out in front of the girl creating a septic eye plush for her to hold. "We Sam's have to stick together."

"I thought your name was Anti." Anti sighed as he turned away from the small girl who was happy babbling to the eye.

"It is. I just... I prefer Sam. Sound better."

"Fit you better too." Anti couldn't help but smile a bit at that. Trey was in awe. He'd heard all these horrible stories about the glitch but he never imagined he'd have such a soft side to him. Especially to kids...

"I am concerned. Those assholes wanted you for a reason. They were working for someone so..."

"They'll try again with different men." Anti nodded as he rolled his eyes seeing Gray scarf down his mac and cheese.

"It might not be safe for you to go home right now." Anti shook as he tried to calm his breathing down. "But I don't know. If I try to contact Jackie, they'll just freak out. I can't call Chase he won't pick up and forget about your mother."

"An..." Trey sighed as he watched Anti start to internalize and withdraw. It was clear something was going on in the older's mind. "Sam?" Anti's eyes snapped up sudden shocking Trey who then watched as he quickly avoided eye contact. "It's ok. Once we're back home you know Dad will do whatever it takes to protect us."

"He's not there though. He moved back in with Jack." Trey paled as Anti mumbled under his breath. "He was there the last time I was... I think. I don't really remember much from then. It doesn't matter. I just..." Trey just held a soft expression as Anti let out a very shaky breath. "I could watch over you guys. If you wanted..."

"The big bad glitch bitch would offer to protect a bunch of kids." Anti flinched slightly making Trey frown. "You don't have to you know. We've got Jackie and Marvin. Dad would never let anything happen and..."

"Trey that's all well and shit but I just rescued you from gunpoint. Jack and Marvin weren't there. Your father didn't know you were taken." Anti grabbed a knife and literally stabbed his stake roughly causing Gray to jump in shock as the knife stood up from its position. "I'd just... I'd feel better if... If I knew... Knew..." Anti groaned as he held his head in his hands trying to calm down so he could get his words out properly. "I-If I kn-new you were a-all s-safe."

"You're a big softie." Anti rolled his eyes as he pulled the knife out of his steak and set to cutting it so he could eat it.

"I'm the opposite of Jack. How does that make me a softie?" Trey just smirked as he pointed a fry over like some kind of pointer.

"Are the opposite? Or are you just a darker him?" Anti frowned as his mind latched on the questions far more than he thought it would. "Sorry, but I'm not convinced that you're a bad guy, Sam. Especially, if you share a name with my sister."

"Sammy could be a monster if she wanted." Trey laughed as Anti took a bit of his food smiling.

"Oh, I know she can. The difference in that is, she chose to... and she can be good if she wanted to." Trey narrowed his eyes slightly giving Anti this knowing look. "Can you?"

"Guess we'll just have to see kid." Anti laughed as the four started to chat about random things. Even Sammy joined in. She'd talk about her stuffies and toys before falling into some sort of babble. Anti actually didn't mind the company much this time. He enjoyed the kid's presence. Maybe that was why he brought them home? Maybe that was why he was adamant about protecting them? 

After the diner Anti had the kid come to his house so that he could chat with Trey more securely. They both decided on a plan where Anti was to watch them from the shadows to keep them safe and teach Trey how to protect himself more. Even when Chase burst through the doors screaming about his kids Anti never chose to stop. He met up with Trey every weekend. Taught him self defense and a bit more than self-defense but... it helped. Even if Anti knew Trey would never voluntarily use most of the things Anti taught him, he could see how the lessons helped Trey to externalize. After Sammy's death, the poor boy was very... angry, and Anti could see it.

He supposed he sort of started to care for the boy as a younger brother. Maybe that was why it hurt so much when Sammy passed? Stacy didn't know. She didn't see them but... Anti was there. Anti and Dark both stopped by to pay their respects. They were disguised as to not cause an unnecessary scene but they were there. 

"Trey?" Anti's voice glitched subtly as he placed a hesitant hand on the younger's shoulder. Stacy was off talking with other family leaving the boy just standing there staring at the small casket with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Trey whipped around and hugged Anti tightly startling the older who just froze up as Dark shot him an understanding look. "Trey?"

"You couldn't save her. Not from that... She was too sick. Don't blame yourself." Anti smiled sadly as he let himself relax into the hug. It wasn't usual that Anti could relax but... Trey was family. And the hug was needed on both parties. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course, Kid. I wouldn't miss it." 

"Dad did." Anti pulled away so he could drop to his knees and for the first time ever look Trey right in the eyes, confusing the kid who knew Anti hated eye contact.

"Your Dad would be here if he could. You know this. He can't and I can promise you that is killing him. You should hear some of the things he says when he's out drunk. Word get's back to me.... especially since it's about me. He misses you guys so much. Don't ever think your father doesn't." Trey nodded softly as Anti pulled him in for another hug. "It's going to be ok, Trey. I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. We have that promise." Trey laughed as he pulled away and wiped his tears away.

"What would dad say if he found out my friend/protector was the very glitch he hates so much?"

"Probably stay the fuck away from my kids or I'll pop one in your face." Anti giggled as he slowly stood himself back up with a smile. "I should go. You're mother's giving me a weird look. I don't her to get suspicious. I'll see you next weekend?"

"Why not this weekend?" Anti just shook his head as he nodded towards his family. "But..."

"Take some time to mourn, Trey. Lessons can wait until then."

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