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"Trey!" Chase burst through the bedroom to find his oldest in tears frantically trying to wake up the unconscious ego. "Trey, what happened?"

"I-I don't know. I don't know." Jamie stood there at the door as Chase rushed over. He put his head to the boy's chest and paled. "Dad, what's going on?"

"His breathing is to shallow. His heart's barely beating. JJ!" Jamie jumped as Chase felt to Anti's forehead finding him to be really hot again. "I need you to get Jack."

"Dad..." Chase just shook his head as he tried to pick Anti up only for the boy to be so limp it was hard to get a good grasp on him. He was a 6-year-old of pure dead weight and Chase was not made for strength. He was made for accuracy and coordination. Jackie was the one made for strength, durability. Not as much as Robbie but unfortunately the zombie isn't here to help. That little ego is the strongest one around. He's also just so happens to be the freaking kindest too.

"Cha-... Oh no!" Jack rushed in and took Anti right out of Chase's arms. The father, of course,- had to choke back that voice in his head saying to kick Jack's ass for doing such a thing. Right now the only one who matters is Anti, not Chase and his tendency to be overprotective to those he cares about. "Sam! Shit... His fever came back."


"I'm gonna take him to the hospital." Chase ran to get his coat only to stop as Jack shakes his head.

"Jack, there is no way I'm just..."

"You have to stay here with your sons."Chase flared as Jack gave him his 'boss' look making Chase cower a bit under his presence. "I will take him to the hospital and keep you all informed."


"No. Chase!" Chase watched as Jack quickly ran out of the house with JJ close behind. He didn't even notice when his sons stood next to him with equally worried looks. His mind was solely on the boy Jack had in his arms. He wasn't there when Sammy died. He wasn't there to see how it happened. He wasn't allowed to go to the hospital. He never saw her off. He never said goodbye. He felt his body take that unconscious step forward only to freeze up as Trey grabbed his arm. He could feel that burning in his throat. He knew he would cry if he didn't do something soon.

"Sam isn't her, Dad." Chase's eyes darkened as Trey gave him a soft smile. "I know why you're scared. I am too but... Sam isn't her. He will get better. He has to get better." Trey sighed as he looked back at the door with a frown. "He made a promise."

"JJ don't forget the bag." Jack called out as he raced into the hospital with Anti curled up in his arms. He wasted no time going up to the front desk of the emergency room finding a petite girl in her twenties just staring at him in concern. "I need you to call a doctor Henrik Vonschneeplestien."

"I'm sorry, Sir but I can't. If this is an emergency I recommend..."

"No, you... I need you to call the Doctor. He's the only one that can do anything." The girl's eyes filled with pity as she shook her head. "Please?"

"Doctor. Vonschneeplestien is one of the head Doctors for the other department. I'm afraid without authorization I cannot call him. You must see a normal doctor I'm afraid." Jack was panicking as he pushed Anti up higher in his arms. He bit his lip as he looked around. "Sir, please, If you like, I could..."

"My name is Sean Mcloughlin. I'm Henrik's host." Her eyes went wide as Jack paled a bit. "This is an emergency regarding one of egos. I NEED the Good Doctor. There isn't anyone else that can help." The girl nodded as she furiously started typing away. It was times like this that always made him super nervous. Demons and Ego's are a normal occurrence in the world. Governmental and Medical things like the police and hospitals are all made highly aware of any Hosts that live in the area. They take stock of every Demon and Ego as well. That's why Jack goes by a different name. He doesn't want people to think of him as only Sean the host of the septic egos. Instead, they see him as Jack the YouTuber. However, there are times like this where even he needs to forget his anxiety and just fucking say it. 

"Patient's name?" Jack paled as he held the kid tightly. The girl frowned in pitty as she saw the fear. "Sir I need the name and species otherwise..."

"Sam Septic... Demon." Her eyes went wide as Jack bit his lip again. "Please, It's an emergency." She nodded again as she imputed the info sending it off to the other department before rushing to page the good doctor. JJ just stood there silently as he watched everything with growing tears Jack could still feel the way Anti was breathing, however, faint it was. He latched onto that as he tried not to cry. It was at this moment he realized just how much he had gotten close to his demon. "He's going to be ok, JJ." 

"This is Anti we're talking about..." Jack laughed despite the burn in his throat. "He'll be ok... and Hen will bitch at us for wasting his time."

"Sean?" Jack jumped as the lady came back. "I was given permission to show you to their department. Please follow me."

"Thank you." Jack sighed shakily as he followed the girl with JJ close behind. They went through these halls before reaching a door with a camera. They take all this very seriously. As Ego's and Demons have gifts and powers that normal humans can't combat they try their damnedest to keep the normals away from them. Only other egos can work in with them. Right now Jack didn't really care. He just wanted Anti better. The door beeped letting it open as the girl just stood there smiling.

"On you go." Jack beamed as he started forward only for the girl to frown seeing JJ. "Only the host can be in the room with the patient. I'm afraid you will be asked to stay in the lobby. JJ nodded as the girl's eyes darkened. "If you would prefer I could have you stay out there with us?" JJ shook his head pointing at Jack and the girl nodded. "Well alright then. It's probably a good thing to be here to help. I hope your demon gets better." The girl smiled as he turned away to leave. "I've learned not all of them are bad." Jack just smiled softly as he watched her leave.

"So have I." Jack took a deep breath as he and JJ entered the Ego department only to cringe at the loud hastily footsteps echoing down the hall.


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