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Stacy knocked on the door the moment she came up smiling wide as she tried to calm her breathing a tad. She waited patiently as the sound of quick footsteps resounded through the wood. Her eyes narrowed as the door opened to reveal Anti standing there with a smile.

"Sam!" Stacy beamed as she knelt down to be at his level. "I see you're feeling much better, huh?" Anti just giggled as he nodded and slowly moved to the side only to finally notice Chase and freeze up. Chase had a slight blush to his face as he scratched the back of his neck with a laugh.

"H-Hey, Stace." Stacy slowly picked herself up brushing her hair back as she nodded.

"Hello to you too, Ace." Anti and Trey shoot each other this look before both rolling their eyes and breaking down into laughter.

"Come on, Sam! If Jack lets us use his, we can snag Dad computer, and you, Yan, and I can play murder!"

"Whoa, wait, what?" Chase called making Trey freeze up who was already pulling his laptop out of his bag. Chase glanced down at Anti before sighing and just waving them off. "Go on... but ONLY if Jack says you can. I don't want any fighting."

"YAY!" Anti yelled out as he followed Trey. Chase just stood there watching as Stacy smiled at him.

"You've fallen haven't you?" Chase frowned as he looked over at her and sighed. "It's ok you know?"

"He isn't my son."

"Maybe not..." Stacy lulled as she brushed his hair bag smiling even wider at how Chase seemed to lean into her touch. "But maybe that should change, Chase."

"What do you mean?"

"You both have clearly helped each other." Chase's eyes widened a bit as Stacy pulled away with a sparkle in her eyes. "I haven't seen you this happy in so long."

"I hadn't really had much of a reason to be." 

"I'm glad to see you smiling again." Chase chuckled a bit as Stacy glanced back behind him with her own slight laugh. "And I'm very glad to see him smiling too. To be honest... I didn't even think it was possible."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." Stacy's eyes shot up as Chase just stood there with a blank look.

"Do you... Do you know who he is?" Chase frowned as he looked back and shot her a look that clearly said 'Do you?'. "I've known from the start."

"It hasn't been confirmed yet but... I have my suspicions." Stacy's started to smile a bit as Chase's eyes grew dark. "Anyway, Treys already off carding those boys into a game of murder..."

"I'm surprised you let them play it." Chase cringed before rolling his eyes slightly.

"I wouldn't have but... Considering Yan and... well... I figured it really wouldn't matter much in the end." Stacy laughed as she shook her head.

"No, I suppose not. I've got to go. Grey's got his own sleepover soon and I haven't figured out beds yet." Stacy met Chase's eyes with this near hopeful look making Chase blush a bit. "I'll see you later, Ace?"

"Of course, Stace." Chase watched as she walked away with this bright heartfelt expression. He slowly walked back in letting the door close before walking into the kitchen to find Jack in there and he frowned. Jack... This time he wasn't getting no for a damn answer. He was getting his confirmation. 

"They're a bunch of lively lads, aren't they?" Jack laughed softly hearing the ecstatic giggling from the room even from the kitchen. "We should have at the trio together long ago if they were this happy about it."

"Yeah. I suppose so." Jack faltered a bit hearing the slight tone in Chases voice and his smile fell.

"Chase, I..."

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