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"Your really good at this, you know?: Chase smiled as Anti giggled softly his bright blue eyes darting about the table in search of his next piece. "I take you like puzzles?"

"Puzzles... fun." Anti beamed as he picked a piece up and placed it down next to the steadily getting bigger puzzle. "Dark said... it... it helps relax." Chase faltered a bit as Anti grabbed a few more pieces. "Dark used to... t-to d-do... too." Anti jumped with a soft giggle as he pointed down at the puzzle giddily. "Look!" Chase just nodded with a smile as Anti went back to work. "Fun."

"I see that. I'm glad you're having fun." Anti bounced excitedly as he ran about the table grabbing all sorts of puzzle pieces. He handed a few to Chase before pointing at a spot on the table and Chase laughed. "You want me to put these here?" Anti nodded as he started putting his own pieces down letting Chase do the same with his. "So.. You mentioned Da-..."

"We're back!" Chase frowned as he looked back towards the door hearing the soft footsteps getting closer. Anti didn't even seem to notice. He was far to busy finishing the puzzle. "We don't really have anything... I know shocker... but we did pick up some dinner and JJ got the kid a..." Jackie froze instantly bags dropping the moment he met with Chase's eyes. "Chase! You're here?"

"Yep. You look surprised." Jackie frowned as he glanced over to see Anti only to soften seeing the kid so... He couldn't really explain it.

"Ch-Chase..." Jackie's eyes went wide as Anti pulled Chase's hand back to get his attention. The Father's ego chuckled as he looked over to see the picture of a dog slowly coming into focus. "Dog!"

"I see... You're doing so well, kiddo. Keep it up." Anti beamed as he nodded and went back to work.

"He spoke. He actually spoke... and he touched you." Chase nodded with a soft laugh seeing Jackie's shocked expression.  "How the..."

"You think that's surprising... I was holding him not that long ago. He was sleeping in my arms. It was actually kinda cute. Hadn't had a kid do that with me in several years." Jack sighed as he started to rummage through the bags only to jump back as a stuffed cat with pushed into his face. Jackie yelp in shock startling Anti who jumped and hid beside Chase now finally noticing the other faces. Jackie just glared at JJ who laughed silently at the scene. 

"You scared the shit out of me, dude."

"Jackie, language." Chase rolled his eyes softly as he smirked. "There's a kid here." Jackie groaned in annoyance as he shook his head. Jackie mumbled something under his breath about Anti probably having said worse but no one really caught it.  Anti giggled again as he reached out for another piece only for it to fly off randomly making Anti frown in confusion. It wasn't the first time his powers acted out. He frowned as he slowly walked off to get it only to catch sight of something shining off in the distance. He smiled brightly as he ran off to get it. "What were you getting? The kid said you went shopping but..."

"We were setting up Shawn's old room for him. Shawns the only ego that doesn't ever come round any more so we thought it was the best option." Chase frowned in confusion as he looked between the two with narrowed eyes.

"Why is Jack watching him anyway?" Jackie tensed as he shot JJ a look only confusing Chase more. "Where are his parents?"

"Sam doesn't have any." Chase crashed as he glanced over to see Jack standing there with a very anxious looking Anti. Jack smiled sadly as he knelt down to get more on Anti's level. "Sam, why don't you go show Chase your room huh? Remember what we spoke about kiddo." Anti's eyes darkened as he glanced back to see Jack nodded. "Not around him ok?"

"Ch-Chase?" Chase just sat there frozen as his thoughts went spiraling only to snap back to reality at the feeling of a small hand in his. His eyes met with anti's who quickly looked away with a shy smile. "R-Room?"

"Oh, uh... Sure thing, kiddo. Lead the way." Chase laughed softly as Anti carefully pulled him out of the room. Jack just stood there frozen until the sound of their footsteps faded away.

"The fuck was that Jack?!" Jack flinched as Jackie yelled... well whisper yelled. "Why did you call Anti  Sam?"

"Chase is in a very delicate state right now."

"Exactly so why would you call him Sam?!" Jack flared as he glared over at the hero making him cower under his presence. 

"Because I determined it the better option for Anti's current well being. You forget. I now have to find a way to help, protect, and care for an autistic demon that I never thought I would have to before!" Jackie's eyes flashed and JJ deflated as Jack crossed his arms fuming. "Why do you two think Chase is here? It's obviously about Anti. Chase wants to get Anti. He has for a very long time. I can't let that happen. I'd send Chase away but... The man not only got Anti to trust him enough to touch him but he also realized what the problem is. Anti's autistic, guys. My demon has been struggling with this his entire life and I was never there. I never saw the problems."

'Your demon?' Jack frowned seeing JJ sign. He had been a little too heated to read it.

"What?" JJ just smiled as he signed it again.

'Your demon?' Jack's eyes went wide as JJ smiled wider. 'You said 'your demon'.' The room fell into a sort of quiet as Jack tried to work through everything. 'Does that mean you're revoking your denial?'

"JJ... MY demon is suffering." JJ literally beamed as Jackie frowned in concern, over what no one was really sure. "I spoke to Henrik earlier."

"And..." By the way, Jack's eyes went dark the two of them could feel it wasn't a good call. "Jack what did Hen say?"

"Guys... we could have been completely wrong about Anti." Jackie seemed to gulp as he stood there with a neutral expression. Tears fell from Jack's eyes as he shrugged. "We never thought of the possibility that... That Anti is just like Chase."

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