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"Anti?" Gray pushed the door open only to freeze seeing the small boy laying there with his eyes closed. He felt a hand go to his back and he smiled hearing Trey chuckle softly. "When you said he was a kid, I wasn't expecting so young."

"Yeah, well uh... He doesn't really like it so be kind?" Gray just laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Gray this is serious."

"Yeah, no. Totally. I'm just gonna go in there and pick on a young sick demon."

"Demon?" Gray paled as he looked over to see his father standing there with a small smile. "I know kids can seem like it but I assure you not all kids are 'real' demons, Gray." Tray frowned as he shook his head seeing the confusion in his brother.

"He doesn't know, Grayson." Chase's eyes flashed as Trey pushed the door in more. "Hey, sleepyhead. Guess who's here?" Anti slowly opened his eyes with a very tired smile. "Hey, bro."

"Trey?" Trey simply hummed as he knelt down by the big bed seeing Anti now fully looking at him. "What are you doing here?"

"It's Friday." Anti's eyes widened in confused shock as he looked over to see Gray too. "I take it you didn't know."

"Feel icky... been sleeping." Trey nodded in understanding as he felt Anti's cheek a bit with a frown. "Cold..."

"You're a bit warm. It's not to bad though so at least there's that. Mom told me to tell you she hopes you feel better." Anti laughed as he rolled his eyes mumbling under his breath making Trey giggle. "Yeah, I know. I won't be repeating that though, Sam. She's... She's actually worried about you. Dad said you've been sick for a while..."

"No. I no sick..." Trey frowned more as he looked back to see Chase just standing in the doorway a look of confusion in his eyes. Anti just laid there with a soft smile. "I can't... Can't get sick."

"But you did, Sam." Anti shook his head making Trey sigh. "Sam..."

"I can't get sick. I... I'm fine. I'm ok. D-Don't w-worry." Trey noticed right away how Anti wasn't looking at him anymore. His eyes had darted behind him and he finally understood why Anti was so adamant. The demon has never been one fore denial. Even if he was stubborn he understood sometimes you need help. Sometimes things happen and you have to reason or idea as to why. That's something Trey looked up to in his 'older brother'.

Anti would fight like fucking hell if he didn't like something but he was always aware of the reality of something. Should there come a time when he can't fight Anti would know and he would back off. He'd disguise the shit out of it to make it seem like he was going to beat someone or cause damage or just something else but Trey knew. He saw it. Quite a few times actually. 

"Sam, there's a reason you're sick." Anti grimaced as he pushed himself up with a slight pant before shaking his head again. "You are sick, Sam."

"No, I'm..."

"Sam, think." Anti's eyes went wide as Trey forced his words out a little forcefully. "Do you really think denying the truth is going to make him feel any better about this? Your sick and you need to get better. So..." Trey beamed as he shot up and jumped on the bed. "This weekend it's just gonna be us, boys. The Wonder Bro's 2.Oh My Gosh." Anti giggled as he shook his head.

"Don't say that again."

"Don't say what, One-der Bro? Hey Wonder Dos, do you know what he's talking about?" Anti's giggles got louder making everyone smile.

"S-Stop... Stop s-saying that. That's n-not our name!" Trey fake gasped as he collapsed onto the floor.

"Wonder Trey down. The bro code is broken... Send help." Trey let out a fake cry as he flailed lightly on the floor. Anti giggled as he crawled out from under the covers and moved to the edge of the bed. 

"Dad. Dad Hurry!" Trey froze up instantly as Chase laughed. Both Trey and Gray shared a very shocked look as Anti pointed down at the eldest son. "Dad save him."

"On it!" Chase cheered as he started over only to 'trip' and fall onto the floor with an obviously overdramatized cry. You can see where Trey got it from. Chase stuck his tongue out pretending to be dead and Anti 'gasped'.

"No. Daddy... too strong. You can't... I save you!" Anti stumbled off the covers a giggling mess as he fumbled and fell on top of the man knocking the wind out of him as he grunted only to melt at Anti's laughter. "You're alive!"

"And out of breath." Chase joked as he pulled Anti in and smiled. "Feeling better, Kid." Anti just nodded as he looked around at everything. Chase had a very big room. It was filled with games and toys. That one wall covered in nerf guns and weapons brought color to the white walls. Although it was obvious the color scheme was red and yellow. Gray stood out with his cool blues and greens of his shirt and Trey often only wore black and grey. He still couldn't get over the fact that they were here. All four of them were here. And even if he knew it wouldn't last... that once he 'grows up' again things are going to go back to normal... He still found joy in their 'family'. 

Anti's blood went cold as he slowly moved out of Chases arm's. It was a sudden realization that honestly brought tears to his eyes. He hadn't really noticed it much before. Yeah, he'd been calling Chase dad. Chase was the one taking care of him. Obviously he'd gotten close to the sharpshooter, just as he had gotten close to Trey over the two years but... He didn't truly realize it until now...

He thought of them as his family...

They were a family.

"Sam, you ok, Bud?" Anti just smiled thinly as he went to get into bed only to struggle a bit making Trey have to help him. 

"Bro?" Anti sighed softly as he curled up under the blankets and nodded. He just never thought he'd see the day where he would have a family. He never thought he would see the day where someone looked at him with such worry and concern as those three were. Or cared for him like Chase was doing... He doesn't even know who Anti is. That's what got to him... Chase had become a father to him. A true, honest, father and he didn't know...

"'m f-f-fin-ne."

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