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"Ok, so everyone knows when we're meeting back up?" Jack called out as they all entered the mall together. Chase had Anti's hand securely in his as the younger held tight to his cat stuffy JJ and Jackie had gotten him. 

"Yeah, Dude. We've got this." Chase called out as Jackie literally dragged JJ away with a loud laugh. Marvin huffed softly with a playful roll of his eyes. He bent down slightly and waved his hand over Anti creating a shower of glitter and light making Anti's eyes go wide in awe.

"You be good ok, Trouble?" Anti giggled as he nodded. Marvin just smiled softly as he turned back towards Jack. "We should get some stuff for the house. Considering Sam's attack on our dishes..."

"His what?" Chase frowned as he glanced down to see Anti still in awe over the glitter still around him. "When did he attack your dishes?"

"Before you showed up."

"I-I lashed o-out." Chase tensed as he met with Anti's eyes for a split second before the younger looked away. "Broke their plates... a-almost h-hurt JJ." Chase's eyes darkened as Anti frowned. "I d-didn't-t mean t-to."

"Hey, now, Kiddo. It's ok." Chase smiled softly as he squeezed Anti's hand to help calm him down. "No one here is judging you. What you did is in the past. Isn't that right Marvin?"

"More than you even know, Chase." Jack nudged the magician sharply causing him to grunt as Chase shot the two a very confused look. "I mean... Yes, Chase. I agree. All in the past." Marvin met with Anti's eyes for a second as he smiled. Anti's eyes went wide as Marvin tapped his own nose a bit with a chuckle. "All in the past."

"Ok, then... Ignoring that right now." Chase frowned slightly as he turned to Anti with this off look. "You know what he's talking about?" Anti just nodded as he smiled brightly. "Alright... What do you say we go look for some clothes huh?"

"Have fun you two!" Jack called out after them as Anti started to pull Chase along. It wasn't long after that they stood in front of Hot Topic. Chase just laughed as Anti stood there frozen in a weird mixture of fear and awe. 

"Don't you think your a little young, kid?" Anti frowned as he stepped back a bit. He knew as a grown-up, he loved this place but being as small as he was then, it was actually quite intimidating. "Why don't we go somewhere else and..."

"But Chase..." Anti whined slightly as he looked back in. He sighed as he turned away and nodded. "Ok."

"Maybe when you're older ok?" Anti just deflated more with a nod as he fell into a silent mood. Maybe when he was older... Whenever ever this stupid spell wears off. Anti glanced up at Chase and actually felt his chest start to ache. But then... Then Chase wouldn't want to hang out with him... wouldn't he? Chase doesn't like Adult Anti. "Where do you want to go first? We can go to Target or Boscos? Macy's even... there are other stores we could..." Chase frowned seeing how withdrawn Anti had gotten and he sighed sadly. "Hey, Kid? You ok?"

"'m fine." Anti hummed as he just stared down at his feet. He cuddled his cat tightly as he followed Chase's shadow closely.

"You sure? You don't look all that well." Anti stopped making Chase have to stop with him. The older broke down the moment he heard the small sniffles. "Kid?"

"S-Sorry. I-I'm o-ok. Really... J-Just..." Anti shook his head as he started to withdraw into himself a bit more. Chase dropped to his knees and just stayed there with a smile. He didn't try to touch him. He didn't try to talk with him. He just stayed there so that Anti felt his presence. "Chase?"

"Yeah, kid?" Anti latched on to the older surprising him a bit as Anti cried into him. "Hey, it's ok. It's ok, kid."

"I love you." Chase was taken back so suddenly as Anti just held him close. "Don't hate me."

"Wait, what?" Anti shook as he buried his head into him. Chase was still reeling he didn't quite catch the second thing. "Kid..."

"Don't hate me... Don't... D-Don't h-hate me." Chase crashed as he pulled Anti farther into his arms letting out a soft breath. "I love you."

"I don't know why you think I would hate you, kid. Could never find it in me to hate any kid..." Anti nuzzled into the man as he slowly stood up still holding him securely in his arms. "Don't worry." Chase's eyes shined as he sighed ignoring the pain in his chest as he spoke. "I don't hate you, Sam." Something in Chase latched on the words he spoke as he held the child just a bit tighter. His heart raced and ached at once the moment he uttered that name. Sam... Sammy... just like his daughter. "I don't hate you." Chase swallowed his pain as he slowly pulled the child away with a soft smile. "Now... we should hurry and start shopping. Jack only gave us a little over an hour."

"Ok." Anti gave a small smile as he took Chases and as carefully followed the older to a store.

 At first, Anti wasn't really impressed. Just because he was a kid again doesn't mean his style had changed much. Chase was looking at all these shirts... none of which anti really liked. That was until Chase pulled out this black shirt. It was just a plain black shirt. Nothing special but Anti wanted it. He made grabby hands which caught Chase's eyes real quick. Chase laughed softly as Anti ran to put it in the cart not even bothering to care about size. 

"You liked the black shirt?" Anti nodded as he darted under a clothes rack, popping up on the other side with a giggle. "Got it." 

"Chase! Chase!" Anti jumped excitedly at the shirt before him. Once again it was a plain shirt but this time it was green... dark enough to be black but not. Anti beamed as he tugged on it slightly making Chase laugh again at the sight.

"Another black shirt?"

"Not black... green." Chase faltered a small bit as Anti jumped managing to snag it off the rack with a bright smile. "I like green."

"And dark colors... it would seem." Chase's eyes narrowed as Anti held it out for the older. Chase sighed as he took it only to switch it out with a different size before putting it in the cart. "You know you're going to have to try it on right?" Anti nodded anxiously as he followed Chase, who started to move away from the shirts. That was until Anti spotted someone and he frowned. 


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