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"Ok... Well, now we have a little monster." Anti frowned as Jackie chuckled a bit. "Whatever... I'm gonna see if Shawn's old room is good enough." Anti watched as Jackie started for the stairs. He watched but he didn't move from the door. He just stood there wanting Dark to come back and take him away. Jack stood there with a sad look in his eyes as Anti turned away and just stared at the door.

"We should inform the others that Anti is back in town." Marvin whispered softly as Jack just sighed and shook his head. "Jack..."

"What's the point of worrying everyone? Anti's the one that needs help right now not us. If we tell the other's chances are Henrik and Chase would flip out. You know how much Chase hates him." Marvin frowned as Jack shook his head again. "No... Chase would definitely lose his mind. After what happened with his kids, he's been wanting to kill Anti. I can't take that risk."

"You really think Chase would kill a kid?" Jack frowned more as he shrugged.

"Honestly, Marv... I don't know. Anti isn't the only one who did bad things. You remember what Chase did. That driveby killed a lot of people. Anti's just... Anti's just the only one that targeted us." Jack turned back to see Anti just sitting in front of the door and he sighed sadly. "Hey, Anti?" There was no reply. No movement at all making Jack a bit worried. "Do you want to watch some tv? I'd even be willing to let you choose the show. Anti?" There was nothing to indicate Anti even heard him. The boy just sat there staring. "Ok, then. I'll be back to check on you then."

"You're just going to leave him..." Jack shot Marvin this look making the other freeze up. "Jack."

"Dark said not to touch him. So I can't move him... and he isn't responding. He isn't hurting anyone."

"Yet." Marvin cringed at his own words as he rolled his eyes and walked off. "Whatever. I'll be in my room."

"I'm just saying... I..." Jack groaned in annoyance as he looked back at Anti. "I never said Anti was the only one who did things. You've all hurt people... It's just that Anti has hurt us and I could risk it. I..." Jack stopped the moment he felt a hand on his arm. He glanced over to see JJ smiling at him and he sighed. "I know. You told me not to do it. I just... I thought it was best... denying him. I thought it would keep you all safe."

'I'm not going to repeat my lecture, Jack. You've heard it all before.' Jack nodded as JJ pulled away with a stern look in his eyes. 'I will, however, say that none of that matters right now. We have to care for Anti. I do believe we should inform the others. If only to let them no something happened to their brother.'

"None of them see him as their brother, JJ. They don't even see him as a fellow Septic ego."

'That's because you denied him.' Jack deflated as JJ just stared at him unmovingly. 'Go make the calls, Jack. Keep yourself busy for a bit. I'll take care of the kid.'

"Wait, are you sure? After what Anti did to..." JJ pushed Jack lightly towards the office with narrowed eyes making him freeze. "Ok. If you think you can handle it. Just please be careful, JJ. I know he a kid but... He's still Anti." 

'Just go, Jack.' JJ stood there watching as Jack waved him off walking into the room and closing the door. JJ sighed silently as he turned back to see Anti still just staring at the door. The silent ego didn't bother to try and talk to him. He just sat down beside him. Anti instantly glanced over to see him shifting slightly off to the side but JJ didn't react. He just sat there still and unmoving just as Anti had moments prior. JJ smiled as he waved his fingers a bit to catch Anti's attention. 'You let me know when you're ready to move ok? Then we can do whatever you want. 

'Today is just going to be about getting you settled, ok?' Anti didn't respond. He just sat there staring at JJ's hands. It was clear there was something going on with the child. There were too many signs. JJ is a very observant man. He could tell it was hard for Anti to talk earlier and he only spoke to Dark. That was why JJ didn't really expect a response. He didn't expect anything but... Anti nodded. JJ's eyes went wide as Anti shifted a bit uncomfortably beside him. 'Alright then. You just let me know when.' Anti tensed as he shook his head and covered his mouth. 'You don't have to Anti. I'll understand. You can tell me however you want... I'll listen.'

"What?" Jack cringed as Henrik's voice spilled through the phone. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... Anti is back in town, Hen." Jack sat in his office chair and just spun around as he tried to calm his nerves. 

"What did that glitch bitch do now?"

"Nothing. Anti didn't do anything Hen." Henrik scoffed over the line making Jack freeze and lean against his knees with a pout. "Why was that everyone's first response?
 Jack laughed at himself as he rolled his eyes. "Given it was mine too... Henrik I didn't call you or the others to say there was trouble. I was just letting people know he's back."

"If he's back than there's trouble. Have you told Chase yet?" Jack just sat there in silence making Henrik sigh. "I take it you haven't."

"You know how much Chase hates Anti. I don't want him causing shit right now, Hen."

"That demon is in town and your acting as if everything fine, Jack." 

"Everything is fine, Henrik." Jack yelled through the phone with narrowed eyes. "I can't explain things right now. I'm sorry. I still have shit I have to do, video's to edit, and someone to take care of so... You'll just have to trust me on this. I'll be fine. I have JJ, Marvin, and Jackie should something happen. I just don't think anything will this time Hen."

"I'm still going to inform Chase." Jack cringed as he sighed and hummed in acknowledgment. "He has the right to know, Jack."

"You're right... Do what you have to, Hen... but, I'm telling you. I'm ok."

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