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"Come on, JJ!" Jack laughed as he slammed the car door shut only to freeze up seeing another car pull in right behind them. "Uh..."

"Greeting's Ladys, Gentlemen, and of COURSE all other beings of configuration!" Jack paled as Wilford yelled out the moment the door opened. "Hi, again Jackipoo. JJ, my main man, it's been so long."

'It's only been several hours. We literally just spent the entire week together filming.' JJ just stood there highly confused as Dark slowly got out of the driver side making Jack tense in concern. 'Why are you here?

"Dark? What's going on?" Dark went to answer only for the back door to shoot open as this 15-year-old went running inside squealing in joy making everyone burst out in laughter. Dark smiled happily as he gestured after his son. 

"Sam wanted a playdate."

"SAMMY!" Yan screamed out as he chucked a knife right at Anti who caught it with a smiling having been on guard after recognizing the footsteps. He was happy he was in his own room at the moment because he did not want to know what Chase would have done is he'd seen that. "Holy, Papa wasn't wrong. He really did turn you into a kid."

"W-Will... Not mean to." Yan giggled as he jumped up onto the bed. Anti just smiled as he placed the knife on the nightstand. "Yan happy?"

"OF COURSE I'M HAPPY, SAMMY. I got to see senpai the other day!" Anti's smile only grew as Yan danced giddily on the bed. "You should have seen him, Sammy! He was so cute! He was wearing his father's hat making him look so cool. He even had his own goggles. I'm pretty sure I blacked out. He was out with his mother so I didn't do anything but OM GOSH Sam! I love him so much. AAAAAH!" Yan squealed joyously as he fell to the side with a blissed smile. "He waved to me, Sammy. He waved to me."

"I'm happy for you Yan!" Anti beamed as Yan just nodded enthusiastically. "Have you guys..."

"Gone on a date?" Anti nodded as Yan sighed sadly. "No. We haven't. I haven't exactly asked him yet. He mentioned going to the arcade and he got really giddy about skeeball but other than that... I just don't know, Sammy. I don't want our dads to get mad."

"Forget about them for now... Tell me more about senpai!" Yan beamed as he rolled about till he was on his belly and giggled happily. 

Chase frowned a bit in curiosity as the sound of giggles coming from Anti's room. He sighed as he tried to focus on what he was doing instead of bothering the kid. He slowly made his way down the stairs slightly groggy from his lack of sleep. He had let Anti stay in his own room since the whole scene at the cafe. Having been sure he had scared the poor kid, Chase didn't want to force Anti to stay with him if it only frightened him more. Of course, his guilt over scaring Anti and the fact that he got so used to having the kid there made it really hard for him to sleep... hence the grogginess. Chase groaned slightly as he stumbled into the living room with a cup of coffee he had snagged from the pot, only to freeze at the sight before him.

"Dark." Everyone snapped up the moment Chase spoke and Jack paled in concern. Chase just smiled a bit with a nod finally understanding the giggles from the room. "I take it the trip here went well?"

"Wait?" Jack frowned in confusion as Dark just laughed and offered the other father a smile.

"Yes, it went quite well actually." Chase moved further in the room only to freeze hearing the sound of a gun cock. His eyes met with Wilford's who had his bright pink berretta m9 pointed directly at his face with a bright beaming grin.

"Will no." Dark groaned softly as he nudged the gun away only making Wilford grumble.

"But Dark... Come on." Wilford pouted as he lazily used his gun to point over at Chase, who just sighed and sipped his coffee without a single reaction much to the other septic's confusion. "It would be so cool... just us two sharpshooters duking it out... in a winner takes brawl... for ALL the marbles! Just like you and Glitchy did that one day!"

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