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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dark slammed Chase against the wall, cane pressed against his throat cutting off his air, as the demon growled with glowing red and blue eyes. "What the hell is going through the messed up head of yours that would allow this shit to happen?!"

"Dark, please..." Jack called out making Dark snap even more as he pressed his can further into Chase's windpipe. Chase didn't even so much as wince. "Stop it!" Jack tried to pull Dark back but all that got was him shoved back into Marvin.

"STOP?! My son and best friend was fucking kidnapped!"

"His son is out there too!" Jack snapped back making Dark falter as Wilford pulled him back. Will just smiled as he held Dark by the arms staring him right in the eyes to help focus his attention on him. 

"Darky, look at me." Dark tensed through the angry energy buzzing in him as Will just chuckled softly. "Yan will be ok. He's strong. You and Antiboy taught him how to survive. He's just more spunk than his Papa." Dark choked out an awkward laugh as Will squeezed his arms lightly. "Plus there's no way in hell that glitch is going to let anything happen to him. You know this. He'll go supernova if they even try anything."

"That's great and all but..." Marvin muttered with a slight flinch as Dark's imposing gaze bore into him. "What about Trey?" Dark only scoffed as he shook himself out of Will's grasp and took a deep breath.

"That boy's been taking personal lesson's from Sam every weekend now for about two years." Jack's eyes went wide as Dark smirked a bit. "He'll be fine. Sam's always coming home gushing about how strong and capable he is. Literally called him incredible and there aren't many that will get that sort of praise from him." Dark frowned as he glanced over to see the other father stumble to a chair and just sit there with this dazed look in his eyes gripping the hat and cat stuffy as if it were the ONLY thing keeping them alive. "What the hell is wrong with him?" Jack just deflated as he shook his head and sighed.

"He's been like that since Jackie came back." Jack looked off towards the room and frowned as he tried to work through everything. His hero was out of commission. Despite how adamant Jackie was about helping he was completely drained and it made him sick. Jameson took charge of watching over him which means right now... there's only Marvin, Dark, and Wilford they could use. Chase was lost at this point. "He hasn't spoken a word since..."

"Am I a bad father?" The whole room went absolutely silent as Chase finally looked up at everyone and whimpered slightly. "I mean... Trey would never have gone after Anti alone if I had been in the right mind to think clearly... and If I had never snapped and attacked Jack... Anti never would have run away thinking I was targetting him. Yan, Trey, Anti... None of them would have left this house if I never snapped. They're gone because of me."

"Chase..." Chase frowned feeling his phone vibrate as he just shook his head cutting Jack off. 

"Save it. You know it's true. It's my fault. My son... Yan... Anti... It's my fault." Chase pulled his phone out as he wiped his tears away only to completely freak over the notification. He jumped up with a slight yell startling everyone as his eyes skimmed the text. It was from Trey and all it held was an address... and a name. His eyes narrowed as he felt his anger burn through him like a wildfire. He looked up at Dark knowingly as he forced as he faked a smile and laughed as if in relief. He was not about to let anyone else suffer because of his mistakes. Not when he was going to fix it. "They're ok!" Jack jumped eyes wide as Chase waved his phone, forcing the lie through his lips like acid to paper. He didn't care. He was going to prevent further panic. "It was Trey. He said they ran into some trouble. Some bullies I get took their stuff to cause a scene. I'm not entirely sure the text was a bit vague. He said they went out to the movies to try and cheer everyone up. They lost track of time... They're ok." Jack sighed loudly in relief as Marvin nodded with a smiled Wilford just narrowed his eyes knowingly as Dark glared at the other father. Apparently tricking them was a damn near impossible feat. It's a good thing Chase wasn't really trying that. He just didn't want Jack freaking out. "I'm gonna go get them now. Ok? You guys just focus on Jackie." Chase shot a look over at Dark who nodded and followed him out of the living room only to grab Chases arm once they were out of earshot.

"Tell me the truth Chase. I know my son. He can summon his knife at will, he wouldn't just leave it somewhere and definitely wouldn't let some dipshit punk try to steal it from him." Chase's eyes just lit up like a fire, yellow burning so bright Dark reeled back at the sight of it. He shoved his phone into the demon's chest as he clenched his fists clearly moments away from snapping.

"Read it." Was all Chase said, venom dripping from his lips. Dark frowned as he turned to the phone only for his aura to lash out clashing with everything and plummeting the two of them into a colorless plane. "We're gonna go kill an Actor." Dark hissed as he barred his fangs in agreement.

"I should've ripped him to shreds years ago."

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