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"You know Anti... seeing you laying there all broken... It's almost as if your true self is being revealed." Actor laughed as he waved his hand out his a slight dramatic gesture. "Like the curtain has been pulled back to reveal the true Antisepticeye... weak... pathetic."

"I'm not weak." Anti growled as coughed as pushed himself up against the wall. He was getting real sick and tired of hearing that same nonsense. Whether from this shit head wannabe Shakespearian dick fuck... or from his own head. He's heard it enough. "I'm not weak."

"Oh?" Actor smirked as he knelt down a bit and pressed the metal head of his cane into Anti's chin to force him to look up. "Care to show me... just how strong you are?" Anti's eyes narrowed as Actor turned around with a twirl, spinning his cane a bit before turning again to face him with a smile. "I could give you the opportunity to do just that. To show not just myself but... everyone else too?" Actor lazily point his cane down at the younger demon who frowned a bit at the suggestion. "You could join me? You could prove once and for all to that host of yours just how powerful your really are... at my side."

"How about you go fuck yourself?" Anti hissed with a smirk making Actor's falter. "I don't need to join your pompous puppet show to prove anything to Jack."

"Is that so?" Anti nodded as Actor just laughed. "Because last I knew, you were nothing but thrown out demonic trash that Jack shoveled onto Dark who was far too weak himself to ever abandon." Anti's face fell instantly as Yan yelled out trying to get him to stop listening. It was too late. The damage had been done. Actor poked Anti's chest harshly with his cane as he snarled. "You're nothing Anti. You're not even a proper ego anymore. You're host abandoned you and left you in the hand of Darkiplier. He's part Damien, you know. That wimpy ass bitch couldn't even let a fly suffer. Obviously he would take you in. He would deal with all your baggage solely because he is incapable of letting trash be where it belongs..." Actor went to strike him with the can only for Anti to catch it before it could hit him, making the elder demon smirk. "I on the other hand..." Actor pulled his cane back with a twirl before resting it on his shoulder. "I see your potential. Join me Anti. This is your only offer."

"And I said..." Anti growled, his eyes glowing green. "Go fuck yourself, you overgrown narcissistic shit stick."

"You know Anti..." Actor sighed 'remorsefully' as he shook his head with this disappointed look. "I only really need one prisoner to get what I want." Anti froze up as Actor shrugged with a smirk. "And... Either of you would work since... Dark 'cares' for you both." Actor fake gagged as he laughed and waved himself off. "The point is my fellow demonic problem... Regardless of who's here... Dark will come. So why do I have both of you again?" Actor pulled a long silver sword out of his cane and held it securely to Anti's neck, pressing firmly till there was a thin bead of blood dripping down tracing his clavicle with red. "To be totally fair with you, I must be honest... I would much rather deal with someone I have experience with than... you know..." Actor snapped making Anti's eyes widen with horror. "... children." 

"NO!" Yan was yanked off by one of the guards who ignore Anti yelling out completely. "Actor, enough of this. Don't hurt him." Actor's eyes shined dangerously as Anti began to panic, his mind going to the only thing he could think of to save him. "Kill me then!"

"SAM, NO!" Yan yelled out as Actor just smirked.

"Kill me." Anti repeated as he pleaded for Yan's life. "What good is a damaged demon in comparison to Dark's literal son. You said it yourself... I'm nothing. He's his family." Actor's smirk widened as he leaned in and whispered gently into Anti's ears with that oh so familiar devilish charm in his sick and toxic voice.

"The difference is, my sweet glitch... You are already damaged." Anti's blood froze as actor pulled away with a quirked brow. "It's far to much work to break something... I'd much rather it already broken." Anti snapped, glitching out suddenly, snapping the one guard's neck. Yan doesn't even waste a beat. He runs off instantly leaving Anti behind who has only mere second to watch him disappear before screaming out as Actor stabs him in the side. The poor pathetic excuse for a copy cat Mark went to finish him off only to freeze up as Anti's voice glitched through the room.

"I accept!" He yelled out, hand raised in defense as if he could block a sword. Actor's eyes narrowed into a glare as Anti weakly choked out his words. "The deal... I... I accept. I'll join you. Just let Yan go. You said it yourself... You only need one of us. Let him go and I'll stay."

"Fine." Anti falters a bit, taken back by how easy it was for actor to agree. Actor just smiled as he walked off leaving the broken demon alone and bleeding. It wasn't like he had to worry about Anti escaping. One, he was far too injured... and two... he just gave himself up for a life, to go back on it would give Actor all the permission he would need to end Yan right then and there. No... Anti was stuck and that was just fact.

"I'm fucked." Anti let out a broken giggle as the door closed behind the actor plummeting him into the pitch black."But... At least they're safe... Yan... Trey." Anti's eyes slipped shut as he at least started to smile. "I did my job. I did what I said I would. I kept my promise. I protected him. So... At the end of all this... You'll be there waiting for me right... Sammy?"

"Let him go!" Actor's voice roar through the building shocking every guard there as Yan froze up in realization. "The boy is free to leave. I have what I want." Yan's eyes filled with horror as he stumbled out into the woods, a newfound panic forming in his chest.

"Sam, what the hell did you do?"

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