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"I meant something happened to Anti." Jack just stood there staring down at the child who shook and glitched every so often. Dark could sense the anxiety in the room and he wasn't happy. This was his best friend after all, and he was certain these men didn't know the first thing needed about caring for Anti. He just didn't have a choice. "Sam, I need you to stay here ok?"

"NO!" Anti cried out glitching badly as he curled into himself. Everyone sucked in a breath except Dark and Marvin. Marvin narrowed his eyes as he watched the scene cautiously and Dark slowly went to his knees. "No. No. NO! I no stay. N-No..."

"Sam..." Anti let his hand drop from his face as he met with Dark's eyes fro the first time since all this happened, making Darks heartbreak.

"Please... N-No... I-I d-don't want t-to." That hurt. Jack frowned as he looked away in thought. He didn't know why it hurt when he had made the choice to deny Anti a long time ago but... Somehow hearing that from this child version of him hurt. Dark shook his head as he reached out only to stop seeing how Anti flinched bad.

"I can't, kid." Dark let his hand fall letting Anti relax who was still crying. "I wish I could. I'm sorry, Sam. I just can't."

"Promise." Dark's eyes flashed as he let out a shaky breath. "You p-promised."

"And this is me keeping my promise. Jack won't hurt you, Sam. You're fine." Jack's eyes went wide as he quickly looked over to see Jackie deflating slightly. "Please promise me you'll at least try not to sabotage yourself."

"C-Can't... Can't c-control..." Dark pulled the boy into a hug as the two just fell into a small silence. "I c-can't c-control..."

"I know. I know that but... When I leave I need to know you won't lash out right away. I need to know you'll be cared for. You have to let them try, Sam." Sam only nodded as Dark slowly let go. Dark stood himself up and fixed his suit as he took a deep breath. "I understand you're scared but... Could you maybe stop staring at him?" Jack's eyes snapped up to Darks who avoided everyone's gaze. "He doesn't like it."

"Doesn't like it? Who cares if he doesn't like it? This is freaking ANTI!" Anti glitched again in fear making Marvin frown and nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm just... We've all been hurt in some way by him. We aren't like you Americans. We Irish can stay mad forever."

"Well, you Irish need to calm your asses and face facts," Dark growled as eyed the magician down. "I've been here for nearly an hour with Anti and all he's down in cower. He's scared. Just as much as you are."

"We got it Dark." Jack's voice flitted through the room catching everyone's attention as he frowned. "We got it. It'll be ok. We still have some rooms from when the others were here. He'll be ok."

"Jack you can't be serious..." Jackie whisper yelled in desperation as he anxiously looked from his host to the child. "I get it ok? He's a child. Knowing that a child needs help... I want to do something too but... This is Anti, Jack. Are you sure you want that trouble?"

"Anti or not he's still a child. A child and an ego of mine..."

"You denied him, Jack." Marvin took a step closer as he just watched Anti with a sad expression. "I don't like the idea of a kid suffering either but... You don't owe him a thing. You denied him. He's not your ego anymore."

"Even still, I can't just turn a blind eyes, Marv." Jack sighed as he glanced over at JJ who was just standing there quietly. "What about you JJ? What are your thoughts? Do you think I should help him?" JJ glanced up at Dark before shaking his head. Dark's eyes went wide in shock only to see the soft smile JJ was giving Anti.

'I don't think you Should do anything, Jack. It should be such a hard decision. I think you should want to. I think you have to. This is Anti.' Jack nodded as JJ smiled a bit wider. 'And he's in trouble. Dark's right. He needs you, Jack.'

"Alright then." Jack laughed awkwardly as he clapped. Dark sighed in relief as he rubbed Anti's shoulder a bit to help ease him. It didn't seem to work. "We'll take care of him... At least until the spell wears off... It will wear off right?" Dark nodded as he made sure Anti couldn't grab his hand like he wanted to.

"Our intention was never to harm Mark as I stated. It'll wear off. I just... I can't tell you how long though. It was Wilford's magic after all. Sam, stop." Dark held his hand up stopping Anti who stopped his foot angerly. "I know you don't want to stay, but you have to. Latching on to me won't change that."

"They no... want me." Anti started to glitch bad as he shook his head. "No stay. No Jack. No."

"Sam, breathe." Anti clenched his fists tightly as Dark took his small hands in his. "Jack said he'd watch over you. He said he'd give you a room. You just have to let them try ok? Can you do that? Can you be as strong as I know you are?"

"Anti not... not strong." Dark chuckled as he shook his head. 

"Sam, you are the strongest I know. Now you need to show them that, ok?" Anti groaned under his breath as Dark pulled away. The group just followed as Dark made his way to the door. Anti followed along as if he was leaving too. " Ok, so a few things, Jack." Jack frowned as he looked up to see Dark with such a serious expression. "One, don't touch him unless he wants it. Try and he might lash out. Two, don't expect him to talk much and seriously don't eye contact."

"Anything else." Dark nodded as he gave the small one one last smile. 

"Yeah... don't let him know you're scared." Jack tensed as Dark started to leave much to Anti's dislike who started for the door only for the door to shut before he could.

"Don't be afraid." Jack stared down at Anti who was banging on the door franticly and he laughed at himself. "Right... just don't be afraid of the man who tried to kill you on many different occasions."

Raising AntiWhere stories live. Discover now