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Chase wasted no time rushing into that Mcdonalds as if death himself was following in a bright fuchsia speedo. His eyes landed on that familiar grey hoodie and he crashed in complete relief. Chase slammed himself into his son hugging him tightly scaring Trey, who jumped and nearly punched him before realizing who it was.

"Dad?" Chase pulled away with a slight gasp as he nodded.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. If I didn't try to shoot jack..."

"Hold up..." Trey went to cut his father off only to freeze in shock as he backtracked. "Wait, you were trying to shook Jack?" Chase frowned as he nodded watching as Dark slipped into the booth before he did the same. Trey just sighed as he shook his head and waved that off. "That's not important right now. What is is... Dark?" Trey's eyes darkened as he turned his gaze to the demon. "It's Actor. He... I should have known."

"What do you mean?" Trey frowned as he just stared at the table in defeat. Dark's eyes narrowed as he tried to press for more information. "Trey?"

"He was after Yan. Yan was his intended target the entire time. He just lucked out getting all three of us." Trey tensed as he gripped his hands tightly just staring at the table. "Yan had taken us for ice cream to help Sam cheer up... We were caught off guard and... Sam being as young as he is was... wasn't able to tune out his anxiety enough to fight back. He ended up getting grabbed before we could do anything."

"What?" Trey's eyes snapped over as Chase's voice cracked up a bit.

"Sam was the first one they grabbed. He froze up like he always does during a sudden panic. And then... I froze up too." Dark's eyes narrowed seeing Trey starting to shake. "Sam he... He was freaking out, screaming... All I could think about was losing him like I lost..." Trey clammed up eyes going back to his father who just sighed in understanding. He didn't want to lose Anti like he had lost his sister. "I got distracted. I let my fear take over and I ended up caught too. Yan by that point... He didn't have a choice. We were thrown into a car before we could even blink. Sam wouldn't stop glitching. It was all I could do just to throw my hat out of the window."

"How did you escape?" Chase cringed at how badly his voice was shaking, but thankfully if the other noticed they didn't mention it. 

"Sam helped me. Well... Sam and Yan." Trey's eyes darkened just seconds before he slammed his fist into the table startling the others in the place. The two father's only felt concerned over Trey's anger. "I should've... Damn it."

"Hey, breathe. Please? Don't be like me..." Chase teased softly trying to lighten the mood a bit as he spotted the tears in Trey's eyes. "You know where that got me."

"You don't understand. I could have helped him. I had... He was right there but... " Trey groaned as he deflated into the table. "Sam attacked Actor to give us the chance to escape. Yan and I ran. I tried to help him but he got grabbed and... He refused to let me save him. Told me to get help so... I did."

"You did good..." Chase tried to reassure his son but it didn't seem to do much. "You used the chance Anti gave you..."

"His name is Sam." Trey growled taking chase by surprise a bit. "His name is Sam. Either respect that... or just... I don't even know." Trey rolled his eyes as he looked away. "He doesn't like Anti."

"Enough of this. Chase get up!" Dark started to get up himself as he went to leave only for Trey to grab his arm to stop him.

"We can't leave." Dark flared as Trey just glared the demon down. "Yan will come here if he gets out."

"I am not risking my family's lives." Trey just smirked as he let go and shook his head.

"This is Yan we're talking about. Sam wouldn't let Actor touch him." Dark sighed as he collapsed back into the seat obviously highly tense and trying not to snap. Chase frowned as he just tried to melt away into the background. His eyes danced about his son taking in every bruise and cut until.

"TREY BRODY, WHERE ON EARTH DID YOU GET THAT?!" Trey jumped at the sudden yelling only to laugh as he followed his father's gaze to the gun he had beside him 'hidden' under a Mcdonald's bag.

"Relax Dad. It's not the first time I've ever handled one before." Chase's eyes filled with shock as Trey frowned. "Sam's going to be so pissed off... Dad, Sam had been teaching me how to shoot for two years now."

"And why would An... Sam need to teach you that?" Chase clenched his fists trying to hold himself back. Chase wasn't angry that Anti had been spending time with his son. Not anymore anyway... not since all this happened. No... He was angry that Trey had ever held a gun. He never wanted that for his son. And for Anti to have had taught him how to shoot... Well, He had better have had a good reason.

"Because he promised he would teach me how to defend myself after he managed to save Sammy, Gray, and I from being kidnapped." Chase paled as the air seemed to go thick around him. "Dad, this isn't the first time Actor targeted me. I just... I didn't know it was him."

"Anti... saved you from..." Trey nodded as he stared at his hands refusing to meet his father's gaze. "When... How... What?"

"You and Mom were fighting so I took Sammy and Gray out just to get away from it all and... These goons tried to take me. They had guns... Sammy was crying. I was just trying to keep them all alive when... Sam popped in and killed them." Chase's eyes went wide as Trey started to smile. "He took us out for lunch. He literally summoned Sammy her very own SepticSam plushy. Dad... He was kind and gentle with her. He cared. He cared... cared enough to go her funeral."

"Anti went to my daughter's funeral?"

"We stayed in the back." Chase's eyes snapped over to Dark who mumbled out quietly, for the most part, trying to stay out of there conversation while thinking up as many ways he could kill that blasted actor as he could. "I didn't really talk to anyone. We didn't want to cause a scene, but Sam said he couldn't miss it. He felt bad that you couldn't be there that... no septic really could." Dark glanced over to see the tears in Chase's eyes as he shrugged. "Sam said someone HAD to be there. That not only did he have to go for that little girl... he had to because you couldn't."

"Mom was wrong, Dad." Chase once again met Trey's eyes as everything started to crash around him. "Mom was wrong. You were wrong. Sam didn't kidnap us. We were there... because he was trying to protect us. Sam saved us and you all villainized him for it."

"I... did that a lot, didn't I?" Chase laughed sadly as Trey just nodded.

"Well, that's all nice and well... you know forgiving Sam for all the past horrors that weren't actually true or his falt but... MY SON IS STILL OUT THERE!" Dark yelled causing his aura to fluctuate. Many people shifted anxiously at the sight or left entirely as demons don't have a good reputation. Dark once again stood up as he fixed his tie and glared down at the two. "I'd absolutely love to stay and do idle useless chat but my son..."

"Is fine." Dark face fell in relief as he looked up to find Yan standing there with a bright smile. "I'm ok Dad."

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