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"SENPAI!" Yan yelled out as he slammed right into Trey kissing him hard, who in returned wrapped his arms tightly around the other in pure relief over Yan's safety. Dark and Chase both instantly pale, giving each other these equally rattled looks of confusion. Chase just shakes his head a sign to ignore it for now that Dark is visibly thankful for. Dark cleared his thought making Yan yip as he jumped back, out of the kiss, all red-faced. "Uh..." He flushed with embarrassment as Trey quickly took his hand to help calm him. "I forgot you were here."

"Obviously." Chase teased with a slight smile making Yan's blush even worse.

"Yan?" Dark frowned as his son sighed sadly sitting beside his love who squeezed his hand softly. "Wheres Sam?"

"He's still there." Chase's eyes flashed as he tensed gripping his hands tightly as he let the others talk without him, far to lost in thought to care much. "Sammy he... Dad, Actor tried to make a deal with him." Yan shook as his eyes filled with regret. "Sam refused. He flat out told the guy to go fuck off but... When he gave me another chance to escape and I ran... Actor told everyone to stand down. He said he got what he wanted."

"He accepted the deal." Dark growled as he rolled his eyes angrily. "He accepted it to spare your life. Otherwise, Actor would have killed you. I know how that pathetic excuse for a demon works. Honestly, he gives us all a bad fucking name."

"Actor was kind about it either, Dad. He tried to make it sound like no one cared about him. Not even you..."

"That's..." Chase cut in instantly clamming up as he shook his head ignoring how everyone looked at him. 

"Sam shouldn't have been saddled with my shit. I should have killed Actor back when that dick first resurfaced." Dark growled as he fixed his tie out of angry energy. The demon deflated as he looked over to see Chase so lost in thought and he frowned. He glanced over at the two boys before smiling a bit and nudging the other father. "So you're sons Yan's Senpai huh?"

"DAD?!" Yan whined loudly as Trey just laughed. Chase didn't even react. He just glanced over at Trey who's eyes set with this serious look. 

"Actually... It's more accurate to say we're dating." Dark faltered as Trey smiled over at Yan. "That isn't going to be a problem is it?"

"But Senpai... I thought we weren't going to say anything yet?" Yan frowned with obvious anxiety as his eyes darted between the two fathers. "We didn't want them to get angry."

"Well? Are you angry?" Trey asked as he glared the to down. Dark for the first time actually shifted a bit at the imposing look the younger had. He was Anti's family that's for sure. You could see the demon... and his father in that boy clear as day the moment he got serious.

"I"m just a bit shocked is all." Dark quickly responded to hopefully calm any possible outbursts. "When you've mentioned you're senpai... You never gave me any indication that it could have been Septic... let alone Trey."

"It makes since." Yan giggled softly with a smile. "You know when I was younger, I... kinda had this eensy weensy little crush on Sam."

"Little?" Dark muttered with a look that clearly said he did not agree. "You had a full mental breakdown when you saw him smile at Anxiety."

"Yes well... As you can see I'm over him." Yan beamed as he hugged Trey tightly. "But He's always been my type so... Considering Trey is so much like Sam... It makes sense doesn't it?"

"Yan... They aren't actually brothers." Yan just smirked as he looked over at his father with this sassy look.

"Are you sure about that, Dad?" Dark faltered a bit as Yan turned and looked over to Chase who was just staring at the table, hands clenched together and pressed against his lips. 

"What do you mean?" Yan laughed as he gestured to the other father catching Dark's eyes a bit. 

"Trey is right here. He escaped and he's safe, right?" Dark nodded as he just stared chase down listening to his son explain. "And Gray... last I knew was safe with his mom. He was never apart of this so he's fine as well."

"Correct but I don't understand..." Yan's eyes narrowed as he stared his father down knowingly

"If BOTH the boys are proven to be safe and sound..." Yan pointed lazily at Chase as Dark's eyes narrowed. "...then why does Chase still look like a father whose child has gone missing?"

"What?" Chase's snapped up instantly hearing that as everyone turned their attention to him. His eyes narrowed as he looked at his hands, his thoughts going a mile a minute. Yan just sighed as he turned his attention to the breaking father.

"Sam is an Adult again." Dark's eyes went wide as Chase's frown only got bigger. "The spell, Papa accidentally put on him wore off. He's not the little autistic boy who clung to your leg for help. He's an adult. Meaning he's back to being the same man to whom you've wanted dead now for over two years." Chase literally felt his heart drop as his eyes finally met with the glares of the others. "You need to make a choice, Chase. You can't go into this expecting to 'save' you little Sam. He's Antisepticeye."

"I know who he is." Chase growled lightly more at himself than at anyone else. "I've known for a while." He visibly crashed as he realized just how much he really hated the idea of Anti still being there. Yan wasn't wrong... he was like a father who's child had gone missing... and he wanted him back. "I'm not just going to look the other way and let Anti get hurt because a stupid spell wore off. Nothing's changed..."

"Everything has changed." Trey responded cutting his father off who paled slightly at the truth of it all. 

"You two go home." Dark slowly got up urging Chase to do the same who only nodded as he pushed himself out of the booth. "We'll bring Sam home. This time... This time Actors going to be the one who dies... and he's going to stay dead."

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