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"AND THIS IS WHY WE DON'T LET DEMONS IN THE HOUSE!" Marvin yelled as he avoided a cup getting flung at his head shattering against the wall. Jackie just giggled as he dodged a plate.

"Oh, come on, Marv. This is actually really fun."Jackie jumped up hovering in the air for a sec as he spun as he grabbed a mug before it could hit Jack. "I do wanna know what set him off though."

'Jack scared him.' JJ signed quickly before holding his hand out freezing a knife in time before it could stab him. JJ sighed sadly as he let the knife drop just staring at the poor child glitching and screaming out.

"I didn't mean to." Jack jumped as a bowl smashed at his feet. "I just... I was just trying to get him to listen to me. I didn't think he would snap." Anti glitched bad warping the space around him as he gripped his hair tightly. Dishes and silverware went flying in the surge of power as he cried. "We need to calm him down."

"None of us know how!" Marvin groaned as he held his hand out and put Anti in a large pink bubble. All the dishes that were hoving around them crashed to the ground as Anti slowly stopped glitching, now that his power is being suppressed. "Now we know why not to touch him."

"Yeah... Dark could have been specific though." Jack went to get closer only for JJ to stop him with a sullen look. "JJ..."

'Let me handle it. You guys go.'

"Yeah, no way." JJ glared over at Marvin who flinched slightly under the silent ego's gaze. "Fine... Just watch yourself, JJ. He literally just attacked us."

"No, he didn't." Jackie whispered as Marvin started to leave. Jack just waved him off which only made Jackie more confused. "But he didn't... he didn't. Jack..." Jackie stood there with a frown as Jack left the three of them alone. "JJ?" Jackie's eyes shined as he looked over at the boy. "He didn't attack us."

'No. No, he didn't.' Jackie smiled softly as he sat on the floor against the wall. 'Aren't you going to leave?' Jackie just shook his head as he watched the small child wipe his own tears way.

"Something doesn't feel right, JJ. There's no way what Jack did should have resulted in such a strong reaction." JJ just nodded as he sat himself outside the bubble. Anti sniffled as he looked up just enough to see JJ's pants and he frowned. "I'm actually concerned. Dark seemed to know how to handle him. The way he spoke to him and acted. He knew just what to do. That has to mean something."

'Anti... isn't acting like a normal child, Jackie.' Jackie's eyes went wide as JJ signed really slowly as if lost in thought. 'He isn't acting at all like Chase's and Henrik's kids. He's more withdrawn and... I don't know why.'

"He isn't acting like the old Anti either." JJ nodded as Anti slowly sat down himself, the bubble popping now that he was calmer. "What's going on with him, JJ?"

'I don't know, Jackie.' Anti sniffled softly as he glanced over to see Jackie over by the wall. He curled up a bit more hugging his knees as he leaned against the sink cabinet. Jackie just sighed as he stood up.

"Jack said we needed to get somethings for him since we don't have anything. What do you say we you and I go?" JJ frowned as he pointed at Anti. "I'd take him to but I think he just wants to be alone right now. We can do the clothes and stuff later, J. Right now... We should let him be."

'Is that ok with you?' Anti frowned more as he watched JJ's hands closely. 'If I left with Jackie... would you be ok here with Jack and Marvin?' Anti didn't respond. He doesn't ever respond. It's been a few days and he hasn't said a thing. They've all gotten used to it. JJ just smiled and waiting patiently. Anti nodded giving JJ his answer and making him smile more. Jackie just laughed softly as Anti uncurled a bit and nodded again. 'We'll be back soon, ok Anti?' Again Anti nodded watching JJ get up. 'Why don't you go watch some tv, Anti? The remotes on the table.' 

Anti nodded again as he watched them leave. He just sighed as he hugged himself a little more just waiting to make sure no one was coming after him. He did just lash out after all. He didn't want to find out that Jack was mad at him again. He didn't want to get yelled at. He doesn't like getting yelled at. It hurts his ears.  Yet no one came. Anti smiled as he listened to the silence of everything. No one was coming. He slowly picked himself up and walked out to find the TV remote.

"Yes, Henrik. I'm finally here." Chase laughed as he yanked one of his suitcases out of the car. "Yes, I had to drive here. Dude, come on. You know I hate flying." Chase just rolled his eyes as he slammed his door closed and started for the door. "I would take offense to that but considering I'm only here to kill the glitch it's understandable.... but no. I didn't drive all the way here because I had a gun. I already had weapons here, Henrik. My lockbox?" There was an exhausted groan on the other side of the call and Chase had to stifle a laugh. "It doesn't matter... He so I'm actually at the house now so... I call you later?" Chase hung up just before opening the door to find the place a bit too quiet. 

"Oh geez... talk about a welcome." Chase frowned as he carried his stuff in only to pause seeing the TV on. "Guys!" There was a slight sound catching Chase's attention only to make the man pale at the sight of a boy sitting on the couch. Chase literally dropped his bags suddenly making the boy flinch. "Hey, it's ok. I'm Chase. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm actually a brother of Jacks." The boy shook as he curled into himself as he shook his head furiously. Chase frowned as he slowly inched closer only to freeze as the boy tensed and gripped his hair. "It's ok. I won't come near you. You must be scared. It's ok to be scared. I promise... I'm a good guy." 

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