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"There!" Yan giggled as he glanced over to see Anti licking his cotton candy ice cream cone with the biggest smile on his face, his favorite cat stuffie tucked securely under his arm as he walked. "All happy and no more tears!"

"Yes, Yanny." Trey coo'ed softly as he nudged the boy beside him. He took a bite of his green mint chip making Yan pale in horror as Anti just laughed, having done it to Trey before.

"You monster. Trey, Bab, how could you?!" Yan yipped as Trey dabbed some ice cream on to his nose making Yan go cross-eyed as he tried to look at it. He growled playfully as Anti just trotted along following after the two with a silly smile. He'd never really admit it but cotton candy was his absolute favorite. The others realized this real quick but it was Anti who inherited Jack's super sweet tooth. If you wanted to calm the demon down or make him smile all you really had to do was hand him something sweet. It was a trick Dark used to his advantage a lot.

"What are you kids doing out by yourself?" The group froze in there spot as Trey slowly looked up to see this big burly man standing there with a sick smirk. Trey's eyes instantly went to Anti who he could already tell was frozen stiff. One thing he noticed since his brother became a child again, his anxiety flared up horribly and unlike how he would when he was older, Anti is rarely able to do anything about it. Trey took a step forward as Yan pulls out his knife only making the man laugh loudly, causing Anti to flinch and cover his ears at the noise. "Aren't you all a bit young?"

"I'm 17." Trey responded with narrowed eyes as Yan focused on reading the scene only for the two of them to panic at the sound of anti's glitched-out screams. They whipped around to find another man, this one thinner more tones but still just as large, holding Anti who was screaming and crying out as he began to panic, his stuffed cat toy now covered in dirt on the dusty ground.

"No. No! Let me go. Let. Go. NO TOUCH! NO!" Trey freezes as this overwhelming fear took over. In that moment all he could see was his brother being taken and possibly losing ANOTHER sibling. Yan noticed and freaked as he jumped to attack the man hold Anti only for the sound of a gun to stop him short. The only sound left after that was Anti's panicked cries, as Yan turned to see a gun pointed at Trey's neck, the teen surprisingly calm about his own predicament. He ONLY cared about them. Yan crashed as he held his hands up in surrender, knife now nowhere in sight.

"Good boy." The one burly man taunted making Yan growl viciously. The three were thrown into the back of this car as quickly as they could be. Trey held Anti firmly in his hands as the poor kid glitched in panic. He could tell how hard it was for him to breathe and he was starting to get really worried. If Anti losses his breath during a panic attack he might not be able to get it back and they didn't have means to help him. 

"It's ok, Sam. It's ok. We're going to be ok." Anti glitched out horribly crying out in pain as Trey held him tighter to keep him at least somewhat stable.

"Make him stop that shit or I'll put a damn bullet in his fucking head." Yan snapped summoning a knife with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Try it and I'll gouge out your eyes and turn it into a damn soup to feed the zombie." The man only rolled his eyes as he turned away ignoring Yan completely, who just fell back with a huff. Trey's eyes narrowed as he noticed the knife and Yan smiled a bit, waving it slightly. It wasn't his knife. He had summoned a different one. So... where was his then... Trey's eyes went wide as Yan nodded. Trey glanced around trying to think things through before rolling down the window. The one guy growled out making him freeze as pulled his hat off his head with this worried look.

"Roll that up NOW!"

"It's my brother." Trey forced his voice to shake as Anti's glitch only got worse. "He has week lungs if he doesn't get air he could have an attack and die. Do you really want that?!"

"What the fuck is with these kids?" The man growled as he turned back giving Trey his answer who rolled the window down a bit more. He quickly tossed his hat out the car praying someone will find it in time.

"Wait, what?" Jackie frowned as he slowly bent over and picked up the dirty hat off the groaned. His eyes darkened as he brushed it off. "What's Trey's hat doing here?" His heart clenched with worry as he took to the sky to get an aerial view. Something was telling him that something bad happened. The moment his eyes spotted the stuffed cat his entire body went cold. "Anti!" He rushed down and picked it up as his heart hammered in his chest. He knew that kid would NEVER have just left it laying there. This cat was a comfort item for him. He took it everywhere he went. It helped him. Something must have... His eyes caught the knife and all his fears were confirmed. Yan's blade was stuck in the dirt. "Shit..." Jackie swallowed his growing panic as he grabbed the knife and put it in his bag that Marvin had spelled to be bottomless for him. He put the hat in there two but... He couldn't let go of the cat. The cat was a toy that he and JJ had gotten Anti when he had first arrived. Knowing that Anti had lost it... knowing that something HAD to have happened to the demon... to Yan and Trey... He took off like a flashback home, unable to really control his magic much as his fears took over. He needed help.

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