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"Ok, Kiddo... So this is your room?" Anti nodded as he pushed through the door, stumbling slightly as he made his way over to the small pile of blankets and pillows he had in the corner of the room. Chase just smiled seeing Anti curled up with a small giggle. "That's quite the pillow pile."

"Jackie..." Anti beamed as he literally buried himself into it till only his head was seen. "G-G-Gave me o-others b-b-blankets... not used so... said I-I could have t-them." 

"Well, that's nice of him." Anti nodded as he buried himself deeper making Chase frown a bit as he disappeared. " Uh... Sa-..." Chase flinched slightly as he sighed. "Kiddo? You ok?"

"CHASE!" Anti yelled out as he jumped up with a big grin. "Sam!" Chase tensed only to smile seeing the Septic Sam plush Anti held out towards him. "Sam!"

"Yeah. Septiceye Sam." Anti laughed happily as he crawled out of the pile and ran over to hand Sam to Chase. Chase gratefully took him with a slight frown as Anti step back swinging his hands. "So... Jack said your name is Sam too?" Anti frowned as he shook his head making Chase frown more. "So why did he call you that?"

"Dark call me S-Sam..." Anti shifted awkwardly as he pointed at the stuffed eye. "I l-like S-Sam. Ch-Chose Sam... sounded b-better than... name." 

"You wanted to be called Sam?" Anti nodded as he glanced around with narrowed eyes. He quickly ran over to his bed jumping up with only a bit of a struggle as he jumped a bit making Chase worried. "Uh... Kid, maybe don't..."

"Look!" Chase frowned as he looked over only to smile seeing one of his old nerf guns on the wall. "Chase!" Anti jumped making Chase have to catch him as he laughed. "Play?"

"It a bit late kid." Anti frowned as he looked from Chase to the wall and back. "I'm not sure Jack would want you to be so active right now."

"Jack's not m-my f-father." Chase's eyes flashed as Anti pouted a bit. "'m bored." Chase laughed softly as he carefully pulled the plastic toy off from the wall. Anti frowned slightly in curiosity as Chase check the dart compartment. 

"Well... I don't see a problem with one game." Anti lit up as Chase handed the gun over. "Just let me go and get one of mine ok."

"PLAY!" Anti yelled out as he spun around giggling. Chase just melted at the sight.

"Yeah... We're gonna play." Chase smiled as he led Anti out of the room and towards his old one. Anti froze up instantly the moment they walked in, making Chase laugh. Talk about a feature wall. Chase's room was all decked out with surround systems and a large tv for gaming. But really got the young demon was the ENTIRE back wall filled with nothing but various nerf guns and weapons. Anti watched as Chase walked over to one and pulled a small gun off the wall with a sparkle in his eyes. "Haven't had someone to play with since the kids... This might actually be fun." Chase jumped slightly in surprise the moment he felt something hit him in the leg. He turned to see Anti aiming at him laughing. "You little..."

"Catch me, Chase!" Anti spun around and ran out as fast as he could making Chase laugh like crazy before following after. "Hurry... Hurry!"

"GET BACK HERE!" Chase yelled out as the two ran around the dining room table. Anti giggled euphorically as he slid down and crawled under the table, shooting Chase in the chest just as the older ducked down to get him. Anti giggled more as he quickly scrambled away before Chase could recover. 

"NO!" Anti squealed happily as he rushed out into the living room startling the others who just froze up as Chase came stumbling in. Anti beamed as he jumped onto the couch using it as a shield against Chase's shots as he fired and hit the older in his hip.

"No fair!" Anti just smiled as he rolled off glitching slightly to avoid getting hurt, without Chase seeing, and took back off out of the room stunning Chase a bit. "Jeez, that kids fast."

"Uh, Chase?" Chase hummed softly as he refilled his gun with darts. Jack just frowned in worry as the father's ego spun his hat around till it fast backward. "What..."

"The kid wanted to play." Chase held his gun up with a smirk before pulling his goggles up from around his neck to fix them over his eyes. "Why the heck not?"

"You sure that's ok?" Chase rolled his eyes playfully as he cocked his nerf gun with a chuckle.

"The kids currently beating me so... I'd say it..." Chase groaned softly as he spun around hearing the soft giggles behind him and the dart on the floor beneath him. Anti waved his gun lightly before taking off again and Chase beamed. "Got to go, Jack. I've been challenged!"

"Chase, wai-... Nevermind." Jack chuckled softly as he watched his father ego run off with this glimmer in his eyes. 

"Is it just me or does Chase seem..."

"Happier?" Jack finished cutting Jackie off who only nodded. "He does look more in his element doesn't he?"

'You made him to be a father, Jack.' JJ smiled sadly as he stared off after the other two. 'Losing his kids literally took a piece of him. Having Anti here... Chase must be finally able to be the dad he was made to be.'

"To Anti?" Jackie's voice hitched slightly as Jack just shrugged. 

"It makes sense. Anti needs someone who would understand him. In all honesty... Chase is the closest to him. It's understandable that the two would get so close so fast." Jack just crashed as he sat down on the couch with a sad look. "I don't know what to do guys. I don't know how to help either of them."

'Honestly, Jack? You just have to be there.' JJ sat beside the host with a soft smile as he took JAck's hand in his. 'Let Chase take care of Anti. And let Anti help Chase...'

"Hey, we'll be the sidekicks helping when needed." Jackie beamed as he jumped with excitement. He giggled softly as he hovered a bit before taking off. "I'm gonna join the fun!" Jack just burst out laughing as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok, leave a gun for me, Jackie..." Jack stretched with a soft smile as he just took everything in. "I'll come join too."

Raising AntiWhere stories live. Discover now