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Jack sighed as he draped himself over the chair with a frowned. He honestly didn't know what the hell he was going to do. He called the other egos but failed in informing them of Anti's problem. He didn't think they would care. Robbie had just wished Jack well. Bing informed him of his ability to provide information should he need it. Shawn honestly didn't know who the hell Anti was. That... That actually bothered Jack more than he thought it would. The only one he didn't tell was Chase... but he knew Henrik would tell him. He just hoped Chase wouldn't freak out like he expected of him.

The sound of a ringing phone carried through the house as a dog barked to grab the man's attention. The man groaned as he slapped his hand down only to cringe at the sound of a falling glass bottle.

"Shit." He slowly picked himself up wincing at the massive headache he got as he tried to take a deep breath. The dog just continued to back making him grimace slightly. "Yea, yea. I hear it." He chuckled lightly as he stumbled to his feet. He nearly tripped over the table as he quickly picked the phone up only to roll his eyes at the dog running around in circles. "Ok, you silly. Calm yourself, Margo." He clicked the phone on and let out a sigh as he collapsed back into a chair. "Go for Chase."

"Chase, It's Henrik." Chase frowned as he glanced over at the many empty bottles of beer littered about the living room. "We have a problem."

"We... As in Jack, right?" Chase laughed as he leaned against the table in thought. "What happened now?"

"Anti's back in town." Chase flinched as the sound of glass shattering sent his mind thrumming. "Chase, you ok?" 

"Yeah..." Chase glanced down to see the bottle he had through against the floor and he sighed. "Just dropped a glass. What was that about Anti?"

"I don't know. Jack just called to tell me he was back in town. Said he was letting all the ego know. I told him I would tell you." Chase rolled his eyes as he clenched his fists tightly. "Chase, I know you..."

"That glitch bitch is back in town and Jack's 'just letting us know'. Jack should have erased him!" Chase slammed his hand down on the table far too angry to even care about the headache anymore. "He should have erased him. Then he wouldn't have to be worrying about him anymore. Denying him does nothing. That fucking Glitch bitch deserves worse!"

"Chase please calm down."

"CALM DOWN! THAT BITCH KIDNAPPED MY KIDS! MY LITTLE GIRL!" Chase furiously wiped his eyes as he choked back the sobs. "My little girl... She's gone. Dead... And I didn't even get to see her one last time... BECAUSE OF HIM!"


"He kidnapped them and because of that Stacy was given full custody. Because of him, She took away any rights I had to see them and then my daughter died. She was 4, Hen. SHE WAS 4! 4 and she didn't even... I only got so long with her before Stacy left me Hen. Only so long with me kids. She wouldn't even let me come to the funeral because of that stupid restraining order. And now you're telling me the asshole who started all this shit... the one that took the VERY thing that meant something in my life... he's just there in town."


"Fuck that. I'm gonna kill him." Chase stood up from his chair suddenly only to groan as the world spun around him. "Shit..."

"Chase how much did you drink last night?"

"Enough." There was a sad sigh from the other line and Chase frowned as he started for the door. "But that isn't important right now. Anti's back in town... That means I can finally get him back..."

"This is exactly what you can't be doing, Chase." Chase rolled his eyes as he tossed a suitcase onto the bed. He started pulling things out of his dressers and drawers pilling them on the bed without any real thought. "You can't be going back with such anger. It isn't good for you..."

"ANGRY! HE STOLE MY KIDS FROM ME, HENRIK!" Chase yelled out as he kicked the wall nearly sending his foot through it. "He took my kids away from me. I know. Ok? I know... everything I lost was not his fault. The driveby... that was not him. He didn't control me like I thought he did. That was me. I know that now but... I still can't ignore everything else that he DID do to me, Hen. Everything he did in general. I tried... I tried to look past it. To... To get past it. Every doctor I've seen told me the same damn thing but I just CAN'T do it."

"You'll never heal if you don't let go." Chase just stood there gripping his hat in his hand as tears fell from his eyes. "You have to forgive and move on."

"Have you?" Chase laughed as he put his hat on his head and scowled. "Have you forgiven him Hen? How can anyone ever ask us to just... Forgive Anti? I can't forgive, Anti."

"No... but you have to forgive that there was nothing you could do. She's gone, Chase, and the more you hold on to this rage... the more it's going to kill you." Chase just laughed as he started putting things in his suitcases. 

"No, see... That's where you're wrong." Chase smirked deviously as he held the key to his lockboxes back at the old house. "It's going to kill him."

"Chase, I really don't think this is a good thing. What if Anti actually kill someone this time? What if he kills you. You'll never get to see your sons..."

"I'll never get to see my sons regardless, Henrik! I've lost all rights and she has a restraining order on me." Chase deflated as he leaned against the bed trying to breathe to make the world stop spinning. "I have to do this. I have to. I just... I have to end this. One way or another... this needs to end."

"Alright, my friend... but don't say I didn't warn you."

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