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Things seemed to be going well after that. Anti often stayed in Chase's bed while the others went around and did stuff. Trey and Gray took to being Anti's nurses. They gave Chase a chance to do anything. As soon as Chase went to one of them would jump up and do it making the rest giggle and laugh. At one point though Anti started to notice Chase's eyes didn't hold that same shine as before. Chase made a comment about Anti's cup being empty and Gray had gone to fill it. Anti saw the near disappointed look. As if not being able to do something was starting to get to the man. Luckily... It was late. Which meant there was something that no one else could do... well none of the kids anyway.

"Hey, Dad?" Chase smiled as Anti hugged himself a bit. "'m hunger-ry." There was a small flash of something in Chase's eyes as the man glanced over to see the time.

"Shit. I totally forgot." His laughter spilled through the room as he nudged Trey lightly. "Don't tell you, mom. I forgot to get dinner started."

"Jees, We're only here for a few hours and already he's forgetting." Trey burst out into laughter as Chase just rolled his eyes playfully.

"Are you feeling well enough to eat?" Anti just nodded as Chase sighed. "Alright. I go get that going then." The boys watched Chase go just as Gray came back with the water and it was light everything crashed. Trey's face fell as he let out a very shaky sigh. The moment the father figure walked out the mood had entirely changed.

"You seriously ok, Anti?" Gray whispered as he sat down beside his brother. "When Trey told me you were spelled... I was a bit worried."

"Dark d-d-didn't mean too." Anti rolled his eyes as he hugged his stuffed cat. "It was supposed to be M-Mark."

"Anti..." Gray frowned as he glanced over to see his brother just staring at the floor. "I guess I'll ask then? You called him dad." Anti frowned as Grey nudged Trey only for the older's eyes to darken, not giving any other indication he even heard. 

"Aren't you worried?" Trey's voice was shaky as he looked back to see Anti so quiet. "He doesn't ever talk to me about it but... we all know what he thinks about you... what they all do or did. Aren't you scared that by getting close to him... something might happen? I love my father but... He can't control himself if gets mad enough."

"Neither can I." Trey's eyes went wide as Anti shifted a bit awkwardly. "I can't control... No control emotions. D-Dark says I have... violent episodes. I don't'... I don't remember most."

"Sam if that's true then there could be a perfectly good reason for what you've done to the others. They'd have to see that." Anti just shrugged as he glanced over at the door. Trey wasn't having any of it though. "No, Sam, listen to me. If they can forget my father's outbursts then why can't they forgive yours."

"Trey... Chase is the only one that hasn't. The others know. Well... not Hen... or Bing... or Shawn but that fine." Anti sat there for a moment trying to collect his thoughts. "I'm not scared, Trey."


"I already know what's going to happen." Trey's eyes filled with tears as Anti smiled so softly at him. "

"What if you told him?" Anti's smile fell as Gray took his older brother's hand seeing the pain in the both of them. "What if you told Dad the truth? What if we told him what really happened with us?"


"But it helped with mom, It could help with..."

"No, Trey." Trey crashed as Anti shook his head. "It... no... no work. Chase would just get mad I never told him. 'I could have been protecting my sons... I could have done something... What if someone took them again or worse?' I know him, Trey." Trey frowned as Anti stared down at his cat. "He'd call me selfish... of p-p-putting you in d-danger. He... He won't see the truth."

"But, Sam..."

"I SAID NO TREY!" Anti glitched only to end up in a coughing fit as he clutched his cat tightly. Tears started to spill as he choked back his sobs. "P-please... n-no tell... No tell, Trey. It no good. Won't help."

"But don't you want them ALL to accept you? Don't you want him to see you like we do?" 

"Of course I do. Trey... I called him dad." Anti frowned as he heard the door creak a bit only to see it remain closed. "I love him. I do but... As much as I want him to know... t-to t-tell him... It won't help."

"How do you know unless you try?" Anti whined as he curled up into himself. "Sam, he's going to find out the truth eventually. If everyone else knows it's only a matter of time. Why didn't you tell him?"

"Jack told me not to." Trey froze up as Anti just smiled. "He said it would only hurt him. He said I can't hurt him. I no hurt him. No want to hurt him. So I listen to Jack. When he finds out... hopefully, by that point, it won't matter."

"I've never known you to just give up." Anti glitched slightly as he sunk into the pillows. "Even over something as stupid as a sticker, you fought tooth and nail for the outcome you wanted. What changed now?"

"Things won't change." Trey tensed up as Anti started to sniffle. "I'll be fine." The door opened to reveal Chase standing there with a towel drying his hands and Trey frowned. 

"Food's ready if you boys want to come out to the table." Gray was the first to get up and leave. Trey really didn't want to without Anti but one look from his father and he too was out the door. Anti just sat there on the bed staring down at nothing. "You ok, Kiddo?"

"Am I bad?" Chase froze as Anti shot him a worried look. "I feel... I feel bad. Am I?"

"No. You're not bad. Why would you think that?" Anti laughed sadly as he just fidgeted with his cat.

"I've done bad things." Chase frowned as he brushed the kid's hair back. "Many... M-Many bad things."

"So have I." Anti's eyes shot wide as Chase smiled softly. "Let's go eat ok?"

"Ok, Dad."

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