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(TW~ Violence... Gore? Death... My crapy writing skills lolz. Sorry I suck at fight scenes.)

"I am only going to ask you this... one more time." Chase's voice came out as a dark hiss. He had his gun pointed directly at the actor, his eyes glowing a bright yellow as he glared the demon down. The rage he felt sparked in his blood making his hair stand up at the energy coursing through him. "Where. The. FUCK! Is my son?!"

"Your... Your Son?" Actor muttered questioningly under his breath as he just stood there, as if unfazed by the action, despite the shock that both he and Dark had. Dark himself did not shy away from showing it eyes. The younger demon stood there, eyes wide at his human companion, with a stunned expression clear in his eyes. He hadn't expected Chase to care THAT much about his friend. Even if Yan had made that comment he figured it was just the imagination of his overly creative son but... No. Apparently Chase did in fact see Anti as his son. 

"Yes. My son. Now where the fuck..." A dark sporadic giggle sounded behind them making Dark crash. Chase just tensed up, tears in his eyes as he shifted just enough to see the slight glint of something in the shadows behind him.

"Trey's gone there, Chase." Anti giggled more as he twirled his knife about his fingers. "So I'm not really sure what son you're referring to." Chase jumped as Anti's knife sudden hit the gun out of his hand, before looking up to see the glitchy demon standing there right in front of him. "Surprise!" Chase's eyes instantly went to the shock collar around Anti's neck, the shock box pressed firmly into one of the scars branching down the demon's shoulder.

"Sam?" Anti's eyes flashed Chase bearly whispered out his name. "Are you ok?"

"Me? I'm perfect." He hissed out as his eyes darted over to see Actor smirking from where he was. "You on the other hand really shouldn't have come." Chase watched as Anti's eyes darkened, his smile clearly fake. "I don't even know why you're here."

"He's here to kill that sorry shit." Chase said as his eyes started to glow yellow. "I'm here to save my son."

"You're sons not here. None of them are." Chase only smiled making Anti falter. 

"There's still one here. And his brothers would be very pissed off if I just left him here to be some..." Chase gestured to his outfit with a grimace. "What does he even have you in? Your style is hot topic and spencers, not wedding crasher and funeral jumper." 

"Enough!" Actor called out sending a jolt through the collar that made Anti whimper silently. Dark growled as he remembered the very collar Actor had on Celine for the longest time. He was going to rip that demon in half. "Anti do tell these lovely men you intend on staying."

"His name is Sam." Chase fired back as he shot Dark this look who only smirked deviously. 

"What?" Actor groaned in annoyance as Chase looked over at Anti, who despite not being able to look him in the eyes was still clearly surprised. 

"I said his name is Sam, not Anti." Actor's eyes narrowed he just shook his head.

"And I do not care... Anti kill hi-..." 

"Save yourself before trying to end another." Dark called out suddenly behind the eldest demon a vile look in his eyes. Dark's staff met with Actors sword as the two locked in a block both growling with rage. "Knowing you though... You always did like your poppets."

"I'm no one's puppet." Anti yelled out as he summoned his knife and threw it at Dark, only for the blade to get shot out of the air. Chase's eyes met with the shock collar again and he tensed with anger. They had to get that off of him. The only problem with that was...

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