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It didn't take them long to ditch the car. Soon enough the boys found themselves in the back of a nondescript van. Honestly, Trey wanted to make a joke about unoriginality and cliques but he far to focused on Anti to even think one up. Anti hadn't stopped glitching. In fact, it had gotten so bad that Trey was holding on to him so tightly just to keep him together and stable. It looked almost as if the poor kid was convulsing.

"What's going on with him?" Yan whispered as he huddled close to Trey who was clearly on the verge of tears.

"I don't know. His panic glitches are never this bad." Yan's eyes narrowed in understanding as he'd seen Anti during an attack before. This was so much worse. The ride was mostly quiet save for Anti's whimpers of pain and static from the glitching. When they finally got to where they were being taken to Trey literally screamed in rage as they tried to rip Anti from his arms. Trey's eyes seemed to shine a dull yellow as he growled and held the glitch even closer. "Touch him and I shoot your damn eyes out."

"With what gun?" Trey smirked a bit psychotically startling the men a bit over the sudden change. Normally it was Yan who was the violent one, not Trey.

"Who the fuck said I needed a gun? I'm Trey Brody." The boys were yanked out of the van and dragged into this large estate. Yan was silent as he took everything in with a very heavy heart. They were thrown into this large empty room with hardly any light. Yan instantly ran to help Trey but both freak out as Anti cried out in agony the moment he hit the floor.

"SAMMY!" Yan yelled out as he stumbled over only to freeze up hearing that god awful laugh that turned his blood to ice. Trey whimpered as he forced against the wall by this goon. His eyes darted from Yan who was in the same boat, and his brother writhing through the glitches on the floor.

"Ah, my dear sweet Yandere." Yan flinched at the sickeningly sweet lull of that deep poshly accented voice. "And Antisepticeye... Oh dear." A sick giggle resounded from the pitch as the glint of metal shined through it. A man stepped out into the light making Yan tense badly as he smirked with vile satisfaction. "You don't look all too well, chap. And... quite young since last I remember... What did you do? Find the foundation of youth? Or did that Magician of yours finally cut you down to size... or age really."

"Leave him alone!" Trey yelled out as he glared the man down... er demon. 

"Or what?" 

"Actor!" Yan screamed in rage making Actor's eyes go wide at the sudden sound. "You want me... so don't bother with him." Actor just laughed as he waved them off. "ACTOR!"

"MY NAME IS MARK!" Actor yelled out as his eyes went black. He quickly shifted back fixing his posture before smiling over at Yan who cringed badly under his gaze. "Though I cannot blame you for your ignorance. Not when it is the fault of fathers." The way he spit out the word 'fathers' held such venom it physically dripped from his lips. The room turned to ice as Anti screamed out in pure unabated agony. His back arched as he glitched out entirely making Actor's eyes narrow in confusion only to get slammed against the wall with a knife against his throat. 

"GO NOW!" Anti, now an adult again, growled out as Trey nodded, sending his foot right into the crotch of the man who held him. Yan jumped up latching onto the person who had him, twisting himself just right to snap the man's neck dropping them both to the ground as Trey pulled out his slingshot and send a pebble right through the eye of the last guard who was in the room. The same man who he had told he would do that too and laughed it off as some idle threat. "RUN!" Anti yelled as Trey snagged a gun off of one of the bodies and took off with Yan right behind him.

"Pathetic." Actor hissed as he shoved the metal head of his cane into Anti's gut, who was still far too weak and hurt from the glitching of turning back. Anti cried out as he got thrown back to the ground getting the struck by the metal right into his side. He could hear his rib snap. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Another blow to his chest and Anti whimpered feeling his air get knocked out of him. He chocked gasping for breath, a slight panic over now knowing his own physical weaknesses. Actor knelt down, hair disheveled from his attack, as he just smiled at the younger demon. "Did you really think you could hurt me? I Am The Fucking Markiplier!"

"No... You're nothing but a psychotic doppelganger, Actor." Actor flared as he jumped up and sent his foot right into Anti's temple, causing him to whimper pathetically and spit out blood pooling in his mouth.

"My name is Mark."

"Hurry up, Yan. I'm not about to leave you behind!" Trey yelled out as he shot at one of the guards trying to snag Yan from behind. "Please, run faster."

"I'm trying." Yan whined as he stumbled a bit making Trey pale. He quickly backtracked grabbing the boy's hand as he helped lead him. He groaned as he stopped for a second, stuffing the gun the back of his pants, not wanting to use up all his ammo quite yet. He glanced around finding their exit and beamed as he quickly ran for it, Yan on his heals... right until... Someone managed to grab Yan by the hair throwing him back just as Trey passed the door. He spun around to try and save him but Yan only screamed out for him to go.

"But... Yan, I can't..." Trey stumbled back trying to avoid getting caught himself all while Yan just gave him this serious look.

"Go get help, Trey. Well, be ok!"

"BUT YAN!!!"

"NOW TREY!" Trey nodded as he turned and ran as fast as he could listening to Yan scream in the background as his heart just dropped.

"Don't worry, Yanny." Trey whispered as he ducked and stumbled through the trees using every trick Anti ever taught him to survive. "I'm going to help... I won't leave you... or Sam here."

"Where's the other one?!" Actor yelled out as Yan was thrown back into the room. Yan took one look at Anti and broke completely. The demon was curled up broken, bloody, and barely breathing, which wasn't good considering his lungs. The spell might have worn off making it so he no longer needed as much air but... His lungs were still weak and thus a problem if he suddenly couldn't breathe.

"Sammy?" Yan whispered as he slowly crawled his way over cringing at the broken mess the poor demon was in. "S-Sam."

"W-Where's T-Trey?" Anti choked out as Yan smiled sadly through his tears.

"He's out, Sam. He got out. That's all I know" Anti whimpered in anxiety making Yan frown a bit in understanding. "Hey now, Sammy. Remember... This is my Senpai we're talking about. My love is strong. You taught him out to survive just as you and dad did for me. Trey will be ok. He'll get help. I just know he will."


"He's a Septic." Anti's eyes shined as he smiled slightly through the pain. Yan just beamed as he brushed Anti's green hair back, now more brown color as it was damp with blood. "Septics are strong... Remember that."

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