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"Chase, I swear he was on the swing, not even two minutes ago." Chase groaned feeling that buzz under his skin. His eyes darted around taking everything in only to crash as more and more seconds pass without seeing him. Chase's eyes met with a very distraught and confused looking woman holding Anti's mask and he paled. "I'll search the skies ok?" Chase nodded as he watched Jackie take off into the air making several kids awe at the hero. Chase's only focus was on the woman.

"E-Excuse me, Miss?" The woman snapped over, eyes wide as Chase pointed anxiously at the mask. "Where..."

"Are you that kids, Father?" Chase cringed slightly as he took a deep breath.

"Green hair, anxious, doesn't talk?" The girl nodded as Chase smiled slightly. "I can't find him." The girl quickly passed the mask over making Chase's heart drop.

"I'm sorry. I just... I saw these kids knock him off the swing and then he couldn't breathe so I took it off to help him but..." Chase's eyes went wide as the girl frowned. "He ran off. My brother went after to see if he can catch him but I stayed to find you guys."

"Where did he go?" The girl's eyes darkened as she pointed out of the part.

"Shit... Thank you." Chase took off running gripping the mask tightly as he focused on his powers as an ego. His eyes went yellow and he jumped against some of the part toys onto a bench before vaulting over the fence to follow where the lady had point off to. "SAM!" Chase literally found himself in town, heart racing as he looked around. He spotted this one guy doing the same and his heart dropped. Their eyes met and the guy just shook his head. He lost him. "Shit. Shit. Shit." Chase gripped the mask even tighter as he tried to calm himself down. He couldn't risk and attack right now. He didn't have his meds and Anti was more important. "SAM!"

"D-Daddy?" Anti whimpered as he gripped his shirt tightly. He could feel his anxiety burning through him. He couldn't breathe. Anti wasn't stupid. He knew if he had an attack something bad would happen. It was already hard to breathe; he couldn't risk the stress on his lungs, but he didn't know what to do. His eyes met with an empty diner and his eyes went wide as he glitched in. He pushed himself into a corner booth like thing and just hunkered down as he tried to breathe.

"What are you doing in here?" Anti jumped as this man yelled out having spotted him. "I don't take kindly to thievery!" He grabbed Anti's arm making him panic glitch as he whimpered in fear. "DEMON!" 

Chase's eyes went wide as he came to a stop in front of this diner. Its power was going crazy and his eyes went yellow hearing a scream from inside. His eyes narrowed as pulled his goggles over his eyes and placed his hand over his holster.

"Demon!" Anti whimpered as he forced his glitching to stop despite the pain over doing so. His panic was so bad he was shaking and crying. The man went to grab him again only to freeze at the sound of a gun cocking. Anti's eyes went wide they shot over to see Chase glaring over at the man, yellow eyes glowing brightly, with his finger on the trigger and a neutral gaze. "HEY!" The man jumped back in fear over the gun letting Anti run over and cling to Chase's leg. "I was just defending myself. That monster..." Chase whipped his hand out shooting the guy's window sending glass flying as he swiftly holstered his gun and picked anti up all without taking his eyes off the man. "MY WINDOW!"

"Chase?" Jackie dropped down having heard the shot and relaxed instantly seeing the kid in the father's arms. "You found him."

"Demon's the whole lot of you." Jackie growled summoning fire in his hand as Anti whimpered. Chase just sighed as he held the kid close and turned away from everyone.

"Take care of the man..." Chase muttered making Jackie's eyes go wide as he stood down. He noticed right away how tense the father was and he understood. If Chase didn't get out of there and fast he would snap. "...and his window. I'm taking Sam home."

"To hell you are! I'm calling the cops!" The man yelled out as Chase just walked right out not even bothering to listen. "You open fired against my window!"

"That's the least he could have done." Jackie teased as he stretched and popped his shoulders. "You're just lucky I'm a hero, Mister. Scaring my brother like that... you really pissed me off." Jackie's eyes went red as he summoned another flame making the man clam up. "Now be a good man and shut up so I do my job."

"FUCKING SHIT!" Chase screamed out as he through shit around in a fit before jut crashing on the floor. He shook as he tried to force himself to calm down. Anti was safe now. That's all that mattered. Chase frowned as he looked up to see Anti standing there shaking. "Sam? You ok?" Anti only nodded as he looked away tried to keep himself from crying again. He was still reeling from his attack and wasn't completely over it. "Hey, kiddo..." Chase froze seeing Anti flinch as he reached out for him and his heart just broke. He sighed as he shook his head and let his hand drop. "Why don't you go head to the room? You could use a rest. Don't worry. I'll let you know when it's dinner time." Anti shifted slightly before quickly walking off only making Chase crash even more. "Damn it."

"I'm done. I'm done. I quit being a hero. To hell with that man and to hell with the humans." Jackie yelled out as he slammed the front door shut. He stormed his way into the livingroom shocking Marvin who had just come out of his room for some tea. 

"Wait, what happened I'm confused." Marvin frowned as he followed Jackie in only to find Chase on the couch crying. "Chase?"

"I think I scared him." Jackie froze up as Chase gave a broken laugh. "Sam... I think I scared him. He flinched when I reached out to him."

"Chase, you know what happened. That man must have scared him bad. He's still recovering." Jackie tried to help but Chase just broke down, shaking horribly as he cried.

"I think I scared him. And if I scared him... what if he... What if he... I care about him guys. I can't stand that I might have scared him." Marvin sighed as he sat down beside the breaking ego and pulled him in frowning as Chase latched on to him. "What if he hates me now?"

"Trust me, Chase. There isn't much that would make that kid turn his back on us. If he hasn't yet with everything that happened..." Marvins eyes darkened as he looked over at the hero who nodded with a sad smile. "... I don't think he ever will."

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