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"And remember, Chase, Sam CANNOT go anywhere without wearing his mask. I know he doesn't like it but the less we risk it the better." Chase just smiled as Jack frantically went about the place repeating everything he said like a broken record. "I'm serious. He takes his meds both morning and night. If you have any questions call Henrik. His back up in hailer is in the top draw of my nightstand, just in case you lose the one you have. Oh, and..."

"Sean!" Jack froze instantly as Chase just nodded reassuringly. "Nothing's going to happen to kid. I've got this ok?"

"Ok." Jack let out a shaky breath as he smiled and started for the car. Chase winked down at Anti who was standing there beside him, making the kid giggle softly. JJ slammed the trunk closed as he wiped his hands with a grin. "Come on, Jamison. Mark's going to be waiting for us. We can't leave Wilford waiting."

'See, ya, Sam!' JJ signed happily as he hopped into the car. Jack glanced back at the kid with a softening expression before crouching down to meet his level.

"You be good, Spark. Ok?" Anti nodded as Chase narrowed his eyes over the nickname. "Listen to Chase and try not to get into much mischief. You may be our resident troublemaker but let's not burn the house down." Anti giggled happily as he nodded again making Jack smile. "You know if you need anything Marvin and Henrik will help. Jackie's there too so don't be afraid of asking."

"I'm here too, Jack." Chase called out making the host's smile slip a bit.

"I know, Chase. He knows what I meant though. You two be good. I'll be seeing you, Spark." Anti jumped waving goodbye as Jack got in and started to drive off before to long. Chase just stood there with a slight frown before shaking his head and sighing.

"So... Spark, huh?"

"J-Jack started calling me it." Anti whispered as he looked up to see Chase's frown. "Are you upset?"

"Nah, kid. I'm ok. Let's get you inside though." Anti nodded as Chase quickly took his hand. "You've been out here long enough without your mask."

"Ok." Anti whispered slightly as he let Chase lead him back in. 

"Weak." Anti tensed as he looked around. His heart dropped not seeing anything, but he knew he had heard something. "You're weak."

"Dad? Did you say something?" Chase frowned as he held the door open letting Anti walk in. He shook his head making Anti frown. "Oh. Ok... Nevermind."

"Did you hear something?" Anti just shook his head but Chase could see the confusion and concern in his face. "Sam, you can tell me..."

"It's nothing. 'm just im-mag... im-mag-gin... ing it." Anti shrugged as Chase gave him a soft smile.

"Ok. If you're sure. Why don't I make you some lunch then?"

"Yes, please." Anti beamed as Chase brought him in to sit at the kitchen table. Marvin and Jackie were already there making Chase frown remembering what Jack had said. He had told Anti to go to them if he needed anything... not Chase. That actually kind of hurt... and he knew it was because they knew more then him but still... It hurt to see the kid having to rely on someone else simply because he didn't have all the facts. 

"There you go, kiddo." Chase said softly as he started for the fridge. "I'll see what we got for you."

"What's up, trouble?" Marvin teased making Anti giggle as he pushed himself up into the seat. "You didn't give too much strife, did ya?"

"Oh, relax, Sparky here isn't THAT wired is he?"  Chase groaned as Jackie burst out laughing as his own joke.

"I thought I was the dad, Jackie." Jackie's laughter only got louder as Chase shook his head pulling out a brick of cheese to make some pasta with. Anti just smiled as he looked around at everything. Marvin winked at him before starting this conversation with the other two adults. Anti didn't really pay much attention to it. He was to busy trying to ignore the other sounds he was hearing. As Chase put a pot of noodles on the stove Anti shivered feeling as this sense of... danger came over him. His eyes darted about seeing nothing so he just shook his head and tried to focus on what going on around him.

"He will kill you." Anti frowned as he his hands clenched tightly. "Your so called 'dad' will kill you without even a second thought the MOMENT he realizes... or maybe... just maybe.." Anti jumped as his vision flashed making him see Chase pointing a gun at him. He couldn't help but whimper catching Jackie's attention who frowned with worry seeing how dazed Anti's eyes were. "Maybe he already knows, and he's just waiting for the right time."

"Sam?" Jackie frowned seeing Anti twitch. "Uh, guys..."

"Oh, come on, Chase. You cannot tell me you wouldn't be the first one of us to go if Sean let us." Marvin laughed as Chase just rolled his eyes. Jackie was getting really worried now. Anti was clearly a bit out of it. His eyes were unfocused and glossy as they twitched. 

"Guys." Jackie called a bit louder as Chase laughed at himself a bit. Marvin's eyes finally snapped over hearing Jackie, who pointed over to Anti. "Something is wrong."

"What?" Marvin frowned as he glanced over at Anti and his heart just dropped. "Shit."

"Ok, I can't disagree. I probably... no I'd definitely be the first one to run out of the house if Jack mentioned..."

"Chase, It's Sam." Chase snapped over the moment Marvin cut him off and his chest went heavy seeing the kid in that state. "Sam?"

"Hey, kiddo?" Chase frowned as he went to reach over hoping to draw his attention in. "Sam, are you o-..." They all jumped the second Anti slammed a knife into the table sticking into the wood quite deep. Chase instantly pulled it out and tossed it into the sink stunned over him even having one, to begin with. "Sam?" Anti twitched and Chase's eyes went wide as it clicked. "Get out..." Chase grabbed Jackie by the arm pulling him up off the chair as he glared over at Marvin. "Both of you. You both need to get out."

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