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Anti frowned as he stared himself over in the mirror. He was in this dark grey suit with seafoam green accents. It wasn't his typical style and much lighter then he preferred but... Actor seemed happy at least. Actor was fixing it up making it so it fit the younger demon properly. Anti sighed as he Actor glanced up at him with a smirk.

"What's the point in all this?" Anti mumbled watching Actor from the reflection as the elder demon fixed the cuffs on his pants. "Last I checked I wasn't here to play dollhouse."

"No. I suppose not." Actor lulled softly as he went about his way making any and every adjustment he had to.

"So why am I being you're living mannequin?" Actor frowned as he shot a look up through the reflection. "Why a suit? I thought I'd be your dog or whatever..." Anti tensed lightly as his eyes went to the collar around his neck. Actor sure made it seem like that anyway.

"Dark isn't the only Iplier ego who's focus is on family." Anti's eyes narrowed as Actor smiled from where he was crouching.

"You say that... but what about Celin-... FUCK!" Anti growled angrily as Actor gently pulled a pin back, a small bead of blood dripping from where the elder demon had pricked him. "You bitch! You did that on purpose!"

"My appoligies." Actor sang as he stood up and just looked the other over. His expression was soft as he held the demon by the shoulder, his grip like vices. Anti understood. He might appear nice and caring but underneeth he's the very demon everyone hated and thought they all were. Vile... monsterious... murderous... "Dark should have married a Septic." Anti crashed in shock as Actor laughed and moved so that he could brush off the front of the jacket. "Pitty. You septics are quite... visually appealing."

"It was always going to be Will." Actor seemed to freeze for a second as his eyes darkened. It was only a second before he started to laugh as if nothing had happened, but Anti still caught it. 

"His loss then." Actor smiled as he brushed back Anti's hair making the younger demons skin crawl. "A good partnership is formed through a bond after all." Anti actually looked horried as Actor just shruged and sighed. He spun around with a laugh as he stared into the mirror ignoring the look Anti was giving him. "To bad I'm not gay."

"Well I'm Ace so.." Actor frowned in confusion as Anti laughed through the tension. "It wouldn't have mattered either way."

"Oh well..." Actor beamed as he wrapped his hand around the youngers shoulder. "I guess everyone's at a loss then."

"I thought you just said you weren't gay." Actor's smile turned devious as he forced Anti to look him in the eyes.

"I'm not. It doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good trophy when I see one." Anti's heart dropped as Actor let him go. "Jack always was good looking but you my dearest are a sight to behold. As far as demons go... it's a wonder really. One would even think you were still a child."

"Bite me."

"Temper." Actor teased as he rolled his eyes. "Now Dearest, I would be inclined to... but considering niether of us would enjoy it... why don't we leave the marking to the collar." Actor froze, eyes narrowed slightly as a wicked grin formed on his face. "Oh dear... I suppose it's showtime."

Chase tensed anxiously as he glanced around them. His hat was already backwards as if preparing for the battle before them. He had his goggle over the hat and his holster already unlatched and primed.

Dark didn't look affected at all but Chase could see how he was holding his staff firmly in his hand. The two didn't even maling all the way to the door before it opened to reveal the Actor on this large starecase to wherever. He was wearing this black suit with a deep blood red shirt as he just stood there with the biggest grin on his face.

"Ah... Boy's! I've been expecting you." Dark growled silently as Actor slowly descended the rest of the way down before gesturing off to the side. "Care to join me in my study? I'm sure we can talk there."

"Where's Anti?" Chase cut in making the eldest demon stop short a confused smile.

"He's fine." Actor's eyes shined with a near mistievious glint making Chase's nerves that much worse. "How are the youngs ones? I'd expect they'd have made it home already what with that one kid's energy."

"They have." Actor faltered as Dark answered calmly without even the slight growl. "Both have come home safetly... no thanks to you."

"Ah, I see. So you care about Anti more then?" Chase tensed as Actor turned right to him with a sick smirk. "Although, I haven't the foggiest why you're even here at all Sharpshooter." Chase could feel his rage bubbling as his hand went to his gun. "Dark I can understand. He... or well Damien is to sensitive to let a 'dear friend' go but you? I'm afraid I find it a bit commical really."

"Actor..." Dark warned as took a step forward only to freeze up the second Chase moved. 

"I am only going to ask you this... one more time." Chase's voice came out as a dark hiss. He had his gun pointed directly at the actor, his eyes glowing a bright yellow as he glared the demon down. The rage he felt sparked in his blood making his hair stand up at the energy coursing through him. "Where. The. FUCK! Is my son?!"

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