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"I'll ask you again, Dark..." Chase's eyes narrowed as the demon glanced over to see Anti running around again. "Why are you here?"

"My brother... Host. He mentioned Sam wanted to see Yan." Chase tensed as Dark just smiled and held a hand up.

"I came to ask if you were ok with that." Chase frowned as Dark shrugged and stuffed his hand into his pocket, the other holding his cane tightly. " I thought it best to ask instead of just dropping by considering the... septics view of my kind."

"Wait... you're just asking me?" Dark quirked a brow at him as Chase's eyes narrowed in confusion. "That's a bit... considerate of you?" Dark sighed as he waited for the true question and Chase grumbled as he crossed his arms. "What do you want?"

"Chase, You do know I can be considerate without alternative motives right?" Chase's eyes just darkened as Dark rolled his. "Right."

"Why are you being considerate then?"

"Because I can be." Dark smiled as he watched Chase shift back a bit. "Demons aren't evil, Chase. They're simply more troubled than most. The sooner the demon has help and support, the easier it is for the darkness to be tamed." Chase frowned filled with confusion as Dark raked a hand through his hair. "Example... I'm not as vindictive and heartless as people assume of me. I simply have anger issues and... trust issues. I'm a politician, Chase. I know how easy it is to twist your words to get what you want. I refused to let others have the chance to do so to me. Of course... that's how you get people to view you as manipulative and unfeeling."

"That didn't anwser the question." Dark just laughed as he Chase rolled his eyes.

"Oh, but it did Chase. I'm being considerate because I can be. I can be because demons aren't evil just troubled. The sooner everyone realized that the faster everything will start to get better." Dark paused as he glanced over to see Anti carefully jumping up onto a swing and his eyes narrowed. "That being said I wanted to ask because I know how you septics feel about my and other demons. I wanted to make sure if I did show up with Yan that I wouldn't be putting you out. I don't want to make things harder for Sam. Robbie mentioned how he seemed to be doing pretty well."

"I've been caring for him." Dark's eyes went wide making Chase falter a bit at the shock he saw. "What?"

"You've been caring for him?" Chase nodded slowly as Dark frowned in confusion. "You... You've been caring for Sam."

"Before you wig out... I don't... exactly know who he is." Dark's face fell as he nodded watching as Chase scratched the back of his neck. "They all refuse to tell me but... I don't know. That's not important. You're seriously asking if it's ok with us that your son comes over for a visit?"

"Well, My son... myself... and my husband." Chase's eyes went wide as Dark smirked slightly. "If I am to bring Yan over then Wilford would have to come with me. I can't exactly just leave him by himself. The trouble he would cause..."

"So, basically what you doing is... you're asking is a child murder..." Dark's eyes flashed in warning as Chase just shook his head. "... a demon, and a psychotic weapon-wielding manic can come over so that said child murder..." This time Dark growled and Chase frowned seeing the anger building in the demon. "... could play with the child that I've been caring for?" Dark didn't say anything but Chase understood. Just as he had done many times himself, Dark was holding himself back over what Chase had said. "I was trying to make a joke but... it was in poor taste." Dark's eyes flashed as again as Chase sighed. "Dude, I don't care. As long as nothing happens, I really don't have a say in this. You've known Sam before I have clearly... considering he mentioned you If he trusts you then I'm not going to intervene. However..." Chase's eyes went yellow as he glared the demon over making Dark frown slightly at the intimidation attempt. "If anything happens to Sam I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head." Chase pointed angrily at the demon whose eyes went wide. "Yours Dark. Not Wilford's... Definitely NOT Yan's, I don't hurt kids. Your the one I'd target, understand." Dark nodded as Chase sighed and stepped back. "Fine. You can bring Yan over. Having some friends over will be good for him. Just don't make me regret it."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Dark lulled as he fazed out making Chase crash. He just threatened a damn demon. If he had done that to Anti the glitch would have laughed before putting a knife to his throat. Chase winced as he rubbed his neck before shaking his head.

Anti smiled softly as he just sat there swinging happily. He pumped his little legs going back and forth just happy to be out. He stared at the grass as he went, humming softly in his head as he trying to tune out all the sounds around him. He really should have had his headphones but he was just so excited he forgot them. 

"Hey!" Anti frowned as tiny feet stepped into his field of view making him cower a bit. "It's our turn on the swing!" Anti shook his head as he looked around at all the other empty swing. The kid in front of him just stomped his foot. Anti watched as the kids friends all took there own swing and he tensed over being so crowded. "Get off." Anti whined as he shook his head again making the other get mad. He cowered slightly as he heard the kid storm off. He wasn't even on the swing for very long. Anti grumbled quietly as he just continued to kick his little legs. Honestly, humans are more entitled than even demons are. Anti cried out as a ball hit his chest making him fall off the swing. The kid came running back taking the swing from him as everyone else laughed. 

"HEY!" Anti coughed and choked as he rolled over trying to catch his breath. This lady rush over the moment she saw it noticing how Anti was struggling. "That was not nice." She yelled at the other kids as she carefully pulled Anti aside to help them. She carefully pulled the mask off and rubbed his back to help him breathe as Anti just cried. "Are you ok?" Anti whimpered as he cowered away not liking how this person was so close to him. "Where are your parents?" She got up and looked around only to freeze as Anti took off running. "HEY, KID?!"

"Jackie?" Chase walked back over to the bench and frowned noticing that he couldn't find Anti anywhere. Jackie looked up at him as Chase started to get worried. "Jackie, where's Sam?"

"He's right over..." Jackie jumped up instantly eyes wide as he groaned. "He was on the swings."

"Well, he's not there now." 

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