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"Welp... Here you go kiddo." Chase lulled softly just seconds before Anti took off. The kid was practically beaming as he ran around avoiding people and just had fun. Chase's smile fell the moment Anti was far enough away and he sighed. He had brought the kid to the park because he had seen how restless he was getting. Marvin had stayed behind muttering something about a spell that hadn't worn off yet, Chase didn't know. What he did know was he needed anwsers. Jackie laughed as he sat beside the father ego, who's attention was solely on the boy running around. Anti had climbed up the jungle gym and was about to slide down the big red slide. Chase smiled as he watched him go.

"Have you fallen yet?" Jackie teased making Chase's eyes narrowed slightly in response. "I'm just saying cuz, it looked like you have."

"Sam isn't my son." Jackie sighed as he turned his attention over to see Anti going down the slide again.

"He isn't anyone son, Chase. He doesn't have parents. None of us do." Chase glanced over at the hero seeing the serious look in the other's eyes and frowned.

"Jackie, is he an ego?" Jackie paled before quickly trying to laugh it off and make a joke.

"You still don't know? With everything going on with him, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." Chase frowned as he grumbled quietly.

"I'm pretty fucking sure I do." Jackie's eyes widen as Chase leaned against his knees still just watching Anti, who was staring at the monkey bars in thought. "Well... I have an idea but I don't know. I need more information. That kid is suffering and I have no clue how to help him."

"You just help by being there Chase." Jackie smiled sadly as he placed a supportive hand to the others arm. "You've not only been the one that's helped him the most, you've done it the best out of all of us. You're the one that saw the signs of his autism and helped him be able to talk more. You got us to realize what was wrong, and what to do to help."

"But you guys know who he is..."

"And that's why we're struggling." Jackie cut in making Chase frown. "Or... at least it was. Honestly, at this point we've all been with the so long... Things have changed."

"JJ said something similar." Jackie nodded as Chase's eyes darkened. "He said you all hesitate because you know but..."

"Chase, if i were to explain it, You would figure it out instantly." Chase sighed as he leaned his head into his hand covering his eyes, with a shaky breath. "You should know but... with everything that happened I don't know if now is a good time either."

"I'm losing my mind. Haven't I proven I care about the kid?!" Chase wiped his hand down glaring over at the other who just sat there smiling off into the distance. "I've cared for him. I've cooked his meals. I've played with him. I've done speech therapy with him. I'm the one that cleaned the house when he was in the hospital. I've taken care of him. I've done everything... Haven't I proven how much I care about him?"

"For the kid, yes." Chase's eyes went wide as Jackie's eyes darkened. "But the adult... no."

"What?" Jackie sighed as he shook his head. "What do you mean?"

"Chase, you... I just can't say without revealing who he is and frankly... I don't want you to snap right now." Chase's eyes filled with horror as Jackie grimaced and rubbed his temple remembering how the bottle smashed against his face. "I know you care about Sam. We all do. Hell, you went absolutely crazy when he got sick. We know he means something to you. The problem is... We know who he is. We know how you feel. So many things could happen when you finally find out. Jack just doesn't want you in any way to snap or turn away from him. You're the one he latched on to."

"I would NEVER hurt a kid."

"He's not a kid." Chase flinched as Jackie growled lightly. "Chase. I know you know that already. Sam is not a kid. He's a grown adult that got spelled. Why do you think Marvin's at home right now? One day this spell is going to wear off and he's going to be an adult again. When that happens Jack doesn't want him to leave."

"Leave? Wait, what?" Chase frowned as he tried to blink away the tears he had in his eyes. He didn't know why he was crying but he was just getting upset over everything going on. "What do you mean?"

"Jack... He spoke to us privately before he left. You were with Sam. Basically, he asked if we wanted Sam to stay... here... in town with us all. Now it's his choice but... Chase, we all said yes." Jackie smiled with a slight shrug noticing how confused Chase was. "And even if he decides not to... We aren't going to let him just vanish on us. These three months we've all learned to care about him. He's going to be here to stay, were physically or otherwise. Even Henrik agreed with as. And if that German asshole can side with him and want him to stay close than... We're just hoping you will too."

"You're acting like you're afraid I'm going to kill him." Chase tensed as he looked away spotting Anti staring at them with a very confused look. "He's just a kid."

"But he won't be forever, Chase... than would you use to stop yourself." Chase flinched slightly as he clenched his fists. "You can't keep using that as a way to keep yourself grounded. He's not a kid. Find a better reason to care about him." Anti frowned as he saw the pain in Chase's eyes. He didn't like it. Whatever they were talking about had upset him. His eyes narrowed as he looked around before glitching a football to his hands. Maybe he could make it better. He ran over holding the ball tightly before Chase looked up with a frown. Anti held the ball out with a question in his eyes making Chase's go wide.

"Wait... Are you asking to play catch?" Anti nodded as he pushed the ball into Chase's hand smiling happily, not that you really could see it with his mask on. "Ok, Kiddo. Sure. We can play a few rounds." Chase carefully lead the small one over to a little spot away from everyone.  "Ok, Sam. Here you go." Chase gently tossed it over watching as Anti scrambled to catch it and he smiled. Anti ended up dropping it which of course made the kid huff in annoyance. 

"Hey, it's ok. You still did good. Why don't you toss it back?" Anti nodded as he picked it up and threw it back making Chase burst into laughter over how hard it was. Being that he's a kid he doesn't really know how to hold back his strength. He tried and he did but it was clearly not enough. Chase just laughed as he turned his hat around till it was facing the back and pulled his goggles up till they rested over it. Basically he showing the kid he was prepared and ready to get hit with a very powerful throw should he not catch it in time. Chase's hat and goggles were always a clue if he was taking a fight seriously or not. 

"Ok, I'm gonna toss it again. Are you ready?" Anti nodded as held hit hands out and Chase smiled practically just dropping it into Anti's arms, who flinched slightly but caught it. His eyes lit up making Chase melt over the kid's excitement. "You did it! Ok now toss it back to me." Anti jumped excitedly as he threw it back making Chase have to jump to catch it with this happy look in his eyes. "You really got a good arm, Kiddo. One of these day's we should get everyone to play a bit of catch." Chase went to toss it back only to hesitate noticing a figure standing there by a tree. His eyes flashed yellow as he tossed the ball making it go right into Anti's hands who squealed happily over catching it again. "Hey, kiddo? As much fun as this is... I think someone is here for me." Chase glanced back to see Jackie staring at the figure too.

"Go on, Chase. I'll watch the kid." Chase smiled thankfully as he walked off ruffling Anti's hair slightly before making his way over to the man just standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Chase frowned as he crossed his arms with an angry but fake glare. As much as he disliked him he didn't hate him... not really anyway. He just didn't trust him.

"I came just to ask you a question... and then I'll be gone."

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