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Anti stopped moments before he could be spotted from the older before him. He smiled as he remembered the last time he had seen him. Things were a lot different then. For starters, Anti was an adult. Now he wasn't... He couldn't help but smile though as the memory past his mind.

"No, Will. We spoke about this. Yan is not to doing Cheer this year." Anti rolled his eyes playfully as the two demon ego's walked down the street. Dark was busy yelling at his husband over the phone, not that Anti minded much. He liked not having to 'keep up the conversation'. Dark understood. He was the one that took care of Anti when they were younger. Dark understood every tick, every sign, and every trigger that set the glitch off. Even still, it was nice to not have to feel like Anti had to be doing something, even if Dark never pressured him intentionally. "No! We don't kill nearly every single teammate over a crush, resulting in our parents having to wipe memories and move, just to think we can join the team again. Will, I understand our Yan in special. But we still have to set boundaries. There were too many bodies last time... and they weren't even killed properly. Yan's still too young."

"Maybe you should teach him." Dark rolled his eyes playfully as Anti giggled softly.

"Will, I said no. If I find out he did, I'm going to be very cross." Dark quickly hung up and groaned as he fazed his phone out. "Sometime's I wonder why I ever married him."

"Because Damion's gay as fuck and Celine's mad for him." Dark paled slightly as Anti nudged him a bit. "Oh don't lie. You know it's true."

"Says the man crushing on that angsty emo!" Anti glitched slightly as he shook his head. "Sorry."

"It's fine. He's got his prince dude so... I'm good. We're just friends." Anti groaned lightly as he smiled. "How he could like that royal pain in the ass, I have no idea."

"He's an odd one that Anxiety." Anti hummed in agreement as the two made their way home. A loud cry caught Anti's ears making them twitch as he stopped and looked back. Dark frowned as the confusion in his friend's eyes. "Sam?"

'It's ok, Gray. Just stay back' Anti's frowned as he focused completely on what he was hearing. He let his power branch out until everything else faded away. 'Shh... Sammy. I've got you. Don't cry... It's ok.'

'SHUT THAT STUPID SHIT UP!' Anti flared, his glitches going crazy as Dark flinched back in shock.


"Don't wait up for me." Anti glitched out appearing in this ally. He could still hear those cries of fear and he tensed. His body started to freeze up on him as his mind tried to work through things. He could hear the men much easier now and he was not happy at all with what he was hearing.

"My Uncle is going to kick your ass's." 

"I'd like to see that crappy second rate hero try, kid." Anti clenched his fists as he tried to calm his breathing. Now was not a time for his anxiety to get to him. "Don't move!" 

"You won't get away with..."

"I SAID DON'T MOVE!" The sound of another cry made Anti snap instantly. His eyes started glowing a bright green as they snapped up. He growled viciously as his fangs showed. 

"Against the wall!" Trey was shoved back against the brick as he clung to Sammy tightly. Him being the eldest, nearly 15, meant he had to be the one to keep the others calm. Sammy was only 4. She didn't understand what was going on. She wouldn't stop crying no matter how much Trey tried to calm her down. Gray just stood there silently clinging to his brother's leg. The poor 8-year-old knew exactly what was happening and he was scared out of his mind. "Now do what you're told..."

"And don't fucking move." The other finished as he waved his gun as emphasis. "And for the love of god, shut that fuck up!"

"She's just a baby!" The two men sneered as the one with the gun pointed it right at the girl's head. 

"Soon she'll be a dead one if you don't get her to shut up." Trey paled as he quickly pulled the child in more to shield her against the gun. The man just laughed coldly as he turned around to his partner. "Now that we have the kids, the boss should be happy."

"Happy. It's the wrong kids." The two just argued back and forth as Trey just huddled his siblings close to protect them.

"Maybe but think about it. We get the septics going mad over these fucks, they'll have to go to them for help. That leaves both parties in a state of panic... making easier to get the targ-..." Suddenly the one man dropped his throat cut open and bleeding out as he convulsed until death. The kids jumped in shock but Trey just eyed the body with a slight smirk. 

"The fuck... GET OUT HERE!" The other man spun around pulling his own gun out as he tried to locate the assaulter. His eyes landed on a bunch of glitches and he paled in horror. Green eyes bore into him with a sick smirk as he fired his gun like mad. Every bullet simply glitched to nothing as Anti stalked his way closer. "Shit. Shit. Shit. The fucking Glitch! Damn it all to..." The man froze up eyes going wide as he looked down to see the knife in his chest. It glitched on its own only to vanish as Anti's hand went to it, making the man fall to his knees. Anti just stood there with a now 'done' expression watching the man die beneath him.

"Maybe next time... don't kidnap a septic." Anti literally stepped over the corpse as he turned to start to leave. Only he didn't get very far. Anti glitched and froze up as arms wrapped around him.

"Thank you." Trey smiled as he held the man close. Unlike his family, he was not afraid of Anti. He's never been afraid of him. He was actually very close friends with Yan, who was only a few years younger than him.

"Whatever... just, g-g-get off m-me!" Trey stepped back with this worried look as Anti held his chest trying to breathe. "D-Don't tell your parents. I-I w-was not here."

"You saved us, Anti. Why shouldn't they know?" Anti just scoffed as he started to walk off again only to frown hearing Sammy still crying. He sighed softly as he held his hand out slightly to the side not bothering to look back. 

"Are you coming or not?" Trey lit up as he raced forwards holding Sammy close. Gray took Anti's hand and the four of them let the ally and those bodies behind them. "You guys must be hungry... let's get some lunch."

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