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Jack peeked into his rearview to see Anti sitting there. The poor kid was picking at his mask angrily as he fidgeted. Jack honestly felt bad. It was obvious that Anti didn't like the mask at all. Henrik had some specifically ordered just for him. They were cloth and covered the mouth and nose with a filter and vent so it didn't get so stuffy. It hooked up behind the head so it didn't loop around the ears but even with those specifications it was clear that it was still irritating the boy. He kept messing with it wanting to take it off but afraid to do so because the doctor had made it very clear he couldn't.

"Don't worry, Sam. It's just outside the house. Once we get you inside, you can take it off." Anti frowned as he rubbed his face on his shoulder as if that would make the mask come off. "I know, Kiddo. I'm sorry. I don't like wearing masks either. But hey! At least Henrik got you some cool ones." Anti did smile at that, not that it could have been seen. Henrik had gotten him a few. A plain black one that he was wearing at the moment, a dark and light green one... As well as this cool grey one with black and green lightning where the vents look like hazard signs. That one was his favorite actually. Even if it really bothered him to wear, he still liked it. He just couldn't stand it around his face. 

"Jackie told me Chase had been cleaning the house so we don't have to worry too much. Ok? I promise, as soon as we get in you can take it off." Anti just nodded as his eyes drifted out the window. "We'll be home soon, Spark." Anti's eyes shot up as Jack just laughed. "What? Do you like that? I thought it fit you." Anti's eyes shined as Jack melted under the look he was given. "I'm glad. Look alive, Spark. We're here."

Anti literally ran in straight passed everyone without waiting a single second, not even to let Jack take the mask off. Jack just laughed as he watched the boy race up the stairs, no doubt to find Chase. Speaking of which... Jack glanced around and frowned seeing just how spotless everything was, yet no Chase. Jackie had told him about the incident but he still expected Chase to be here waiting for them. Had he really locked himself away?

"Jack!" Marvin smiled as he walked in to find his host standing there. "You're back. Wait, where's Sam?"

"He's ok. He just ran towards the rooms." Marvin's eyes darkened as he nodded. "I take it Chase really has locked himself away the whole time."

"Not the whole time. Just after knocking Jackie out with a bottle." Jack flinched slightly as Marvin laughed. "He's ok. He didn't even have a scratch on him. He just a bruise to the temple... and pride."

"As long as he's ok... and Chase to." Marvin just smiled as Jack sighed and pulled his phone out with a frown. "I'm gonna have to call Mark and cancel."

"Woah, cancel what now?" 

"Mark and I had been talking about doing a collab with Wilford and JJ. Something silly since they're both our, well... our wacky characters. We've been talking about it for so long but... with everything going on with Sam, I'm going to have to cancel."

"Uh, no. You are not canceling a collaboration." Marvin snatched the phone as he shot the host a stink eye. We can take care of Sam. Even with all the added rules to keep him healthy... Plus Chase has literally taken care of him this whole time. It's ok."

"Marvin, it's not that I don't trust you..."

"Then go." Marvin smiled as Jack sighed in defeat. "Leave Sam to us. We can and WILL care for him, I promise. You have nothing to worry about."

"What about Chase?" Marvin laughed as he held his hand out making the cellphone hover just above it. "Marvin?"

"I'm certain that as soon as that fatherly figure finds his favorite freaky friend is back he'll be fine." Jack paled as Marvin just laughed again. "Yes, I know what I did with the f's leave me alone to me humor. Jack everything is going to be ok. Please, trust me? You need this collab. You've been in a funk for so long."

"Ok... Ok, you're right." Jack sighed as Marvin tossed back his cell making him have to jump to catch it. "I'll go."

"Do I have any..." Chase mumbled as he scowered his mini-fridge for a drink. He didn't exactly know if he was looking for a beer or a water but... considering all he had was cola and Dr. Pepper it didn't really matter either way. "Soda it is then." Chase sighed as he pulled a can of Dr. Pepper and slowly made it back to his corner. He had laid up blankets and pillows in the one empty corner of his room, similar but not exact to Anti's pile in his room. Chase didn't really know why he did it. He just didn't want to be in his bed. It didn't feel right just laying there... but he could get himself to get up either. So he made a pile for him to just... sit. Chase groaned as he laid down into his pile, smaller than anti's that was for sure, and just faced the wall. There really wasn't much he could make himself do.

He didn't even want to get up when he heard the quiet knock on his door. He just rolled his eyes until he jumped up in shock. It wasn't a knock. It was a tap... a slap. As if the person simply hit the door with the palm of their hand as lightly as they could. Chas scrambled to his feet, his heart hammering in his chest as the 'knock' happened again. He whipped the door open and just fell to his knees seeing Anti standing there. Anti smiled so bright, that even with the mask on you could see it in his eyes.

"Sam?" Anti jumped into his arms hugging him tightly as Chase crashed with relief. "Oh, god... You're back? You're... You're ok. You're ok." Chase pulled away and laughed as he ruffled Anti's hair. "Are you ok?" Anti just nodded as Chase glanced down at the mask. "What's that?" Anti shook his head as he rubbed his wrist against it obviously wanting it off. Chase just smiled as he carefully pulled Anti's hand away from it so that he didn't accidentally hurt himself. "Here, let me do it." Chase carefully unlatched it, letting it fall into his lap as Anti let out a relief filled breath.

"No like... no like mask." Anti muttered as he shook his head and hugged Chase again. "Miss dad."

"I missed you too, bud. You didn't answer my question though." Anti hugged him tighter as Chase wrapped his arms around him. "Are you ok now?"

"Now that I'm home." Anti whispered into the hug making Chase tear up a bit.

"Good. I'm glad."

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