If you look at the word faith, right in the middle of the word is the letter I. My faith is personal to me. Either I have faith or I do not. My faith is tested. My faith is strengthened when things happen that I cannot explain by human reasons. My faith is made clear when things that happen are perfectly orchestrated by God above and no one else could have known about them. ( Usually they are better than I would thought they could have been.)
When I try to explain my faith, I can only explain it, by calling it, it. The letter T is right next to the letter I. You could say, if the letter T represents the cross or Christ and the I represents who I am, then you could say that Christ is always beside you or I am close to the cross or my faith in the cross.
Chance Bowers just entered my office to explain yet another 2+2=4 equation of life. Chance was losing a bet on a football game. He lost faith in his team. He then went to the dark side of his humanity. Losing his mind in frustration, he punched a tree nearly breaking his hand. So the two plus two equation is: Lose faith+ dark side =Self Injury.
Back to the description of faith. Isn't faith such a dynamic aspect of life. Why do some people seem to have more of it than others? What makes someone a faithful person? Is faithfulness loyalty to a person or is it only reserved for the church and your religion? Some die for their faith. Faith is such a vast expanse of possibilities that is summed up in two letters. IT
I Connick the Terminator
No FicciónLife's journey takes this High School Coach/teacher/administrator through different experiences during his career. This collection of reality based theologies and philosophies are what he was inspired to write about.