I'll be back! This word hit me 12/3/19 at 6:45am. Do you see it? Suicide has become the second leading killer of people between the ages of 10 - 24 years of age. This is a fact across the great nation we live in. Most people that are dealing with depression and life problems think they are all alone. This is where the word comes to mind. U I C (you I see) is right after the S, this means other people should recognized that the people they know are going through a tough time or might be in the rabbit hole of depression and suicidal thought. Please see them; please reach out if you notice a change in behavior or the different signs that lead to suicide. Let them know they are not alone. Let them know there is help, hope and healing waiting right around the corner.
I Connick the Terminator
NonfiksiLife's journey takes this High School Coach/teacher/administrator through different experiences during his career. This collection of reality based theologies and philosophies are what he was inspired to write about.