If I was explaining to someone or talking to someone about what I believed in, they would be in my church. I would say you are (U R) in the middle of my church and they would be. Because whatever you may say or do puts the recipient of your words and actions in the middle of your church.
Everyone has a certain set of values and dispositions they learned from the different influences and lessons they have acquired from their different teachings. When they repeat the things they have been taught either through action or word, the other person witness or hears what they are saying or doing and may get them interested in being part of their church.
Your love for others is an outward sign of a relationship based on the power of love and forgiveness. These living expression help prove the existence of a God that they talk about in churches.
I Connick the Terminator
NonfiksiLife's journey takes this High School Coach/teacher/administrator through different experiences during his career. This collection of reality based theologies and philosophies are what he was inspired to write about.