Chapter 1 Iris

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My name is Iris. I’m the daughter of Hades. I’m also the daughter of Zeus. It's a very long story. The story in a summary is Hades disguised himself as Athena, slept with Zeus, pretended to be a woman for nine months and boom. I pop out. Hades goes back to being a man, and Zeus and Athena don’t find out I exist. Well, not that I know of. Or anybody else down here. Here being the Underworld. Mind you this happened thousands of years ago. Now I just look like a regular 17 year old girl thanks to magic.

I've never been to the heavens. I hear its nice and that everybody is happy up there. While im down here, watching all the dead souls wander around endlessly, looking for peace. It's the older people that bother me the most. They look at me. Into my soul. Or where it should be anyways. They can't see every wrong that I have made in my life, but I see theirs. Usually it's something they did when they were younger, and they've lived with the guilt for the rest of their lives. You think that would be punishment enough. Believe me, there’s many old people who deserve to be here. Murderers, rapists, child molesters, and just evil people. Ones who's souls I would long to rip away from their bodies. But there are many that don’t belong here either.

That's the problem. I’m not supposed to feel that way. I’m supposed to be merciless, sadistic, enjoy the cruelty. Thats the way that my dad raised me. I like to believe that that is the “Zeus” part of me that lets me feel mercy and sympathy. 

I wonder if I will ever meet him. How that type of showdown would go. Would he immediately recognize me as one of his children. Would he push me away or- “Iris! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” crap. And there’s an unhappy image to start my day with. My dad. Or one of them anyways. Red in the face and yelling at me bright and early.

“Oh my- I am so sorry.” The dead people have wandered a little too far on my watch. Not sure why his panties are in a twist. Not like they're going anywhere.

“I don’t know what escape land you've been wandering off to lately but I want this to stop. You haven’t been doing anything right recently.” Well that’s not very kind now is it?

“Show me someone who would with you yelling in their face like that Father. All it does is motivate me to try even less.” He shakes his head in exasperation. Something im used to seeing from him.

“There’s an angel upstairs who wants to talk to a diplomat. Since Bonnie is not here you will speak with him yourself. I don’t have the time right now, I am needed in Ireland. I shall see you tomorrow, and Iris? Stay out of trouble.” I’m left there with my mouth dropped in shock. Where the hell is Bonnie? I am so not appropriate for a diplomat conversation. Ugh- I have to go look normal. I go to my room and throw on some better clothes. A nice pair of skinnies and black knee-high boots with a plaid black and red button down. Throw my long brown hair into a bun and call it done. I look like a female lumberjack. Ugh, whatever. While I walk to the conference suite, I get strange stares. I've lived here for three-thousand years and now you guys want to notice me. Wonderful.

I collect myself when I arrive at the door.

I have to squeeze myself in this room and im a small person as it is. Geez their wings are big. They're so pretty too. Then I see the Angel's face. Holy crap he is handsome. This one has one blue eye and one green eye with black hair. He easily stands at six feet, and has a very unhappy scowl on his face. “Where is Bonnie Mascova? The diplomat?” This is bound to be fun. His irritation is evident in his voice and on his face.

“Look, whoever you are-”

“Michael. And who are you?” he interrupted. Rude.

“Michael. My name is Iris, Bonnie is indisposed at the moment, so my father sent me. I’m sure I can pass along any information so Bonnie can do whatever it is she does. How can I be of assistance?” I try to be polite as possible by putting on a sincere smile but my efforts are useless since his face is still marred with a nasty look.

“Are you Hades' daughter?” He asked.

“Something like that, yeah. What is the reason for your visit Michael? I know it's not to investigate the river of lost souls so what do you want?” This is how Bonnie talks right? Get down to the situation at hand.

“There is a commotion in the heavens. As im sure you know, I am Zeus' right hand man so im pretty in the know of everything going on. Supposedly there's- a lost heir if you will. See, Zeus claims to have been pursued by a strange woman who looked similar to his significant other, and he believes that a child was spawned.” Spawned? Whats on god's green earth does he mean by “spawned”. Poker face Iris. Keep it blank like dad showed you. “None of his other children are interested in taking his place or whatever, so he needs to find this last child, if it even exists, so see if he can finally have another heir. And to get to know them of course. Fatherly duties.” Sounds kosher.

“Okay. Well good luck on your situation although im not sure how it effects the underworld. Seems like a far fetched story and a little strange but I don’t know what goes on up there. So, why exactly are you down here?”

“Just checking all corners of the world. Better to be safe than sorry.”He smiles, but it seems smug. Like he's showing off his rank. Let it go Iris. This situation is kind of funny since he is talking about me. He found his so called “spawn”, just hasn't realized it yet. Ha-ha!

“You make it sound as though this child-”

“Spawn” He interrupted. I gave him a rude look. Can he stop calling me that?

“-is a potential danger to all the gods, goddesses, and humans all across the globe. So why are you wasting your time, and mine, pestering me about something I don’t know nor care to have any information about? And im quite sure Bonnie knows nothing of this “spawn child” anymore than I do.” As im off in my lecture, his face slowly goes red and his eyes have that strange shine behind them. He's angry. Looks like a red hulk with huge white wings.

“ Listen demon, I came down here to have a neutral conversation with a diplomat, and even tried to have a conversation with you! If you would shut your mouth for one second, I can answer your questions!” This guy seriously just said that. To my face. That loud. Suddenly I have the uncontrollable urge to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation because this is just all funny all around.

“OK, oh mighty one,” I start to giggle again at his facial expression. “if you did find this missing child or person or whatever, what would happen to them? Or have you and your angels planned that yet?”

“I suppose we would interrogate them and see what their abilities consist of. Try to find out if they are a threat. I imagine this person is not stupid. This person is at least 3 thousand years old, possibly older. So they've seen what they can do and cannot do. They know what their limits are and what they can be capable of. What we want to know is who did Zeus have his affair with, this way we can scale what two gods' powers have manifested themselves into this person. Predict how strong they are, what their capabilities are, stuff like that.” He seems to have cooled down a bit so im gonna press a little further.

“OK, seems responsible. Now the million dollar question. Why are you down here?”

“An alliance.” He said it with a straight face so he must be serious, but if I had water in my mouth I would have spit it everywhere.

“You're serious?”

“Yes Iris, im serious. We need to find whoever this person is, and If that means making unlikely alliances, we'll just have to do it.” He looked at me but my mouth was still dropped, and I was rendered speechless. And let me tell you making the daughter of Hades speechless is a difficult thing to do. He continued to speak, “Whoever this person is, they can be a threat to the underworld and the heavens if not taken care of cautiously. What do you say?”

Okay ladies and gentlemen!!! This is my first ever story and please leave opinions!!!

P.s. I'm looking for help with the cover. I wanted something to put there so it doesn't look blank!!!

Let's see what happens next with Iris and Michael!!!

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