Papa Bless

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I scrolled through Indeed on my phone the next morning in my search for new employment. So far, I'd applied for 7 jobs around Brooklyn that seemed within my capabilities like waitressing, warehouse worker, and delivery driver for a local pizza place. I never finished college, unfortunately. It was no one's fault but my own. I gave up when things at home got too difficult and I could no longer focus. I could go back someday; finish my business degree so I could work on my bookstore idea from yesterday.

Gavin's snore sounded from the bedroom to my left. I'd brought him home yesterday from the bar only to watch him in discontent as he kept the party going by himself, drinking whatever we had left in the cabinets. It was currently 11 in the morning and I'd planned to go out job searching today before actually breaking the news to Gavin in the hopes that a new job would soften the blow. He would be out for another few hours, I'm sure, which gave me plenty of time to get out looking.

So far, I'd received a few 'thank you for applying' emails which I want to believe is an automated response and not their rejection of me, when a new notification popped up. An email with the subject: YOUR JOB INQUIRY and the text body reading: 'when are you free for an interview?' I emailed back to them that I was free today and not long after I had my first interview in 2 years at noon today.

I showered and dressed as quickly and quietly as I could to not wake Gavin. I'd showered last night after coming home from the bar in an attempt to wash the rainwater and stench of cigarette smoke off me, so I skipped washing my hair this morning as it was already clean. Cool but casual, I thought to myself as I searched for something appropriate to wear to my interview. A blazer would be too much, but a t-shirt would not be enough. I had a few nice blouses but most of them were too lowcut and seemed hardly suitable. The forecast called only for a 10% chance of rain today with cloudy skies and wind. I had checked the weather this morning in an effort to start planning ahead.

With that in mind however, I dressed as comfortably as I could, so I put on a long sleeve black shirt, jeans, sneakers, and an oversized navy-blue sweater. I really wasn't much into fashion, but I desperately wanted to be. Whenever I tried branching outside of my comfort zone, I found that nothing looked good on me, so I retreated to constantly wearing the same types and colors of clothing.

I left the apartment quietly and made my way to the outside of my building. The forecast had been correct. Cloudy, but not nearly as dark or thick as yesterday's clouds. It would likely stay this way all day before clearing up at night. My interview was only 4 blocks over from my apartment and with no rain getting in my way, I decided to walk.

The duration of my walk consisted of practicing my talking points like my weaknesses, my strengths, and gathering stories of my achievements from my previous job. My hands shook a little, but I sucked in a deep breath and straightened up before walking into the old nightclub. I could do this.


"So, we need people pretty desperately. Business has been slow, but we get rented out for bachelor parties and bat mitzvahs a lot," The older man in front of me spoke, pulling papers from the metal drawer of his desk and placing them in front of me. "Can you wait tables five nights a week? That includes weekends since they are the busiest. Mondays and Tuesdays are the slowest so you can take those off."

I read the papers in front of me. Forms for W-2s and employer provided insurance.

"Uh, how much was it hourly, again?" I asked timidly, looking back up at him. His name tag read 'Ethan' and he had a prominent double chin covered in spotty black facial hair. The hair that sat in curls on his head, however, was more covered in gray than black. His t shirt was too tight and accommodated several stains that looks a bit like barbeque sauce or perhaps dried blood.

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