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"Two short stacks, eggs medium well, and bacon please." Chad handed the waitress his menu as we sat around the table at the nearest diner. Max burped and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, looking pale. Niki sat beside him, holding her head in her hands and groaning with the pain of her migraine. The waitress left the table after taking everyone's orders, except for Niki and Max, who refused to order food.

"So," Ian started, eyeing me and Joji beside me with a knowing smile on his face. "How was your night?"

I glanced at George, who returned my look and decided to answer for us. He cleared his throat, sitting his elbows up on the table and began playing with the salt shaker.

"Fine. We took a swim." George answered nonchalantly. I took a sip of my coffee, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"Oh, I'm sure you did." Chad chimed in, the comment catching me and Joji both off guard. I covered my mouth with my hand, nearly spitting out my coffee and Joji stopped spinning the salt shaker in his hands. Ian laughed out loud, slapping his palm against the table and inciting groans from the two hungover people that sat with us.


"Fuck, my head."

Max and Niki complained, whimpering in unison. I swallowed the coffee in my mouth, clearing my throat and averting my gaze from any of the men at the table.

"I just can't help but notice the subtle glow of your skin today, Olivia." Ian teased, bringing his mug of coffee to his lips and watching me. Chad was also watching me, amused at the conversation topic and likely at how uncomfortable George and I seemed to be. They delighted in the torture, but I wouldn't let them have it.

"Yeah, they say cum does that." I stated, switching between Ian and Chad's faces as they went blank and then dropped in shock. Even Niki and Max looked up.

A shrill ringing interrupted the moment and we all looked at the source, Joji. He pat his jeans, pulling the cell phone from his pocket just as Niki and Max began whining again.

"Thank God. Good luck with this conversation." Joji quipped, pushing back from the table and walking away as he answered the call. Niki's gaze caught my attention, looking tired and slightly sick.

"Is it big?" She asked. Even while hungover, her personality managed to shine through. I grinned, ignoring her question and the laughter of the boys –except Max—as I took another sip of my coffee.

When George returned, our breakfast had already been served and I looked up from my eggs to greet him but I stopped short at the look on his face.

"What's wrong?" My questioned pulled the others' attention and they stopped the clanking of their silverware. George looked stunned as he sat down beside me and looked into my eyes.

"That guy from the club. Sean. He just called to offer me a contract."

"Joji that's amazing!" I beamed, setting my fork down to hug him tight. The table agreed, erupting into cheers and congratulations. I pulled back to see his face and there was the smile, finally beginning to make its way to his lips as the realization set in.

"What did he say?" Ian asked curiously as he shoved a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. I rubbed Joji's back before letting him go and picking my fork back up. He still looked stunned, but elated now, as he gave Ian his attention.

"He said he wants to offer me a contract with his record label if I can perform in front of his investors." George spoke slowly, the grin spreading across his face and creating the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes I love so much.

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