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Joji held the heavy metal door open for me as I slid past him and stepped out to the roof. He picked up a concrete block and wedged it between the door and the frame, keeping it open for us. It was definitely windier up here than it was earlier so I wrapped my arms around my body in an effort to keep some of my body heat. I should have worn something more than just a sweatshirt. I wasn't sure what time it was exactly, but I figured it had to either by 7 or 8 judging by the sunset that spread a plethora of colors across the sky. Orange took over as the base with pinks and purples streaked to the West as if painted on by a thick bristled paint brush. The sun was nearly gone, the only hint of it shown on the clouds above that turned the edges of them a brilliant gold. I sighed happily as I stared. Sunsets were magnificent spectacles and I never got tired of them.

I heard a click behind me and turned to catch Joji lighting his cigarette. When he was done, he looked up at me, catching me staring. I looked back at the colors in the sky in embarrassment. Pink clouds moved lazily across the sky, taking their time and enjoying the view as much as I was. Joji came up to my right and looked up at the sky. He breathed smoke out of his mouth as he observed the same little pink cloud that I was.

"I'm more of a sunrise person." He said casually, stuffing his free hand in his pocket and pulling his cig back up to his lips. I laughed lightly at his words and wrapped my arms tighter around myself.

"There's something special about the sun saying goodbye for the day...don't you think?" I asked mindlessly, watching the deep purple of night emerge from the East and slowly start taking over the sky. "It leaves us with this beautiful painting, like a gift." I mumbled. Joji blew smoke out from his mouth again as he contemplated my words.

"I never really thought about it that way...but I could argue it does the same when it says good morning to us." He countered, glancing at me over his shoulder. I nodded my head in consideration before agreeing.

"Yeah, but I like to think about everything good it did during the day like feeding flowers or kissing someone's skin at the beach." I said dreamily, suddenly wishing we had the warmth of the sun right then. The wind was whipping my hair around my face and I struggled to pull it away while also keeping myself warm.

"Or cooking someone at the beach until they're red." He smiled, teasing me. He noticed my struggle and the smile turned into a frown.

Suddenly I was toasty warm and I felt my body calm from its shaking. A quick inspection of my shoulders where I felt the new weight told me I was now wearing a thick, black Dickie's jacket. Joji stood beside me in a gray, long sleeve thermal, jeans, and a black beanie on his messy black hair.

"No-" I began before Joji walked over the ledge at the edge of the roof and sat back against it on the floor. I followed him, pulling his jacket from my shoulders and offering it back to him. He didn't move except to bring his cigarette up to his mouth. I sighed, frustrated, and sat beside him. I spread his jacket over his legs in an effort to get him to take it back. He still didn't say anything as we sat in silence for a few minutes. Well, silence and the sounds of cars on the street below, dogs barking and people fighting somewhere.

The sky was almost completely sheathed in night, now, and the moon peeked over buildings in the distance, greeting us. I tried not to let the wind bother me and instead focused on waiting for stars to make their appearance.

"Are you having a good time?" Joji asked, flicking the ash at the end of his cigarette into the ground. I hated the stench of it and swore I could almost taste it in my mouth.

"Very much." My eyes moved away from his bad habit and back over to the sky. Another wave of silence overtook us before he spoke again.

"Do you believe in aliens?" He asked suddenly, which pulled my attention back to his face. I laughed at the random and completely absurd nature of the question. He laughed back but pushed me to answer with the flick of his hand.

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