
330 23 26

Trigger Warning: Rape

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I looked up at his shadowy silhouette in the darkness of our bedroom. I couldn't make out many discernible features so sometimes I liked to pretend it was a hot celebrity or something. His figured thrust into mine, rocking me into the mattress. The creak of the bed and his shallow breaths with the occasional grunt were the only audible sounds in the room.

Right now was the best time to let the tears fall because he couldn't see them, so they slid freely. Over his head I watched pewter colored clouds swirl like the vortex of a storm. Small flecks of lightning zapped across, lighting up the top of his head and face for just a minute.

Gavin's face twisted in that sickening way I knew too well.

He's drunk. He doesn't mean it. He doesn't know what he's doing.

I'm supposed to be his girlfriend after all, this is normal.

It continued. His movements got more violent as he grew closer and closer to the end. It was bittersweet, actually. He would leave me alone soon but I would also need to endure his anticipated aggression.

His hand roughly grabbed one of my tits, ceasing its bouncing and kneading it. When he groaned, his breath caught my nose and I cringed. The intense stench of whiskey and beer made his mouth smell like it was rotting.

I took a deep breath and held it as I stared at the storm on the ceiling. It would be over soon. Maybe a minute or two. Each minute is 60 seconds.






"Fuckin whore sh'you like that, yeah."



"You really fuckin pissed me off today."



"You do it on purpose don't you? Fuckin bitch."



He stopped momentarily to back out and spit his filthy saliva into the space where we were joined before pushing back in.



"Ah that's better. Nice n' wet now."

I whimpered as more tears slid down the sides of my face, falling into my hair. His body jostled against mine, hitching me up before moving at a rhythm again but this time harder.





He moaned out loud, letting his head fall forward.




"Ugh fuck yeah, Natasha."

I let an audible sob escape as my being became unraveled at the sound of his ex girlfriend's name. He didn't even notice; too caught up in his own pleasure. Cracks began to show in my armor and the awareness threatened to rip me open.

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