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The flight from New York City to Buffalo was about an hour and 15 minutes. Not bad and well worth the money considering the alternative was a 7 hour drive in a rental van big enough to accommodate all of us. We only had our days off: Monday and Tuesday, so 3 days and two nights, but Ian, Max, and Chad seemed to have filled our agenda with enough fun to make the trip worth it. George didn't seem to mind whatever plans they told him they'd made. He seemed far too interested in touching and kissing me at every available opportunity.

Our hotel had a gorgeous view of the falls and was well within distance of every bar, club, and casino in town. I pulled back the curtains in my room and took in the stunning view. Cerulean blue water stretched from miles away, until it met the edge of the falls where rocks broke up the water into streams. White mist and rolling water looked like a beautiful painting from where I stood, tumbling over the cliff and spilling out below into the calm water. Boats tugged up to the mist slowly, touting tourists just close enough to get sprayed before turning around and heading back to the docks.

I stared for a bit longer, entranced in the sight before a knock resounded at my door.

"Hey, we're meeting up in my room to talk about what we're doing today." Ian said as he stood in the hall in front of me.

"Okay, let me get my key." I turned around quickly to grab the little plastic card from the tabletop beside my bed and followed Ian out the door and down the hall.

"So, things are going well?" He inquired, pushing his glasses up as he glanced at me. I nodded, trying to fight the smile that threatened to overtake my face as the excitement of talking about George built up inside me.

"Things are great, actually." I grinned at the carpeted floor. I felt like a lovesick fool, but I really couldn't find the effort to care; I am a lovesick fool. Ian's brown dress shoes scuffed the floor as he walked beside me.

"That's good to hear. I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you were okay with the plans we made." Ian cleared his throat and slowed his pace. I slowed as well, coming to a slow walk so we wouldn't reach his room before we could finish our conversation. I looked up at him and nodded for him to continue, so he did.

"Well, as you know, we're going to a strip club and I don't really know what you and George got going, Max and I were going to buy him a few lap dances for his birthday." Ian looked away at the framed art on the walls. I laughed; I couldn't help it. His attention turned back to me and he smiled sheepishly, apologetic for even having to have this awkward conversation with me.

"Believe me when I say I really don't mind. I've been to a strip club once before and it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought. Besides, his birthday is tomorrow, he should have as much fun as possible." I assured him as we came to a stop in front of a door that I assumed to be his. He scratched at the back of his neck before meeting my eyes.

"I agree but I wanted to be respectful and shit, you know?" His mouth turned up into a nervous half smile and I nodded my head.

"Well thanks, I appreciate it."

Ian nodded at me before he opened the door with his card and turned the knob. Inside, our friends were already drinking the mini alcohol bottles from the mini fridge and laughing loudly. I let the door slam shut behind me and was instantly bombarded by Niki who wrapped her arm around me and led me over to the others. Her hair was dripping wet, a white robe wrapped around her body, and a tiny bottle of vodka in her hands.

"Livya, we're doing pregame shots. You need to catch up." She grinned, pulling me to sit on the edge of the king-sized bed in the middle of the room beside Chad. Ian leaned against the dresser, folding his arms across his chest and flashing a thumbs up at Max who was lounging against the headboard behind me. Joji was sitting in an armchair in the corner by the window, his hands wrapped around a glass filled with honey colored liquid and ice. The butterflies swirled like they were swept up in a mini tornado when I saw him, sending chills all over my body and a smile to creep onto my face. He was looking out the window at the falls and I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking in that moment. I might've asked him if Niki hadn't shoved a shot glass in my hands and brought it up to my mouth.

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