Gimme Love

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"They're beautiful, Joji." I smiled as I lifted one of the delicate green leaves with my index finger. Joji had brought me to his private garden in the backyard the next day. I went to work like normal yesterday after my fight with Gavin and told George what happened. He was just happy nothing happened to me and hugged me tight in his booth before letting me return to my work duties.

Things were awkward between Gavin and I this morning when we saw each other again. He'd gone to bed on the couch and refused to so much as make eye contact with me until he went to work. That's when he'd shot me a nasty glare as he left the apartment. To be honest, I didn't really mind it. As soon as he left, I showered, dressed, and made my way over to the boys' apartment where I was now.

George lifted his head to grin at me from where he stood in the sand of his Zen garden. He held a large broom against his shoulder as he smoothed the sand over, erasing the previously drawn patterns that had been distorted by the wind.

"It represents water." he'd told me earlier when I asked what the purpose of raking the sand was. "The 'purpose' is to imitate the way water moves. So, for example you'd rake around that rock in the sand to create ripples like waves around an island." He pointed at the single rock that sat on top of the sand and looked up at me with a beautiful smile. I watched him lift the broom and lean up against the fence before he reached for a large wooden rake and held the tool out to me. I took it from his hands hesitantly.

"Water is one of the most powerful forces on Earth. It has the power to break down mountains or create valleys...wash away sins." He looked up with a devilish grin and gestured for me to proceed. I walked around the stone, dragging the rake carefully behind me and trying hard to keep the lines as perfect as possible.

"But I use it to relax." He watched me as I completed the circle around the stone and lifted the rake away. I took a step back, admiring my work and returning his smile.

Afterward he'd shown me his raised flowerbed where a little tree, tiny plants and flowers blossomed beautifully. I took notice of one of the smaller green vegetations and touched it's leaves gently.

"There's garlic in that pot over there." George pointed to one of the many large ceramic flower pots in the corner of his patio. "And basil in that little one."

I followed him over, letting him show off the plants he'd grown that he was so proud of. The smile never left his face until he started talking about the bugs that were eating his tomatoes. I laughed at his angry but passionate declaration of hatred for the little green bugs that crawled all over his plants.

"Buy some ladybugs." I told him. He paused, looking at me in confusion. "Ladybugs eat aphids."

"Where the hell do you buy ladybugs?"

"They used to sell them at Home Depot when I was a kid. Maybe they still do?" I shrugged. Joji looked back down at his plants and hummed.

"Alright." He agreed as he squatted down beside his potted plants inspected the leaves. I looked up at the sky as the sun was setting and the clouds were turning orange. The string lights above my head were turned off but I wondered how beautiful the space back here would look with them on.

"Maybe it was me who should've given you the peace lily." I mused He stood up, wiping his hands on his joggers and huffed a laugh.

"I think you need it more than me."

"You think so, rat chef?"

He laughed out loud, grinning so widely his beautiful creases wrinkled in the corners of his eyes.

I lifted my tray full of drinks from the bar slowly.

"Got it?" Ian asked, holding his hands underneath as I pulled the tray closer and wrapped both of my hands around the rim. I nodded.

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