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Joji hissed, his fingers threading through my hair and keeping a tight grip on me as my mouth took the length of him in and out. I looked up, struggling to keep my eyes open as water pellets attacked my vision. His naked body stood over me, leaned up against the slick shower wall for balance. From my view, I watched the droplets roll down his shoulders and chest, over the ridges of his stomach and down past me. He was breathing heavily, eyes opening every minute or so to catch a look at me before deciding it was too much and shutting them again. I love the way he struggles to keep from coming. I could torture him like this all day...

We spent the rest of the shower with our hands on each other. He offered his services, but I declined. I was far more interested in shampooing his hair for him, and was elated when he allowed me. I massaged his scalp, trailing my fingers through the soapy black locks and rubbing in small circles. I formed a mohawk on top of his head that fell flat, refusing to sit up right but making me giggle anyway.

"I need a haircut." He commented as he held me against him. We were chest to chest, pressed firmly against each other. I discarded of the mohawk, opting for a nice coconut shaped dome with a center part instead. Pieces of his hair that weren't accustomed to being parted that way, shot up, sticking out and making him look crazy.

"Maybe. I like your long hair, though." I replied, bringing my soap covered hands down to his cheeks and pushing them together to create a puckered pout with his lips. He grinned through it, the muscles of his mouth too strong for my hands and breaking the pout. He looked into my eyes.

"You won't like it when I look like Asian Jesus." He joked, stepping forward and delivering us to the hot stream of falling water so he could rinse his hair out. I squinted, trying to avoid water falling into my eyes.

"You don't know that; Asian Jesus happens to be my favorite Jesus." I quipped as I helped him rinse the shampoo out. He shook his head like a dog, scrubbing the back of his neck and cheeks until he was sure the soap was all out.

"Dummy." He laughed, pulling me out from under the water and watching me as I collected myself. I wiped my eyes and glared at him, sticking my tongue out.

I let him wash my body, an assignment he delighted in. He took his time, playing with me, and insisting that bringing me over the edge was indeed a gift for him as well. I cried out his name when I came and was attacked by his eager mouth almost immediately afterward.

We made love before bed on our last night and again in the morning when we woke up together, naked and tangled in each other's embrace. He looked so beautiful in the morning; I think he deserved the angel nickname more than I do. I pushed his jet-black hair back from his pale forehead as he smiled lazily at me. My heart pounded when he looked at me that way. The adoration in his eyes nearly killed me. I didn't deserve it, but at the same time I'm too selfish to do anything but absorb it. I tried to commit the look on his face to memory just in case I fucked up and never saw it again. Knowing me, it wasn't too far off. I rubbed his jaw with my hands, feeling the hard bone that was covered in scratchy stubble. He swallowed, making his Adam's apple bob and drawing my eye towards it. I caressed the skin with the back of my fingers.

My eyes refocused on his that were still watching me. It was quiet but peaceful. We didn't need to speak. I think there was an unspoken sadness in the air about the fact we were headed back home today. Our little honeymoon period away from the city was coming to an end and soon we'd be forced back to the real world. This trip was many firsts for me and I'd remember it for as long as I lived.

My fingers drew upwards, toward his thick black brows. I rubbed my thumb over one and focused on the out of place hairs that could stand to be plucked. He didn't mind me messing with him, he simply closed his eyes and huffed in amusement.

"I wrote something for you." He said suddenly, halting my actions. I pulled my hand away, letting it settle on his bare chest over his cherry blossom tattoo.



It was silent again as I waited for him to continue, but he didn't. He watched me with an unreadable expression on his face so I jabbed him in the chin.

"Gonna leave me hanging?" I teased, finally earning the hint of a smile as the corner of his mouth lifted. His hand settled on top of head, rustling my hair.

"Yes." He grinned as the smile grew and a mischievous look sparked in his eye. My smile, however, dropped as I frowned at him.


"I'm thinking about performing it for Sean and his investors. You'll need to be there to hear it." He said. I beamed.

"Of course I'll be there." I replied, feeling heat creep towards my cheeks as I imagined George performing a song written for me in front of me. He seemed pleased by my answer as he leaned down to kiss me. I accepted him eagerly, holding his jaw in my hand and sliding my fingers back into his hair.

Unfortunately, our time together came to an end when Joji's phone rang and Ian told us we needed to get going if we wanted to catch our flight back home. I was sad, but I let Joji pull me out of bed with him and we got ready together. 

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