Cancer Crew

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"Alright, we fucking get it! Are you two gonna be eating each other all night?" Max groaned from his seat at the bar just as Joji and I pulled away from each other.

"With any luck." George grinned wickedly, making me blush and avert my eyes from anyone's gaze. We had all left the boat ride an hour or so ago dripping wet and returned to our rooms to change for the casino and dinner later. I got ready with Niki in my room, where I confessed to her what I almost said to George on the boat. She squealed loudly, nearly bursting my ear drum in her excitement and shook my arms aggressively until I gave her more details. By the time we had done our hair and makeup, she was already crying it off, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue when I told her how much I truly loved George and how I felt so stupid for how long it took me to realize.

"I can't wait to start planning the wedding. You'd look amazing in a mermaid style dress with a long train-" She gushed before I cut her off.

"Let's relax." I rolled my eyes and hugged her as we sat beside each other on the large bathroom counter tops where we'd been doing our makeup. She looked at me in the mirror with a devious smile but nodded regardless.

When we met up with the boys at the bar downstairs, George and I were inseparable. I can only assume he'd told them about our confessions on the boat but I wasn't sure. If they didn't know now, they'd figure it out eventually, anyway.

I wiped at my bottom lip, trying to fix my lipstick that had undoubtedly been ruined by Joji's lips. His own were red and smeared with my lipstick but he didn't bother to wipe away the evidence like it did. He grinned dopily as he lifted his whiskey to his lips and threw back the last of it.

Not one for alcohol, I allowed Niki to order me the girliest fruity drink on the menu, something frozen and made of pineapple juice, vodka, cranberry juice and maraschino cherries. I could barely taste the alcohol, so I sucked the entire drink down. The bottom of the glass is where I tasted the bitter vodka but by that point, I already had a light buzz going so the taste was more bearable.

"Alright, let's go lose our life savings!" Chad called from the end of the bar where he had been moping about having to order soda instead of drinks like the rest of us. I pushed back my empty glass and groaned as it sat heavy in my stomach.

"You'll be fine. We'll eat soon and it'll suck up all the alcohol." Niki assured me from my left as she hopped off her bar stool and followed Chad out into the casino. I let Joji take my arm and lead me out into the main room where my senses were flooded with loud ringing and the strong stench of smoke. All around us were machines playing little melodies and people talking and laughing. Niki made sat down at the penny slots, Chad and Max went to the blackjack table and Ian found a triple double machine to sit at.

"Anything catch your eye?" George asked me, leaning down to speak in my ear so I could hear him over the volume in the room. I shrugged, looking around at the colorful machines that called my attention. Every machine in the room is literally designed to pull you in, playing music and jingles, flashing lights and promises of 'winning big.'

I walked hand in with Joji, following him as we walked through the aisles. Honestly, I could care less about gambling, I was content simply being near him.

"Feeling alright?" He asked as we strode past the monopoly machines. I nodded, feeling only a tiny bit dizzy but otherwise relatively normal.

"Yes." I replied, lifting his arm up to duck into his side and pressing my face against his ribs. He laughed at me and pulled me tight. I sighed in content as the warmth and comfort he provided reminded me I absolutely made the right decision that day on the rooftop. I couldn't imagine life without George in it at this point.

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